Breathing Techniques!

Started by spearerr, April 18, 2009, 13:08:23 CET

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Okies spnotta
If simong does not find it, I will ask you for it please.
I am one to thrust, when we meet you will know.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



Quote from: KA on April 19, 2009, 10:24:04 CET
But to my knowledge there is no mention on the ratio

Its just the way i am use to it ....... 3 deep breaths before each dive. 5 seconds in and 15 seconds out and like spnotta also said the last one using both the diaphragm and rib cage.
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Quote from: SPNOTTA on April 19, 2009, 10:12:50 CET
It was google not me :)

pulling your leg  :) but anyways the book, if I recall well is:

"manual of freediving" by umberto pellizzari
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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any other techniques that one might suggest?? ;)


Do you mean that you dive with the 3rd breath or with the 4th.



If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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in my opinion if you dive on the 3rd or 4th doesn't make a real difference. the most important is that you are relaxed; your heartbeat must not burn a lot of 02.

you need to make sure that your lungs are full of oxygen, and your bloodstream is oxygenated. the heart rate indicates whether the blood is oxygenated

if you are using a frenzel technique i found it good to fill with air the sinuses so that it makes equalization even  easier.

then once you dive, if going below 10m, i would suggest to equalize the mask. this is very simple, just blow a little, very little out of your nose. this will prevent that blood cloths form in your eyes due to pressure
Good season so far.....


Quote from: Granitu on April 20, 2009, 17:12:08 CET
in my opinion if you dive on the 3rd or 4th doesn't make a real difference. the most important is that you are relaxed; your heartbeat must not burn a lot of 02.

you need to make sure that your lungs are full of oxygen, and your bloodstream is oxygenated. the heart rate indicates whether the blood is oxygenated

if you are using a frenzel technique i found it good to fill with air the sinuses so that it makes equalization even  easier.

then once you dive, if going below 10m, i would suggest to equalize the mask. this is very simple, just blow a little, very little out of your nose. this will prevent that blood cloths form in your eyes due to pressure

agree 100%


Granitu, I totally agree with what you said but one have to keep in mind that there are dozens of techniques out there one can explore and adapt as his personal favourite. One might prefer diving on the 4th breath, one prefers on the 3rd .... at the end of the day it doesn't really make any difference as long as which ever technique your using is done correctly and always under the supervision of a buddy  ;) ..... always dive safe.
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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The first training tip here is easy to prepare. You need one bed, a chronometer, peace and quiet. Place yourself on the bed and relax, breathe deep, but normal. After 5 minutes of breathing, take three deep breaths after another.

After the third inhale, make a powerful exhale emptying your lungs totally - a bit more if possible. immediately after emptying your lungs take a powerful (from your toes) inhale filling the lungs to approximate 98 %, and hold your breath. At this point, start the chronometer to measure the time that you can hold your breath. When your holding breath, different thoughts are spinning inside your mind, this is normal, do not think about the time or that you actually is holding your breath, try to think about things that normally makes you calm or everyday charms...

After some time the first inhale reflex accrue, but dont give up, continue to fight ! Almost all untrained persons can still hold their breath for equal amount of time just before the reflex accurse. When you reach the insufferable point and you have to take a breath, take a breath and stop the chronometer.

Take 2 or 3 fast and deep inhales, trying to find your way back to the calm and relaxed breathing you had just before holding it. Rest for about 3 minutes with deep and normal breathing before you repeat the exercise. Repeat the exercise 5 times ! You will notice an increase in time holding your breath every time.

Do this exercise every day. The best time is directly in the morning when you wake up. You should notice great increases in performance within a week !

This is a good tip for toes who whant to improve their breath holding!


For some reason I cannot get myself to do static apnea, I barely do 1.30min........In the sea its a different story,  I tend to find myself more at peace.  Hope tomorrows lesson will help out  8)


Ok markcam .... so cya tomorrow. Sorry I did not read this thread.

And by the way spearer, once I was reading your thread, I got the impression that I read it somewhere before, oki there it is Apnea mania. ;D I think that emic already mentioned it previously, and also posted a link.
Remember that everytime you write some text taken from a somewhere, you have to name that source at the end of your script.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


thanks baghira i didn't now that!


I've got Pellizaris Manual of Freediving - underwater on a single breath, if anyone wants to borrow it sometime. I wouldn't mind doing some of the exercises in that book so it would be good to find someone who wanted to do some freediving training without the spearguns occassionally. I'll be there in a few weeks.

And I did the intermediate freediving course with Performance Freediving in Miami in 2006 and the manual I got from that is really good, loads of stuff in it, and the apnea tables are way better than the ones in pellizaris book. I'll lend that out too but you'll have to leave collateral I'm afraid - I'll hold onto your speargun until you return it!!  ;D