Coastal Trolling competition

Started by ganni, October 10, 2008, 23:45:56 CET

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thanks four your support Tatanka!! hope we'll have a more interest in this event
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Hi Guys. Its my turn to chip in my ideas in regards the competition. Had to read ( and translate) the past days posts as I was unable to read them these two days.

I agree with ganni regarding the smaller zone. Mostly for safety reasons. The weather is very unpredictable at that time and can worsen any time. So close to port the better. remember we have to help one another unless we have rescue boats available!! I think we should avoid the area near the drainage outpour near rinella. Its very unplesant, and not very healthy.

Regarding tumbrell. I think we can leave them out. Although they are the most commenly cought fish, one can always enter some other competition for them. The more variety we can get the better. In fact I suggest we put a prize for the most varied catch of the day.

We have to keep in mind the boats like me, which are coming from other ports. If wind is bad, I will not be coming over so no fishing in port for us.

the date for me is ok, as long that boat is still safe in the water. The only thing that I don't like is having to wake up very early to come all the way to msida by sea. I don't speed the boat in the dark espetially in unfamiliar waters.

Come an all the others wake up lets hear what you think.
Can't wait to go fishing


where do you keep ur boat ramio?? cant you use ur trailer?? we can always help you to haul it
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Thanks Ganni, but my boat is a 2.5 tunner. I keep it in B'Buga safe behind the break water till mid january, hopefully enjoying a bit of live bait tralling which I'm trying for the first time.
Can't wait to go fishing


everybody seems to be trying out live bait trolling!! how come??

maybe we can have a live bait trolling competition comming next, maybe late january
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


The reason my friend is fuel cost. You have a chance of getting some fun close to port without spending too much on fuel. I like the adventure and chance of getting a good sized fish. My primary sport is still tralling out in the open, but its becoming a costly sport even when cost is shared between friends. hard to go out as often as one wants. I like to try for some different fish as well, cudas, plamti acciol etc.

we'll see as we go along.
Can't wait to go fishing


kif ha nibqaw?? ha issir il-competition?? ax ma tantx qed nara feedback
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


ganni ghandu ragun , hafna diskors u konfermi ftit li xejn , jien ghalja it 2 ta novembru tista issir flimkien ma dawk id 9 li kkonfermaw , crew ta 2 fuq kull dghajsa, 5 lures/rix fil bahar kif tkellimtu u tluq fis 6 00 am imsida. u min irid jigi u mn ma jridx joqod id dar ! :) u jirbah l akbar piz....

Translation: I think Ganni is right. We have lots of talk, but few have confirmed. We should go for 2nd November with the 9 boats confirmed, leave at 6am from Msida. " crew in each boat and 5 lures out as agreed. (Ramio)

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Perfett l boy, x kaptan ha jkolli  !!  ;D
Jekk tridu niltaqaw wahda x imkien biex niftemu sewwa sew l post, crew u hekk nistaw ukoll.  ;)

Chris  8)


Ganni, Jien nahseb li kenna nuqqas ta partecipazjoni minhabba zewg fatturi. Wahda li dahal iz-zmien, u tieni li hafna isibuha difficli biex bdaghjsa kbira jigu mill port taghhom ghall port il kbr. Din hi opinjoni ta membri ohra wkoll.
Minjaf li kelna naghmlu tlett zoni: Mellieha/ San Pawl, San Giljan/ Belt, Marsaxlokk/ B'Buga/ Zurrieq/ Gnejna.
Kulhadd jistad f'postu, kull post ikollu bniedem responsabli li jiccekja id-daghjjes u jizen il hut. B'hekk ghandu jkun kulhadd kuntent, u jkholna iktar partecipanti.
Jien nifimhom ghax sagrificju ghalija biex nigi min B'Buga min kmieni hafna biex nistad nofstanhar, wara irrid nerga lura. Minbarra li tigi spiza bid-diesel.

Translation: Ganni I think the lack of participation was, amongst other things due to two major difficulties. It is late in the season for boat fishing, most people pack up their boat, or are afraid to go out at that time. Secondly. People who have bigger boats in other ports will find it difficult to come over to Msida. Other members share these thoughts.

What if we were to spread the competition over different areas, say 3 or more eg: Mellieha/ San Pawl, San Giljan/ Belt, Marsaxlokk/ B'Buga/ Zurrieq/ Gnejna. Each location will have a person responsable to check boats and weigh the fish. We can all then meet in some location, that day or after.

This way I think all will fish in their area and will more likely make more people happy. Personally I'll be finding it difficult to sail very early from B'Buga to msida for half a day fishing, then having to return to base port (hoping weather stays good). This apart from the fuel cost of such a trip.
Can't wait to go fishing


qed nifhem ir ragunamet tieghek ramio, imma hekk nahseb kulhadd jipicca jamel l jrid u tkun haga sabieha li nikkompetu kontra xulxin flistess area.

Translation:  I understand your point ramio, but I think that way everyone will do as he pleases. It would be nice to compete against one another in one area.(ramio)

jistghu dawk li huma mhajrin jghiduli u min hu cert jikkonferma pls u jghid min ha jkun l partner tieghu??

u min hu bla partner jghidilna, u min jixtieq jigi u mandux dghaja ukoll forsi jista jsib xi hadd ma min joqghod

Translation: Please all those interested list your names and confirm. All those with a boat and partner, those that have no partner, and those that have no boat but wish to participate. (ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Jien u l ForTuna suppost ikkonfermati !!

Alekk edtlek forsi niltaqaw wahda gann, m hemmx alfej tul ta hin imma hekk nkunu 100% certi min gej u min mhux, kemm qedin nies, kobor tad dghajjes etc

Chris  8)


Jien,maltembu,bigboy u lapsi boy konfermati ukoll.Jew fuq boat wahda jew 2.Issa naraw hux.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Jien ma naqbilx li nkunu 2 fuq dajsa wahda.

Tkun isbah jekk kollha nikkompetu f post wihed hux ax jekk kulhadd ikollu z zone tijew jkun hemm naqa fottimenti


illum qaluli li il hadd 2 ta novembru ha nidhlu xoghol xorta,allura ma nistax nikkompeti.xtaqt hafna imma nixtieq li issir u nara kif mortu.
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl