Wanted Scirocco boat

Started by alfadelta, August 14, 2009, 13:04:11 CET

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Wanted scirocco in good condition. no fancy prices please. PM me with pics, tel and price please
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


i know one who had a scirocco for sale but i dont know if he sold it. give him a ring 99899927


Thanks Busu... guess they are good boats for fishing?
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


although they are a bit (baxxi) they are great boats for fishing.


thanks Bigboy, do you suggest anything else. had a look at the bahri but really they dont seem sturdy. I am after a 16-18ft boat for fishing at night and perhaps some light trolling. my idea is that if I want to fish in the hsouth i would just launch it from the south
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


the 16footers are quite ok and not (baxxi) i thought you were referring to the small sciroccos.
I'd also consider the Kaptan Trend which are also great boats and very sterdy in some heavy sees. If i were you id go down to their garage @ birzebbugia and have a look.

To say the truth i am more into boats produced locally than the Sh*t we import from abroad. No offenses to anyone but we cant compare maltese boats with boats produced abroad.

Have a look at these boats: Kaptan Trend, Sea hawk by tar ratal marine, and Petecraft fast fishers.


saw a seahawk in Gozo last week but it does not seem to be practical to launch it. I already own a 32ft which i use for boat pleasure and fishing. My idea was to be more for night fishing and my aim is the launch it whenever i need to use the small boat. the fastfisher and the seahawk i am so seeing that i can reach my aim. what do you think?
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


the sea hawk and fast fisher 16 are ideal for that type of fishing to launch and take up each time


saw one for sale on the internet with an inboard engine is that easy too?
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


Still quite easy to launch and retreive.

Personally i prefer inboards more than outboards


thanks bigoy for the valuable info
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...



Kaptan Trend are quite heavy compared to similar imported boats. Launching and retrieving by 1 person is not an easy task unless you are on a good slipway.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


@ bigboy - I cannot understand why you are generalising that the imported boats are sh*t!! It's true that there sre some boats that leave much to be desired but you cannot generalise that all of them are sh*t. I can assure you that in Malta there are a lot of local shitty boats being built too - especially in the smaller sizes - hulls that do not plane, hulls that are so heavy that they require an engine rating much higher than their competitors and thus waste much more fuel, hulls being modified from one build to another because they cannot get it right, hopeless finishing, etc.. etc... But then on the other hand there are some quality built. So, in my opinion it has nothing to do with locally or foreign but more who the manufacturer is!
I'd rather be fishing.....


i agree with benri 100 % . in malta there are some builders that experiment with people's money. they sell a boat and when people start complaining that the boat has something wrong they make another model and try to fix the problem but those who had bought the first model boats stay with the bad boats. its not fair because they have paid good money for the boat.