
Started by owenbullu, December 08, 2008, 23:29:13 CET

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Aw xi hadd qed jaqbad xi haga bl-ispinning jew??? Qed immur kwazi kuljum minghajr ebda rizultat posittiv :(


jin laqqas habib u qas sihbi inkunu dejjem flimkin..... ilejla nerga mmur u ada qabel ix xol..... forsi ma tafx kif itini daqqa jeqlibni il bahar :D


Jien ili minn Jannar ma naqbad xejn.....veru ftit immur (fil-weeken) imma litteralment qas messa jew nara xi haga.  Ma nafx x#gara dis-sena.


jin nahseb jin mishut man, adni gej issa min spinning - alxej u ada qabel ix xol 99 percent al xejn. nispicca nipruva nwahhal il lura mal haxix forsi nihu naqa buzz...... nahseb daqt namil awashers il qasba........ :S


Is-soltu s-Cirkewwa mimli kien ikun, dis-sena qas rajt wiehed.....huma u l-klamari donnhom sparixxew.


ic cirkewwa qerduwom bl ghazel


ghazel?? what is? xbik?



Hi All,
I am new to this forum although I have been reading some of the posts since December. Trying out this sports, I find it very relaxing although all I have caught is a 300g klamar!Spent about 350Euro in buying rod,reel,lures etc- so the klamr ended up being very expensive!! Anyway, will keep on trying but I do have a wish of feeling the "pull" of a good sized barracuda!
Thanks for all of you who supply people like me with very useful information.
Happy fishing


fishing my friend is an expensive hobby

for a bunch of decent fish we spend nearly 1000 euros per year my friend....
Good season so far.....


so far it has been my cheapest hobby :)) that is what i was thinking of today by coincidence lol


depends how much of a freak you are on fishing..... i am a freak :D :D i always want the best :-[ :-[
Good season so far.....


you spend 1000 euros a year if you smoke cigarettes..........might aswell take up fishing instead :p


well i got smoking / bikes / cars / all outdoors (camping) verland trips and a million other things... i really got to stop somewhere really but they're all fun.

was seriously also buying a boat but the bike's got to go......


eh and i dont spend that money on smoking.... i roll my own :D :D