
Started by Jonathan, August 16, 2006, 12:01:32 CET

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Hi all, I've just discovered this forum which I've been yearning for for quite some time - well done whoever's behind it! :)

As for my latest catch, that was last Saturday - A strilja, about 30cm long, whilst trolling around Valletta. As tackle I was using a small spinner & 0.20mm trace on a hand-held line.

Will try to take the camera with me next time round & share any interesting catches.

BTW Can anybody recommend any Amateur Fishing Club??- I'ld love to join some club especially one which pools in member's resources to set up some "kannizzatti ghad-dilettanti". I keep my boat in Msida.
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The Website For 2nd Hand Boats


Hi Jonathan,

Welcome to the forum, I'm glad you like it.

There are some guys from the KFSA (Kingfisher club) who are in this forum, but I'm not sure if they have a pool for FADs etc. However I am sure they will see your post and reply.

Well done on the catch.



Hi Jonathan, Welcome to the Forum. As far as I know, the Bugibba Club has a Rimja this year. You Pay Lm5 Membership and Lm3 to fish on the fads. They might be a little out of the way for you, depending on your boat.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


Thanks guys.
I think the Bugibba club's fads would be excellent - quite reachable with my boat - a 30 foot sailing boat, even though it will take some time at around 5 knots cruising. Would you know how I can contact the Bugibba club, any telephone number? or perhaps do you know where their premises are?
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The Website For 2nd Hand Boats


Yes it's easy. Go to Gillieru Restaurant, it's somewhere at the back. I believe it's part of the Gillieru building so just ask there.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp

Simon G

it is on the right hand side of gillieru (facing the sea) and it has a big banner with
Ghaqda sajjieda u dilettanti bugibba.
you cant miss it
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman