Coastal Trolling competition

Started by ganni, October 10, 2008, 23:45:56 CET

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I have msg'd Ganni to see if we can sort out something with sponsorship, though as I mentioned to him it's a bit tight to get it all done by next weekend. It's up to you but more people indicated they could make it mid-November. It would also give me some more time to send out an announcement to all forum members.

Organising friendly competitions between you is okay, but if you want to sort out sponsorship etc it needs to be channelled through me. I will try and see if one of our senior moderators can come with me along with Ganni to speak with Josef.

I am very busy at the moment and haven't had much time to be reading on the forum, and the time I do have is spent making sure that it's running properly and administering various things. In fact I've had less and less time for fishing!

The forum is slowly evolving as it grows, and its a dynamic process. Various members kindly offered to dedicate more of their time to the forum by becoming moderators, without them I certainly would no longer be able to keep on top of things.

Perhaps a couple of those moderators and maybe one or two others could forum part of a competition organisation team to make future events easier to arrange, with sponsors etc etc. Baghira has kindly dedicated his time to helping organise our social events, bbq's etc.

Ramio has also been doing his level best to translate posts but there are so many I think it's hard to keep up, but it may be another reason why the up-take on this one has been a bit low.


(baghat msg lil Ganni biex naraw x'nistaw namlu imhabba l'isponsorship, alkemm kif ghedtlu iz zmien dahal wisq biex inlestu sa tmiem il gimgha li gejja. F'idejh imma aktar nies qalu li ahjar ghalijhom nofs Novembru. F'istess hin itini aktar hin biex nibat msg lil membri kollha tal Forum.

Li torganizzaw competizzjonijiet bjnitkom tajjeb, pero jekk tridu iggibu sponsorship etc dawn iridu isiru minnhi. Issa nipprova jekk wiehed mil Moderaturi jistax jigi mighie, flimkien ma Ganni u nitkellmu ma Josef.

Jien ghandi hafna x'naghmel u ma tantx ghandi hin biex naqra il posts fuq il Forum, u il hin li jkolli naddieh biex nara li kollox miexi sew, fl amministrazzjoni u affarijiet ohra. Kemm u vera ghandi inqas u inqas hin biex nistad.

Il Forum qied jivolvi u jikber, dan u process dinamiku. Hemm membri li offrew li jiddetikaw hinhom ghal forum, billi saru moderaturi, minghajrhom jien zgur ma nlahhaqx mal forum.

Forsi xi moderaturi jew forsi xi hadd iehor jifformaw team biex jorgonizzaw kompettizzjonijiet fil futur, hu hekk ikun aktar facli biex igibu sponsors etc etc. Baghira ta il hin tieghu biex jorganizza social evenings, BBQ etc.

Ramio qied jaghmel mill ahjar li jista beix jittranslatja il posts imma tant hemm li difficli biex ilahhaq, forsi ghalhekk ma tantx ipppartecipaw fdin l'okkazjoni.


(Translated Shanook)


Guy's mela mitet il competition jew kelkom briju qabel  :P filkas man gibu sponsor xej u naqbdu namluwa al buzz !


namluwha xorta lapsiboy dw. kulhadd adu gej u dwk li iltqajna??
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today



Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.

Kaptan Jr

Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines



15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


meta ha thun ezatt il kompetizzjoni u minnfejn ha titilqu u fi xhin.


9th nov. departure at about 6 in front of busy bee
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Ahna ma irtirajniex ta, gewwa adna ukoll u qed nikted issa ax konna training !!  :P  ;)

Chris  8)


ahna illum morna sija training ukoll gazetta :) b 2 qasab imma u bli imbaraz konna :( ax il pro hallejnijom id dar ax ta bla hsieb kinet. Wahhalna plamtu kien sabih u helsilna mad dajsa ;)

Hemm ghada t touch :P


nahseb madiex hemm big boy ax heles u lol

qed taqbdu plamti jew min dik in naha?? adhom fil fond jew??
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Nahseb ha joqod jejdlek fej edin gan :p


You are asking tooo much jann :P tina 20 points extra u nejdlek fej edin il plamti :P