Sea polluters soon to be fined

Started by markcam, May 08, 2009, 10:13:59 CET

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I fully agree with you but another major contributing factor is the dumping, accidental or not, of pollutants such as engine oil, fuel, sewage, oil spills etc.


Quote from: robby017 on May 09, 2009, 12:54:35 CET
Chalie, ghidli inti kemm ikallaw pariti dak in nahat kuljum.... u ejdli int kif ma tippretendix li il hut ser jonqos.... il farm tamel taha... pero dik tressaq il hut leja... mur hdejn ta l-ghadira, invasata vopi u imsell, tat tonn fuq is sikka l bajda ftit gimghat ilu, kollha sawrell u plamti u xi kubrit imdaqqas ukoll... il parit ed joqtol... u min ikallah irrid idahhala go mohhu li ed joqtol il hobza tieghu stess u ma jigiex jeqrd hawn imbad.... mhux ed nghid alik chalie, ma nafx kif tistad int... in generali ed nidthadded.
Robby, jien ta spiss immur noghdos f dawk  in nahiet u hemm  sar kambjament kbir minn kemm ilhom hemm il fishfarms,bizejjed nghidlek li fis sajf il bahar lanqas ghal ghowma ma jkun tajjeb ghax jibda jinten. Naqbel mieghek habib meta tghid il fishfarm iressaq il hut pero  minn Ottubru sa Jannar dawk in nahiet kienu jkunu mizghuda bil vopi minn dik il kbira ma l art, dis sena ftit li xejn dehret u ilha tonqos minn kemm ilhom hemm il gagec tat tonn


Quote from: suffrun on May 10, 2009, 09:04:08 CET
I fully agree with you but another major contributing factor is the dumping, accidental or not, of pollutants such as engine oil, fuel, sewage, oil spills etc.
thats what I have as #3
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can we have translations please just when it gets interesting it changes again, sorry but someting i am interested in.


Quote from: The_Gaffer on May 10, 2009, 08:10:43 CET
Guys, alot of activites are contributing to the depletion of fish stocks along the coast.  In my humble opinion, if I had to list them from worst to least...I would put Trawliing as #1, followed by tramel nets (pariti) a close second...marine polution #3, illegal fishing (use of explosives - used to be higher in classification, but recently under control) longline fishing and followed by recreational fishing activites (boat, shore and spear fishing). 
What do you guys think?
I agree 100% with this! Trawling is definitly the biggest culprit & is sometimes the least net "fishing" method that is mentioned unlike the parit/trammel net..Most probably as the damage done to the sea it not all that apparent with this method, and so it becomes a case of "out of sight,out of mind"
However the consequences of this "fishing" method close in to costal waters are devistating, as this method not only depletes entire fish stocks but obliterates the sea bed also!