manoel island marina

Started by craus, March 08, 2009, 20:48:03 CET

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hi all!

the other day I wanted to do a bit of fishing and because of the wind I decided to try and do some fishing off the mall near the manoel island marina.
I'd been having a very bad day and I thought that I'd go to the exact same place my father took me fishing for the first time in malta, more for nostalgia than anything else.

I set up my gear, cast, and got a few bites. Just when I'd almost blown all my stress away, the manager of th marina drove up in his car and at first was all nice with me and then he ordered me out off the marina and said that there was no fishing there.
I told him that I had been fishing there for 15 years and no-one had ever stopped me.
He said that it was private property and that there were no fishing signs as you enter. "BULL$#!* there are no signs" I told him.
To cut a long story short I had the choice of either leaving quietly or ramming my rod down his throat and getting arrested. I chose the former.
What I want to know is whether or not there really is no fishing there or should i go again and stand my ground if he comes back?
to clarify the place: cross over manoel island bridge and turn right along the mall(not on the pontoons). opposite ta xbiex.
Anyone know the place and the rules there?


if its where you need a card to go in to open the barrier it's private for sure
selva 12ft dinghy with selva 30hp


As pupu said, if you went past the barrier then you are then in the marina. Whilst you are free to walk there, things like no fishing etc may well apply.

Portomaso marina for example is open to the public in that they cannot prevent you from walking along the shoreline but you are not allowed to fish there.

Not sure what the legal situation is in terms of how they manage to apply that.


I was past the gates.

Does anybody know who I can call for a confirmation on this. Because as far as I know the sea is public domain.

Besides they seem happy to let all the junkies shoot up and do their drugs there hassle free (I"ve seen more used needles than fish there at times).

MSida marina for example is private property but they can't stop you from fishing off the mall.

Which authority would know the rules?

If they have the right to stop me, then, while I think it sucks I'll oblige and won't go , but if I find out the guy is on a power trip and can't stop me, well then,,.......!!

besides its the perfect place to cast when the sea is rough and like I said I've caught some decent fish from there in the past


MMA ports directorate.


Craus - you may be right.  The sea is public domain.  However, the inside port waters, although technically speaking is still the sea, is the domain of the MMA.  Now, if and when the marina was leased to the operators of the Ta' Xbiex marina, rest assured that both the mall and the perimiter sea were part of the contract agreement between the operators and the MMA.  That is why the operators set up gates, since they have a title to the land in question.  I sympathise with what you're saying, and quite agree that it sucks.  But, what can you do, except ramming your rod either down or up one of the exit holes this manager happens to have in place of a mouth and....well you know the rest!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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craus you are right it sucks. i used to work there and they wouldnt let me fish there either (past the barrier). of course i just shut my mouth and didnt fish there anymore since i used to work there. all i know is that the area past the barrier is rented to the owner of the company which runs the marina, if he can forbid you from fishing there or not i dont know.


When my dad had his boat at manoel island they never told me anything about not fishing :p maby beacuse i was so young and gustuz :P..i bet i go today they wouldnt even let me past the barrier hehe!


It's very obvious Lapsiboy, thats the reason why.  At that time there was no marina, so the place was still public domain!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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It is very disappointing to hear that these things are happening!

I predict that in the future only privillaged ones would have excess to our local shoreline. The rest of us could only look at the sea, walk past it but cannot ever touch it! If we do not take care, little by little all the Maltese islands' perimeter would be Conquered by the capatilsts and it would be full of hotels, marinas beach resorts and 'luxurious' buildings.

I understand the need for tourismn in Malta. However, in my opinion we are not targeting the right tourists! Mass tourism on one of the most densly populated places in the world does not make any sense at all. It is better if we target more specialised touristic sectors which instead of destroying Maltese habitats eable their protection e.g. ecotourismn. Luckily, it seems that finally authorities are grasping the concept and things should start improving. The only problem remaining, are those capalists who will do anything to prevent this change from happening due to economic losses they might incure.

A Final word of warning....Take care, Unite and fight!!!!! We are frontliners in this battle and people like us who like to spend time fishing from land are the first to be targeted! I hope that the restictions on the general public encountered in the following cases amongst others... Tigne point, Closing of all Manoel island, Portamaso etc... would not repeat themselves in the future.
fishing (noun) : A Jerk on one end of a line waiting for a Jerk on the other.   :o :( :( :( ;) :D ;D


If I recall, there was a Kingfisher competition in the same area. They got the permission to fish there. Maybe we can contact Kingfisher, as one of this forum's sponsor, maybe we can manage to get the same permission with an access card.

That's a good place for fishing. I tried it a couple of times, as I had the opportunity to enter there without no control.


Yes when we apply for a permit to organise a competition at Monoel Island, it always was granted to us (Kingfisher). At first they wanted all the names with their respective ID No + Car number plates. It was only the first time that they insisted for the information. From their onwards we apply for permision and we get it.


thanks skip for the link

I sent them an email, But I'm not holding my breath for an answer.

All that said and done I still went fishing there last night and nobody stopped me, AND i landed a couple of half decent pagell.

Where there is a will , there is way. And fisherman are renowned for being the most persistent of people.

I just have to keep an eye out for the big brass that run the place.

Anybody want to join me in a solid nights fishing there and we can "stick it to the man"  ;)