Xorb l-ghagin riserva??

Started by baghira, July 30, 2010, 10:51:13 CET

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Isma hbieb ghada kons sejjer 'nghum' ftit delimara, il-bajja tal hofriet further south, near ST. Peter's Pool.
Xi hadd qalli li darba fil-forum sema illi hemm xi part protetta??
Veru dan jew.!!!!!!!!!!

Ma nafx ghax ma hemm xejn x'tipprotegi zgur hemm, ghax il bahar qisu hama jaqq bil fishfarms.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


fejn l vapur mgharraq riserva, imma sincerament mejjet emm. kieku m hemmx ftit sawrell bir tista ssejahlu..
Good season so far.....


hemm kine tajjeb meta kelli xi 15 il sena man.(40 SENA ILU)........issa brodu..spiccut


Viva l-fish farms.
Isma granit. Hemm ma hemmx vapuri ta'  
Naf li hemm l-ajruplan imma ma nafx ezatt fejn.
Fil forum x'imkien hawn dawk il-pjanti bir riservi immarkati jew??
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


emm xi wreck zgur baghira gahx darba nzilna mieghu ta, issa niccekja l gps u ntik l markings ta. gahx darba morna mux kbir, f xi 25 m fond pero mejjet bhala hut ukoll b eccezzjoni ta xi cervjola jew acciola li gili tmur tittawwal
Good season so far.....


X' imkien lejn il-hofriet jekk miniex sejjer zball kien jintrema l-ilma tal-powers station ukoll. Mma l-akbar hsara li saret mil-fishfarms zgur/


@Aab131 u adu jintrema sal lum man.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


ekk hu wara ras il fenek. pero dak mhu xejn gravi- l aghar meta kien jintrema d drenagg barra gahr hasan
Good season so far.....


    Bristol Blenheim Bomber
    Location: 800m out from Xorb L-Ghagin
    Maximum Depth: 42m
    Certification Required: AOWD or equivalent

    On the 13 December 1941 was sent out to bombing raid, after few minutes it has left the airport it was quickly attacked. The pilots decided to ditch the bomber near Xorb L-Ghagin. All the three crew escape with little injury. Nowadays the bomber is laying upright on a sandy bottom with the wings and centre fuselage still intact. This dive has to be done by boat.


Exact plans of these locations, including coordinates..........

Does someone has them,,,or are they somewhere in the gallery and I can't find.????
Emic once uploaded them...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh