what lure to use for rixa

Started by jake3340, September 10, 2007, 22:00:16 CET

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Hi sometimes i go in the port of tinie/sliema/gzira where the spirit of malta parks with the rixa, but i got a few bites but never caugh anything, what is the best lure to fish with, i heard the white ones like worms with a funny tail at the end are good and when the fix bites them the tail comes off, are there any others that are good because i usually see other boat that go with the rixa and they allways catch can someone tell me how to set up a rix properly and what lure to use in there please. Thanks. ;D


Small white octopus/squid, maybe with some reflective attractors or even a small spinner on it, and a double hook or a small white/black. These seem popular inshore. You could make a chain, have maybe 3 or 4 small squids inline, then 2-3 tied off with hooks so you can try for multiple hookups. I know those work for lampuki/cervol


Depends what you're fishing for. But my faviorite are the plastic octopus with the shiny bits on the side.


If you want all the information about trolling look out for the new book 'Sajd bir-Rixa', to be published early this summer. It's in Maltese and will be available at leading fishing shops, paticularly Mr.Fish outlets.

If you need any information about the fish to be found around Malta get a copy of the book 'Mediterranean Sea Fishes' at a reduced price, from Rio. Phone 27636110 or write to riosammut@hotmail.com.
Give a man a meal, and you feed him for one day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life!

I fish; therefore I am.

Learn how to fish with success: obtain a copy of the new book 'IMMORRU NISTADU', from BDL or Mr.Fish.


Hi Rio i was seeing one of your posts in the bait section and saw that you made a nice catch of cudas using biros??? Nice idea :) Can you please give me some more info about them as id love to try using one for cudas. my email is imsida_fisherman@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance and tight lines