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Started by Gazzetta, October 15, 2008, 19:48:39 CET

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thanks, i didn't dedicate that much time on it. I have insert the maltese cross today in the logo,  in my opinion it worked out great. Take a look and see what you think.

I have also attached a graphical representation of how the t-shirt would look like


In my opinion these are the best ideas till now. Obviously from a person that works full time in this scene, I wouldn't expect less. Well done. I am also fascinated by the print in the bottom part of the shirt. It looks great.

Although I also likes skip's funky pics.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


if we are not going to do somethinh on the back this logo goes on the back and a small one on the front on the side


Aw mark...kif inti siehbi! kemm ili ma narak, biex kelli niltaqa mighek meta kont ha nsiefer! Meta ha nmorru ghal naqa tumbrell! tiftakar xsajda konna ghamilna!

Isma jien tal parir li jew ngibu sponsor u nghamluh fuq il kmiem, u nghamlu logo zghir quddiem jew wiehed kbir fin nos bhas sample, u nghamlu graphic bhal parti mil logo biex nghamlu it t-shirt naqa funky, in few words wearable and desired! Pero li nahseb huja il bazi ta kollox huwa il bidget li hemm. Wiehed irid jaddatta id design mal budget li hemm.


@ Matrix, I fully agree with you and I really like your work.

Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


Hi Matrix,

Thanks for the designs that you have come up with, they are very interesting, but I do not want to change the logo that has been associated with the forum for the past couple of years. This is why we worked on having people re-do the existing one in vector format etc, as opposed to do something from scratch.

I can see the design you came up with as one of the graphics for the back of a Tshirt, along with part of it reprinted below to make it a bit funky. With that kind of design the front logo that Nando has worked on, the vector without the sunset background, we would not have Malta Fishing Forum printed underneath, it would just be the logo.

Perhaps you might propose some different colours to fill the billfish with instead of the blue, but basically that will remain as the logo, with the full version that includes the sunset for letterheads etc or places where it can work.

In terms of sponsor for a Tshirt, this is already being discussed and options exist. We need to make a start, new rear graphics and things can always be added later on.



I fully agree with skip, that is, we should keep the exsisting forum logo. On the other hand I believe that matrix is making exceptional work re designs which can be considered for future use! Well done matrix!


Yep having a landscape type logo certainly helps for stickers, and the web where banners are designed around that size, but I still think that his designs would look good as a rear T-Shirt design and as mentioned on the front we don't have the text Malta Fishing Forum, just the logo.

If we get sponsors for events or similar, I like the idea of having them on the sleeves.


I agree with your reasoning, and after giving some people a hard job to do, it a bit pitiful to move their work appart, although I have to admit that i liked more Matrix design.

I also got the back of shirt designed by my friend., and here it is attached. I like the concept (spearo anf fishing), but the image still needs a lot of refining.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I like the original logo and the way it was revamped. Great job to all those involved.!!!!

To be quite open, frank and honest...possibly and most probably.... in the making of the original logo the apnea spearfishing part of the forum was not really included. :)

Personally speaking if I have to wear a t-shirt... I have to like it (obviously) Ok,OK without doubt the current logo is great...and heaven forbid the scrapping of such great work...BUT.., swordfish...lines and hooks don't really match a spearo's fishing style. LOL.  :) Thus. since the practices of such fishing techniques are different...then why shouldn't the forum have a common non-specific logo for brand wear that incorbates both practices such as the one matrix came up with??...or maybe the forum can have two logos for both practices. It makes lots of sense...or maybe it is one of my silly ideas...



I really liked the T-Shirt Tony T had designed but ........ it's not me who needs to decide about what is going to happen
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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Like anything else, everyone is going to have a different opinion, different preferences etc etc and it would certainly be impossible to accomodate them all as I think we would still have this thread open in a years time.

What I've settled on is that the revamped full colour logo will be that done by Nando, along with his colourless vectors which we will use as required for various things.

Whilst screen printing produces the best results and is good for large runs, it has severe limitations on the design element, because of the number of colours etc. What I intend to do when I recover (I'm currently suffering from a throat infection and a bad cold on top of that!!!) is go around and check out the quality of transfer based printing that the local printers can offer. I want to make sure that they have proper high grade commercial quality transfer paper and see what it looks like.

I have a high quality Aftco Bluewater T-Shirt that has a very detailed multi colour including gradient colour on a dark blue shirt, and it doesn't look like a screen print to me, yet I believe transfer printing is usually only done to white t-shirts, so I'm not sure what it is!

I'm toying with the idea of what Spnotta suggested of having a non specific logo for brand wear, something along the lines of what Matrix came up with.....but I personally think that in order to try and maintin some uniformity we need to stick with the original forum logo colours, blue and the sort of orangey sunset! Also forget the Maltese cross, if you include that you cannot register it as a trademark.

We also now have various proposed designs for the rear of T-Shirts etc that as they get refined would make for some nice shirts.

Matrix what do you thing of re-working your non specific one with different colours?



Hi Nick,what about emroidery for the logo,same as the polo shirt i gave you.You have the contact details and the prices but they might have altered by now.If youv,e lost the details I could probably find them for you again.Personaly I would prefer a polo shirt as I think they look smarter especially in the evening.
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


To start with I agree with Skip's comments, but please let me point out that I submitted those logos, as i got the impression that this wasn't yet officialised. If the MFF logo is the one used in the forum then let this be the official logo and try to amend on this version.