help me do bottom line pls

Started by fishman, July 27, 2008, 12:04:49 CET

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Is ther any one can help me how I can make a good bottom line. Once, I done one with 100 hooks but when I came to use it, it came into knots, it came just one bunch of nylon. Then I done another one with 200 hooks but I had no luck at all. Now what I need to know if I'm using the right size of hooks and the same of the line. Or it could be me, beacuse I done it. :) I used the main 120 (nylon) and the ends (fera) 70, from hook to the main is half of (qama) aprx 80 cm and from hook to another are 3 (qami) aprx 5 meters far from each other and I didn't use any weight. I forgot the size of the hooks. Now what shall I do start doing another one? Change the size of the hooks, or put some weight somewhere in the line?

Thanks in advance any help will be appreciated   
Fish or Work, but you can't Fish without Work.


The sizes of the lines are good but it depends the dept where you're fishing. in shallow waters up to 70m i use 100main and 60 for the hook but the length of the line for the hook I use is 1 phatom (approx 2meters). before using the line first you have to go in a long road like HalFar or near power station and stretch the line ( tizdinah) so that it will become more steady to put it in the tank or box. Every hook I place it from 6m to 8m apart. the method I use to release the line is that first we measure the starting dept with the mother line, then we trow the signal first and the measured motherline + some extra for the current ( kalun) then when it comes the weight we hook the start line with it and with every 10-15 hooks we attach a small stone like a packet of cigaret with a light line .35-.40 so that it sticks to the bottom it be easily cut. keep releasing the line while you scanning the bottom and when the ends comes attach it to the second mother line exactly the opposite of how you started. First the weight and then release the mother line. Try not to use all the 100hooks together if the bottom is very sticky.

Generally we use  motherline but we trow only small  parts from 25 to 40 hooks and this method is used with a lot of other fishermans which I've going fishing.
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


I usually use 0.90mm as the main line (medda) and 0.60 as fera. The hooks i use are mustad size 9 tas sieq twila because they are perfect for pagell. I leave 3 qami between one hook and the other. As regards to weight whilst we are letting the longline out after approx 20 hooks we attatch a small weight which we make out of cement and we form them in yoghurt cups. we then attatch them to the line using thin nilon rope with an easy release knot so if they get stuck to the bottom they will ge loose.


Thanks very much guys I really appreciate your help:)

Is it impotant to stretch the line? because I didn't stretch it, maybe that's why it came into one knot. But now I can use it still even if I didn't stretch it?
About the hooks is it better I use the long leg hooks? Stainless steel hooks are better than other ones?   
Fish or Work, but you can't Fish without Work.


fishman i never stretched the line and never had any problems. I have 2000 hooks tal qiegh u kollha pinna johorgu meta inkalaw kollox man.

As for hooks i prefer the vmc tas sieq twila and also mustad tas sieq twila.

As for the mustad i like them because thay are a bit thin and if you get stuck to the bottom the hook will straiten but on the other hand they do rust :s


nylon jew lazz lahjar tahseb big boy?


skond f kemm se tkala f fond habib. Gol qasir nipreferi harira u gol fond nipreferi kurlin


Jiena Gol fond nipreferi inkala bigboy imma jekk tkala bil kurlin xorta tuza il mazri kull ghoxrin sunnara? Ghax dawk nuzom is soltu meta inkala bin nylon min dak loragnjo tac cimi. Ghax biex tghamel 2000 sunnara bil korlin ara kemm ghandek spejjez


korlin huwa min dak tac cimi habib. L gholi huwa l lazz. Dak l orange niprefrih ghal fond
