'S' register boats

Started by effects, March 22, 2010, 21:36:59 CET

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hi ppl,
        I bought a boat and this is registered under 'S' category, can I go fishing under this category or is ellegal ?
marinello eden evolution 18'  yamaha 85 hp garmin 520s


yes you can.

S is just the same as MFC.


ax habib tieghi qalli li daghjes iregistrati taht 's' category huwa illegali u qaali bix naqliba mfc

Because a friend of mine said that boats under 'S' category are illegal and he suggested that I switch to MFC

PS: @ Effects once a post is started in English we keep it that way. Same applies if started in Maltese. So please in this post express yourself in English. Thanks regards Shanook
marinello eden evolution 18'  yamaha 85 hp garmin 520s


Its not true, infact they are not registering s boats as mfc anymore.


sry for replying in maltese i'm new in here so what's the difference between 's' register to mfc?
and if i go to transfer it from 's' to mfc it's not possible anymore?
marinello eden evolution 18'  yamaha 85 hp garmin 520s


there is no differance........... it is not possible to have it transferred either........
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Bigboy, are you sure that you can go "fishing" with S registered boats for everything, i.e. with parit, konz etc????  The info I have here is not the same as you are implying....



s is the same as mfc.you can fish with everything except with all kinds of nets and surface longlines for swordfish,tuna and albacore,


one cannot transfer an s to mfc nowadays as they are the same


For recreational fishing as the others have pointed out S is fine. Only brand new vessels will be accepted on the MFC register therefore as yours is already registered like the others have pointed out you will have to remain as S.

You can fish for most things, it's only if you want to consider MFB (part time commercial fisherman) and then Bigboy and some others can best advise you.


Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work



Taqsima ta' Regolament Veterinarju, Veterinary Regulation, Fisheries
Konservazzjoni u Kontroll tas-Sajd Conservation & Control Division
Abattoir Square, Albertown, Marsa, Malta

TELEPHONE: (356) 25905000 / 215 / 216 FAX: (356) 21 238105


· L-uzu ta' kull tip ta' xibka u konzijiet tal pixxispad, tonn u alungi ma jistghux jintuzaw minn bastimenti f'din il-kategorija. F'din il-kategorija jistghu jintuzaw irkapti ohra bhal konzijiet tal-qiegh, nasses u rixa skond il-Legislazzjoni Sussidjarja 425.01, "Regolamenti dwar is-Sajd".·

Il-qabda tal-hut li tinqabad minn bastimenti rikreazzjonali ghandha tinzamm ghall-uzu personali u ma tistax tigi kkumercjalizzata. Il-hut li jinqabad jista' jigi kkumercjalizzat biss ghal finijiet karitattivi. Dan jista' jsir biss jekk tinghata awtorizazzjoni mit-Taqsima ta' Regolament Veterinarju, Konservazzjoni u Kontroll tas-Sajd. Din l-awtorizazzjoni tkun tista'
tinhareg biss jekk id-dhul tal-bejgh imur ghall-karita'.

Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Translation of the highlighted part.....

The use of any nets and longlines of swordfish tuna and albacore may not be used by vessels in this catagory (Recreational 'S' and MFC). In this catagory however other mthods may be used such as bottom longlining, traps and trolling as per Subsiduary legislation 425.01, Fishing Regulations.

Fish caught on recreational vessels is to be kept for personal consumption and cannot be commercialised... i.e. it cannot be sold.

it can only be sold if all proceeds go to charity.
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Shaftbomb my friend with s and mfc you can fish with all types of gear except surface longlines for tuna, sworfish and albacore, and also with nets. But you can use bottom longlines and even octopus traps.

Last time i was at the fisheries to collect some papers regarding the big boat i asked again about s and mfc and rita told me do not bother about it because there is no difference.

Also i was told that if the big boat which is mfb has and problems with the engines we can use the small boat by obtaining a fisheries permission !!!