Started by placebo, January 19, 2008, 22:03:08 CET

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top quality red head lures different models

lot of 20 selling @ LM36 new!!!!!!!!


phone me - 79476448

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) :o :o :o :o :o :o :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing



can you sell separate.
silver craft 395


lilek le daqs kemm inti ikrah!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


silver craft 395


Tbeghli wahda placebo? Jien wahda ghandi bzonn. thanks bil quddiem


Quote from: cal357magnum on January 26, 2009, 19:47:16 CET
Tbeghli wahda placebo? Jien wahda ghandi bzonn. thanks bil quddiem

hey, patrick mhux xi nwiehed gustus ukoll!!! ahsiba ;)


lol!  i don't have any more of such items.

i got some new lures from Shakespeare lately if you're interested call me Patrick on 79476448.

north south east west ..... birzebbuga is the best
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing

Diplodus Sargus

Qed taqbad xi lizz placebo ghax lures ghandna kemm trid imma lizzijiet jien lanqas biss qed nara?.......bil lures biss ma namlu xejn hehe. L ahhar wiehed li qbadt relikwa ghamiltu ha nibqa niftakar fihom daqs kemm ilni ma naqbad wiehed
Sargu imperjali


i caught some from birzebbuga area but from the boat my friend!

it's not the fact that you catch in numbers but you always get those 3 bites early morning!

friends of mine caught around 4 in a go from grand harbour area, but using live bait!

in my opinion there are loads of barracudas around it's just your timing and places! some friends who go diving maybe they can confirm this!

taqtax qalbek......kompli tistax taqbad kull darba li tmur!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Kompliha placebo......Alavolja ahna zghar, il- ballun gox- xibka mar! U bilhaqq, thanks tal- kumpliment Emic!!! LOL!!

Diplodus Sargus

Ifhem Placebo jien immur qied fxi l 4.30am inkun hemm fil post u nghamel hemm sa xi 7.30-8.00am. Imma ghal xejn dan lahhar lanqas wiehed ma jien qed nara lanqas gej wara il lure ahseb u ara. U imbad jigik xi wiehed frisk bhal hassa xi 6.30am u jitfa u jaqbad ikollok aptit tarmi kollox il bahar u titlaq id dar......
Sargu imperjali


dik il hajja my friend!

jekk tmur ghal lizz mghandekx ghalfejn taghmel iktar minn 45mins x'hin tkun tiela ix xemx u x hin tkun niezla.

dak il-hin krucjali, dejjem kif nahsibha jien!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Naqbel mieghek placebo. L ahjar hin al lizz huwa dik it 3 kwarti matul tluh u nzul ix xemx. Ghalkemm fil 11 ta filodu qbadt ukoll :P imma rari hafna. Jien nara li sa sija u nofs wara tluh ix xemx jaqta al kollox il lizz


but.....using live bait and fishing from boat is different to shore spinning eh!

using live bait from shores and from a boat might be okay even later in the day
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing