
Started by owenbullu, December 08, 2008, 23:29:13 CET

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skuzani xhin trid eja pero phalisa kolla lart qedin niprapara ghatumbrell nispera li fhimt xqiad nikteb
big boy


ghandkhom ragun li il lizz ma tantx jigbed, u ghandi ir rukkel biex jaghmel xoghlu. Pero jekk b xi miraklu jmiss xi plamtu jew xi kubrita imdaqsa nahseb li jekk inkun b 0.25 mm sa jaqta ghax dawk mistagbin kemm jigbdu. Ghalmenu meta inzertajt lil 1 jaqbad plamtu tghidx kemm dam jigieled mieghu. Tahsbu bhali?


lahjar soluzjoni taf xinhi habib, tuza braid fir reel 30lbs tajjeb umbad uza lahhar 1.5m fluoro carbon ta xi 35. u tkun dejjm safe.  braid ta 30lbs ikun irqiq hafna, xi 0.15mm bhekk tista twassal aktar imma xorta ghandek is sahha umbad meta jigi ghal ahhar parti ghandek is sahha u xlief naqa ohxon pero fluoro carbon ma tantx jidher fl-ilma
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


mmmm braid... Tipo il fireline? Imma dak expensive hafna. Kont xtrat 100m swieni xi lm8 ahseb u ara jkolli bzonn xi 250m. Ifhem lm16 xlief narah naqra gholi. Filkas nara tal hanut x jista jtini


Din id dilemma ta kull min jistad habib. Ghandek zewg metodi xtghazel, jew tarma ohxon biex jekk tmissek xi huta sabieha ghandek iktar cans li itellaghha l'art, pero titlef hafna hut li jipprendi l-harira hoxna. Inkella tarma irqieq, tiehu pjacir bil hut normali, pero jekk tmissek wahda sabieha ghandek periklu li titlifa.
Jien personalment nipreferi narma ohxon, pero bil qasab u harira li hawn illum, u naqra esperjenza min naha tieghek, tista tghamel mirakli. Ir-risultati hekk, ikunu hafna isbah.

This is a common fisherman's dilemma. The choices are two really. One is to use a thicker line so that you stand a better chance of landing the large fish that may take. This however reduses the takes of most other fish who are shy of the line. The other option is to use finer line so targeting more fish. This however puts landing the nicer fish more at risk. I personally prefere to use heavier line.
I must point out as well that with the tecnology of rods and line today plus a bit of experience from your side, you have a much better chance of landing a nice fish with lighter tackle. The trill and satisfaction in landing a fish this way is more rewarding as well.
Can't wait to go fishing


It is not impossible to catch a nice fish on light tackle, that is what they aim for and do in certain completions. The sea bass in my avatar was caught with a 0.18mm cheap mono and believe me it pulled like hell its a matter of playing with the drag. It took me about 20 min to pull back but they where the best 20 min fishing ever because you need to use all the skill you have. The most important things when you are using light tackle is that you knows the limits of your line, reel and rod than you work the drag accordingly and you have plenty of extra length of line on your spool to let the fish take the run than reel in only when the fish stops pulling. It is an amazing experience. A good gaf or a net is a must  ;) Good Luck 
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


owenbullu  itawall e bay veru irhis braid hdejn ghawn


SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today



ganni maghanafx xgara ghadni madritx


tinkwetax habib ma gara xejn!! dik jekk tkun trid tista nhehhijha la tkun amiltha int!! kemm tafas remove
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today



SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Qrajt li il lizz meta jikber hafna mhux tajjeb ghal ikel ghax jrabbi xi tip ta kimika go fih. Hawn xi hadd jaf x kobor jrid jkun biex jigi hazin ghal ikel?


sissa qatt ma qatilna wihed lili sihbi ;) sa 7kg kiltu


Bomba mela nimmira ghal xi 1 ta 10Kg (mill art)......... Kellu bzonn, ilni fuq xahar ma niehu messa, filfatt qed nintefa b ta l idejn ghalissa tghid ta l anqas tara is sufrun jilghab :-P