Under Sized Fish

Started by mulett75, December 10, 2009, 21:38:26 CET

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By now most of you know about the new regulations regarding fish sizes. These new regulations are going to come into force in June. Presently we are holding talks about this matter with the authorities. Our big concern is the keepnet. For the authorities, up to today, catch and release, means one have to relase the fish instantly. One cannot keep the fish in the keepnet to be released later. This is going to effect our shore competitions and even the sport angler that normally keeps all the fish and then release them afterwards.

I am posting this just to make you aware of the present situation. My plea is not to post any pictures with under sized fish as this could effect our arguments regarding the keepnets.

Thanks for your cooperation.


I totally support you on this Charles, just like Fisheries Control know they have a transistion period through the forum we can hopefully raise more awareness. Let's also help each other and if people do post pictures of under-sized fish, get in there with the comments and help them learn that what they've caught is undersized so that the next time around they will be more aware.


In a way I do support the authorities on this issue Charles! why should an undersized fish be kept in a keepnet if it's illegal? why should an illegal sized fish be valid for a competition?
Keeping undersized fish in keep nets will obviously then lead to abuse. irresponsible people would give a quick look around and then dump into the bucket or friends car!
What would happen if with the same argument the authorities will hypothetically let us keep a tuna tied by the boat/alive until we get to shore?
I have to second the authorities on keepnets... undersized is illegal to keep anywhere! Our seas need a break!
I'd rather be fishing.....


and what are they going to do about the undersized fish that is caught with nets?


Very true Busu as this has been mentioned elsewhere and the frustration shared by many shore anglers. It's too easy to start with shore anglers and keepnets and if the Ministry want to show how serious they are, let's have a change in legislation asap that makes the minimum mesh size of nets realistic as its currently way to small. I know from conversations with FCD that this is one area they would like to tackle in the near future but probably that's alot harder to push through that regulating shore anglers.


Benri, during competitions for sure no one is going to abbuse and try dump fish in thier buckets, as no one will touch the fish after the competition. And over here is where we are trying to educate people to fish and then release afterwards.

If one release fish while keepon fishing, for sure it will start scaring the rest of the fish. When I go fishing, especially for "Zabi / Kahli", I put all the fish in the keep net and at the end I will release all the fish with the exception of one or two nice Kahli. When sometimes a fish gets loose or drops from the hook, one have to wait for long minutes for the fish to reutrn biting again.


@ mulett75...i agree with you
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


yes Mulett75 - I'm sure you're not going to abuse! I also know that if you start releasing kahli you might as well pack and leave.
What I meant is that laws cannot really be made with exceptions. I'm now playing the devil's advocate - who will be able to organise competitions - why your club and let's say not mine? who will have the right to organise competitions? if they go into exceptions the law will be endless and thus a line has to be drawn.
A way out for competitions would be to put undersized fish in a large aereated holding tank which may be emptied after the competition. that way the individual will not be keeping the fish but the organisers which makes a difference. In my opinion undersized fish cannot be valid for competitions.
I'd rather be fishing.....


Kingfisher was the first club in Malta to introduce the Catch and Release. We release all fish, no matter the size. This has been going for the last 15 years. What we are trying to achive is that not only during competitions that one may keep the undersized fish, in the keepnet, but even when one goes to fish on his own, then to be released afterwards. Those persons who know me well, yes they can confirm that it is not the first time that I have released Kahli. I do really go fihing to enjoy fishing. Fishing is not catching, but if you catch thats a bonus.
As regards competitions everyone can organise competitions, as was done latley by the forum administration.
Kingfisher is affiliated with the National Federation of Sports Anglers. This federation is regognized by the Malta Olympic Committee and that why we take the competitions with great pride.
Do not take me wrong. I agree with the fish sizes, although there are some sizes which do not take inconsidiration the kind of fish, eg "ic-cawla", what we are also asking is a good education regarding these sizes.

Actually this topic was started because of photos that are undersized.


andek ragun mulett.When i go to fish i go to have some fun not to catch everything when i catch small fish like vopi,small sparli and small fish like cawl etc i release them.I do not like to see who fish with purpara for vopi and small fish because you steal the fish not catch it with a hook.Small fish have to be released because they do not have chance to reproduce.


And who is going to inform the tourist that like to spend a couple of hours fishing whilst on holiday, That the rules in Malta are going to change in june, for years and years they have watched  the Maltese catching any thing that swims and taking it home and making soup and fishcakes out of them, When I first started fishing in Malta whatever fish Sue and I caught were given away to Maltese locals, butfor the last few years we have been returning all our catches to mother sea, But other tourist we know are at a loss to know how they stand with the fish they catch


boq seems like a double edged knife to me....anyway one looks at it its the amatuer angler that's going to have it worst!!....same old situation......
Gone fishin', be back at dark-thirty!