Parking Trailers

Started by kit029, August 01, 2010, 23:23:25 CET

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already reported to favourite .... i've sent information also to other stations but it looks like not much important for them at the moment ..... or maybe it's the weekend and nobody is working.

i suggest more people phone local councils .... ADT ...... police stations ..... tv stations ,,,, the more we expose this issue the more we have chance that people simpatize with us asa this looks a very silly decision.

i've also been in contact with prime ministers office with a person who owns a boat like we do.....

he promised me to give me more info in comning days

we'll see next week
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Anyone knows if any more fines where issued? This morning I saw trailers parked as usual along the roadside in areas where last week where issuing fines.   
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


myfrien got one from birzebugia 110 euros


the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


I confirm.
Hes sent him an sms in front of me..........
Hell of 110 euro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Just succeeded to call TM.

I was told that they are not responsible and they cannot understand why I am calling them!!!
They told me that I have to call the local Council concerned, and then if the local council finds it necessary, they have to apply with TM.

Contact person SUSANNA BONELLO. Traffic Management.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I called at St.Paul's Bay Local Council this morning, they said that as long as everything is order i.e No.Plate attached to trailer , both trailer and vehicle parked correctly, no fines will be given.

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Now THAT sounds like it could be the important part of this problem, how many people remove their lighting boards from the trailer & put them in their car once they have launched their boats?
It will be interesting to find out if only the vehicle NUMBER needs to be on the trailer, or does it have to have the lights, vehicle number etc still on it to be legal. In the UK the vehicle number is supposed to be attached to a trailer parked on a public road
(nobody seems to take any notice) but it is supposed to be to be legal.
Check with the Councils & see what each Council requires, then comply with that, at least you will then have a facts list to put to TM about who wants what, & if there are any differences ask why? ;)


Hi Blueskip, I m sure local council referred to No.Plates , i doubt you will find the lighting board still attached to the vehicle after a day out at sea... could be very tempting for others to just unplug it and steal it !! but at least it's a start! was getting quiet worried to be honest.... with the rising cost of fuel , having a boat , even a small can become a luxury if you have to launch everytime you want to enjoy a day out fishing!

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


i am not sure if the parking of trailers which is prohibited is a long-term one i.e. if i take my boat using a road trailer and park it whilst i am at sea, and then use the trailer to take it back, i do not think that is an offence. however,  yes, i agree that road trailers should not be left parked outside unless the boat is being used: they occupy parking space, and are not exactly nice to look at. i do have a small boat and keep the trailer in a private premises.


Article 79 of the MOTOR VEHICLES REGULATIONS (Legal Notice 128 of 1994, as amended subsequently)  issued under the Traffic Regulation Ordinance (Chapter 65 of the Laws of Malta) states that:

No person shall, unless otherwise directed by a Police officer or a local warden, park or leave unattended any motor vehicle or trailer -

(a) within 12 metres on each side of any bus stop or fare stage, unless official road markings or traffic signs indicate otherwise;
(b) around a traffic roundabout or a traffic island;
(c) on, or within 4 metres of, a pedestrian crossing, from the side of the oncoming traffic, unless a build-out exists;
(d) on the footpath unless road signage directs otherwise
(e) in any place where appropriate road markings stipulated by the Traffic Signs and Carriageway Marking Regulations indicate that parking is
(f) in such a manner as to obstruct the passage of a car which is properly parked, or
(g) within 5 metres of any corner, bend or splay:

Provided that in the case of a bend or splay, the 5 rnetre limit referred to in paragraph (e) shall be measured from the point of intersection of the extended building alignment on each of the two streets forming such bend or splay:

Provided further that where the appropriate road markings indicated in Part IID(f)(13) of the Traffic Signs and Carriageway Markings Regulations on a particular street corner, bend or splay do not extend to the prescribed 5 metre limit, the said prohibition shall likewise not extend to the full 5 metres and shall be limited to the distance covered by the said road markings.



Hadd ma ghandu, hlief jekk ma jigix ordnat jaghmel xort'ohra minn uffi`jal tal-Pulizija njew minn gwardjan lokali, jipparkja jew jhalli wahedha xi vettura bil-mutur jew trailer –

(a) matul 12-il metru minn kull naha ta' xi bus stop jew fare stage, sakemm is-sinjali jew marki ufficjali tat-triq ma jkunux juru xort'ohra;
(b) madwar roundabout tat-traffiku jew traffic island;
(c) fuq, jew matul 4 metri minn, post ta' qsim ghallpedestrians, minn naha li minnha jkun gej it-traffiku, sakemm ma jkunx hemm bankina sporguta 'l barra;
(d) fuq il-bankina sakemm ma jkunx indikat xort'ohra b'sinjal adatt;
(e) f'kull post fejn sinjali proprji tat-triq kif indikati fir- Regolamenti dwar is-Sinjali tat-Traffiku u l-Marki tal- Karreggata jkunu juru li ma jistax isir ipparkjar;
(f) b'mod li jfixkel il-passagg ta' vettura li tkun ipparkjata sewwa; jew
(g) matul 5 metri minn kantuniera, liwja jew splay:

Izda fil-kaz ta' liwja jew splay, il-5 metri msemmija fil- paragrafu(e) ghandhom jitkejlu minn fejn il-linji jaqsmu lil xulxin fl-all injament estiztenti tal-bini fuq kull naha taz-zewg toroq li jiffurmaw dik il-liwja jew splay:

Izda wkoll fejn is-sinjali tat-triq indikati fit-Taqsima IID(f)(13) tar-Regolamenti dwar is-Sinjali tat-Traffiku u l-Marki tal-Karreggata, f 'kantuniera, liwja jew splay ta' xi triq partikolari ma jes tendux ghal - l imi tu ta' hames met ri stipulat i , dik il-projbizzjoni ma ghandhiex bl-istess mod tkun testendi ghall-hames metri shah u ghandha tkun limitata ghad-distanza koperta mill-imsemmija sinjali tat-triq.


I agree with you 100% Sg, you find a lot of slips occupied with trailers and left there for a whole season...but as you mentioned it is not fair on us who enjoy their boats once or twice a week and this only for a few hours. It is up to the individual at the end to respect the law and make sure to park both vehicles and trailers correctly. Case in point was a couple of weeks ago, i launche my boat from B'bugia and I parked my car/trailer 10 mins walking distance from the slip but at least i didnt have to go all the way up to mosta again to leave the trailer in the garage!

As for gnejna , the local council should enforce the law and make sure that the slip way is clear from vehicles / trailers and swimmers as it's a nightmare during the summer. On one occasion it was used even as a campsite and we couldn't even launch the boat properly!!

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Ghaziz Sur ......

Minkejja li jezistu xi postijiet fejn huwa projbiet li thalli l-karru
hdejn il-bahhar, gewwa Birzebbuga tista' thalli l-karru hdejn il-bahar.
Madankollu, fil-futur, il-kunsill lokali jista' jorog xi bye-law li
tipprojbixxi dan ... izda ghalissa huwa permess li thalli l-karru hdejn


Maria Giuliana Fenech
Information Officer
Department of Information
Publishing Unit
Tel: 2200 1793

this can be kept as reference and those who got a ticket from Birzebbuga may use it as reference to contest ...........
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


I hope you get "justice" on this issue but it may come at a price! ::) In UK where I live parking for your trailer & vehicle is usually "reserved" but at a price, which is usually about 8-12 euro. "Free" slipways are practically unheard of especially where I live in Wales, but at least once you have launched you have somewhere to leave your vehicle & trailer, (sometimes still attached).
The slipway we used in Burzibbuga when I launched with Placebo would cost you about 10 euro, but you would get a launch & recovery, & you would park your vehicle & trailer in that area at the top of the slipway, where all those boats are stored on blocks, by the looks of it that was its intention when the place was built, but it has been "annexed" by "knowing" boat owners & it might be difficult to find out the history of it.
However if somebody COULD find out what that area at the top of the slipway was constructed for, & it wasn't for storing "antique" hulks, maybe it could be the answer to Burzi's trailer parking problems, & if you own one of the "museum pieces" at the top of the slip, tough! ::)