
Started by anglers, January 18, 2009, 19:31:17 CET

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dont worry kurtfalcon it was his pleasure SHOWING OFF (kidding freeman) :)P


hahaa shanook, if I had to take comments seriously in here, it would have been long since i removed the favourite link :P but on a serious note that indeed was a nice fish, over 2kg, the rest we cought where all under a kilo


iva freeman vera sabiha, jien ghadni ma qbadtx dak il kobor sa issa. dejjem nisperaw......


Gents can anyone help / inform one of the new members Billy69 on his question below as he had put this message on the shout box area & not many people would notice ;).

I informed him to go & post on the topics rather then asking questions in the shout box. I am sure that with our help he will manage to find out how the forum works.

This was his comment & question

(HI there all i am new to this site,is there anyone who can give me some tips on fishing for bazuk and what area to fish in irecently heard you need an electric reel for such a fish and what bait do you use?and one last thing great site you have here.)

From my side I am afraid I am not able to give any info on this subject as I never fished in very deep waters. 
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


What season is the best for fishing Bazuk?
What type of bait one should use?


Bazuk are fished al year round. Its the sea conditions that dictate whether u go to fish or not. Yes u need an electric reel or else if u have strong hands a good gear ratio reel.bait is anything that fish usually eat, clamari, squid, octopus, shrimps and other fish. Where to go that my friend is not a very good question to ask as I might tell u to fish in the sea no..........all good spots and there arn't a lot are closely guarded secrets.


What is the english name for Bazuk and in maltese does it spell Bazuk or Bazug?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


The english name Axillary seabream. The official Maltese name is Bazuga


Last time ma aunty found 2 spherical objects attached to the gills of a bazuga. These are transparent as if made of glass or hard plastic. She tought that these were pearls so she asked me if these fish grow pearls. Anyone knows something?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Went deep sea with Busu, we stopped at usual spot and after 2 drops without any bites we moved to another spot (deeper) gain nothing anyway to cut story short we tried several places to no avail. We started to back track, when we got to the place we started from, the current had changed and as soon as we hitbottom we got strikes Bazug nice sized. We continued this way and had 8 bazug when a good hard strike and theline went dead ....u guessed it a scabbard (xabla) had cut clean as Busu had nylon. sometime wasted in repairing and i got stuck to bottom, lost 350 mtr of braided line. Some more lost time and we started fishing again busu had a good strike and again the line went dead (no lad weight) fortunately the scabbard had cut half the line and left a 750gr bazuga hooked. I went down with wire and caught a nice sized scabbard (no not the one that cut all our lines.)
time was pressing so we decided for last drop. We were both down and Busu again got a good strike he started coming up and after a few mtrs i decided to bring mine up as well. when about 50mtr from the surface both rods doubled up twice. we continued I was cut clean about 15mtrs and busu had a xabla with a third of it body cut clean away it was bleeding......... probably a small shark had a bite of it......... that concluded an afternoon of fishing we got back to port around 8pm.
We lost a few weights and rigs but ended with 11 bazug and nearly 2 xwabel


Well done shanook and Busu after some bad luck not a bad catch and a xabla bitten is not that usual I think! That would have been a good catch if managed to bring up the fish.


at this time of the year it is not uncommon to meat scabbards up in the water column and what probably attacked your scabbard was anothar scabbard, it is a normal thing between them haha
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Some years back, used to launch about 450 hooks on a longline in front of Golden Bay's reef (abt 2 miles out)... and on these hooks we always used to get like 2-5 scabbards. We did get missing hooks but not more then ..say 5. My question is... do the scabbards cut off lines so fast? Any reason why they can get hooked relatively easier on longlines?


Stevea:  You've caught scabbards before, so you can appreciate the set of razor sharp teeth the Creator prized them with!!
As for getting hooked, my only thesis is that long lines, as opposed to electric reel deep water rig setup, take some time before they hit the bottom.  Scabbards usually tend to dwell between the mid sea level and the bottom, so the bait is presented in that area for a longer period, making it easier for the scabbards to attack!!!.  Don't forget also that you were using 450 hooks, which covers a fairly large area!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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yes could have been another scabbard that attacked it.....u never know whats down there and scabbard are found all along the water column. Not first time u are going down and u hook up in mid water. there are swordfish as well and a slash from its sword will also cut a scabbard clean. Whatever it was, good luck to it.