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Underwater light

Started by mellieha, January 09, 2009, 17:24:54 CET

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Does anyone know how to make a powerful underwater light to use whilst in apnea?

I have seen some Malta made one's and they are very good.

In Thanking You before hand



Buy a led lenser torch  ;)

Chris  8)


buy the beuchat led torch. Its not expensive and the batteries you will forget them


It depends what you mean by powerful?????
You mean for night?????????? >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Or you mean a powerful portable one, for cracks in the morning 8)
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


What I want is a powerful underwater light to use for night fishing.

I thank everyone for his help.


Night hunting (apnea) is illegal my friend. As emic can tell you it can be much nicer during the day and as producitve as night.
I hope you dont take this as an offence but you might not know and will now consider it again!


There is no sense in spearfishing during the night mellieha , there is no technique what so ever. There is more pride while spearfishing in day time .
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


I agree with FabrizioViper.  ;)


me too no dive's at night i' don't see it a chalenge at night. spearfishing only during the day  ;)


That's why I asked you Mellieha >:(

Do you think that here we are going to tell you how to break the law, and spoil our sport ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Call it what you want, but what you practice is neither spearfishing and not even apnea, and I really cannot undersatand, what satisfaction does it give you???

Anyway no offence towards you in person, but you must understant that we do not tollerate such things in this forum.
Take this as a lesson please.

Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Take it easy guys!! mabye mellieha didn't know that it was illegal!! now he knows guys!! we are hear to learn from each other
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


If I were you I wouldn't practice night underwater fishing Mellieha. Apart from being illegal, like Lapsi boy and others told you, it sometimes can become even dangerous to do. Besides, where's the challenge of the "aspetto" and all the rest?


blinding fish with a torch and shooting sleeping fish is not very sporty as the others said's illegal.
Try will be surprised of the satisfaction of the challenge.
You will find help on this forum on how to achieve nice catches during daytime.


Wow Mellieha you touched a delicate matter. I don't envy you my friend

Simon G

hey mellieha do not get offended by the comments, we are just pointing out the law and the reason we take this so much to heart we do not want our sport to be branded as has happened with hunting in malta. quite a few of us take it very seriously and spend days on end training and fishing for just the pleasure of it.
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman