Parking Trailers

Started by kit029, August 01, 2010, 23:23:25 CET

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Mhux alekk ghed nejdilkom hbieb...ahna il maltin marufin li noqodu ghal hafna affarijiet imma umbad din !..Id delizzju tana nghid ghalija wihed mir ragunijiet li nghix umbad jigi jejdlek taraxxxx


Hbieb il-qerda tad delizju tal kacca ghadda u issa li heles minnom se jdur ghalina dal **** gvern !!!

Bilmoghod il mod nistghu nghidulu bye bye is sajd !!

Destination Sea

trailer wahedhom ma jistux joqghodu fit triq mhux mal karozzi nafa jien. Jekk ikun wahdu l aqas l insurance ta tkoprik. Skont ma nafa jien tista thalli it trailer mal karozza parkjat  skond il ligi. kien hemm kaz il qorti hu dan l individwu rebha. Jafu li ma tamiliex sens thalli id daghjsa waheda biex tipparkja il karru xi 10 mili il bod. jekk ma irridux jifmu mela niftehmu kollha w ma nhallsux il licenzji tad daghjsa u il karrijiet nehduhomm kollha quddiem TM. w nipprottestaw ma EU.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Quote from: Destination Sea on August 05, 2010, 17:26:12 CET
trailer wahedhom ma jistux joqghodu fit triq mhux mal karozzi nafa jien. Jekk ikun wahdu l aqas l insurance ta tkoprik. Skont ma nafa jien tista thalli it trailer mal karozza parkjat  skond il ligi. kien hemm kaz il qorti hu dan l individwu rebha. Jafu li ma tamiliex sens thalli id daghjsa waheda biex tipparkja il karru xi 10 mili il bod. jekk ma irridux jifmu mela niftehmu kollha w ma nhallsux il licenzji tad daghjsa u il karrijiet nehduhomm kollha quddiem TM. w nipprottestaw ma EU.

nkun onest ma tantx hi realistika- probablita li emm tehel citazzjoni u l image hazina li taw lil kaccaturi nehduwha ahna ukoll

- iktar effetiva tgheddidhom bil vot -  u mhux thassru, ttihom garanzija li ha tivvota kontra u tara kemm jirrangaw malajr. Perswaz li hawn hafna nies jghixu ghas sajd, tmissilhom s sajd jaslu juzaw l vot favur d delizzju taghhom- u hemm jibzaw ghalina serrhu raskhom-  imbad bil vot kulhadd jaghmel fattih imma l massa taghmel effett qawwi

jin lest li niktbilhom jekk din s sitwazzjoni tippersisti
Good season so far.....


The issue does not concern me directly in the sense that I do not trail boats but it is very very serious and something definitely needs to be done about it.

Many of today's small outboard powered craft are intended for trailering - many owners of such craft will effectively be unable to use their boat after having spent several thousand euros (and paid vat and registration) for their boat. Similarly orders and sales of new boats will definitely decrease since only those having a mooring or some sort of garage/boathouse close to the sea will buy/order new boats.

Imagine living at Rabat as lapsiboy stated in a previous post and launching from Gnejna. If going fishing by yourself you will need to leave the boat unattended somewhere (where?). Even if more than one and somebody can stay with the boat, it is till impractical - Imagine Rabat to Gnejna to launch the boat, back to Rabat to put the trailer in the garage and then back to Gnejna to go fishing. Then the same to go back - A total of 6 trips from Rabat to Gnejna or the other way round - obviously ridiculous and not practical.


we must do something immediately ........

today i contact local council (birzebbuga) again and they confirmed it's against the law but does not know the legislation number. I tried to search myself for this legislation but did not succeed.

I contact local police station and they said it is okay to park but when i told them that local council said it is a contravention .... then they told me that tomorrow they will check again!

Can anyone get the legislation?

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


You have a vote, so you have a voice, I dont know who runs the local authorities in Malta but whether its local councillor or local MP they are acessible & ACCOUNTABLE to their constituents. Get around to their offices, surgeries, or whatever they call them out there & start banging the table.
You know what local politicians are like, they haven't got a clue what their constituents want, until somebody starts banging on their desk, then they take that back to the debating chamber & speak against it (otherwise you will bang their desk again).
We have the same problems over here employed OFFICERS come up with some new idea & put it forward to council for debate, & if the councillors know nothing about the subject (which is normal) then they support the idea, its only when somebody bangs their table that they actually look into it & find out that its a crap idea after all! >:(


I have contacted the Police and they confirmed that some Local Councils have issued byelaws to this regard. St Paul's Bay and Marsaskala local councils including all their underlying localities have done so for sure. Therefore yes parking the trailer behind a car in these localities is considered an offence!


Well you are lucky in one way, you are a small island & if you start making an issue of this it wont take long for EVERYBODY to know about it! I bet that everybody in Malta has a relative, or knows somebody, who has a boat, therefore most boat owners have supporters in their corner before they start.
Using this forum to start the campaign to get this stupid bye-law removed should be a first move, stickers in car windows saying "ABOLISH THE BOAT TRAILER BYE-LAW" or something similar will bring it to the attention of people who dont own boats, but who will see it quite rightly, as action against your civil liberties.
Its absolutely ludicrous that you should have to trail your boat from home, then leave it at a slipway unattended :o while you drive all the way home to park the trailer, then drive back to the slipway again, then do it all in reverse when you come back! Think of the extra fuel used, the pollution caused, the problems of obstructed slipways, the increase in stealing from the unattended boats (or the boats themselves) ridiculous!
I will be disappointed if you dont "run" with this one lads, what next, the blocking of slipways because all boats are on moorings? This would be met with an uproar over here, & most people in the UK dont know anybody who owns a boat, but as an action against civil liberties even the "Gay & Lesbian Liberation Group" would support the actions taken by trailboat owners! ::)   


Hi Nichol, as this may directly affect your business area if people stop buying trailerable boats or trailers in general as they are not allowed to leave them parked near the slipway, how about spearheading the formation of an association that includes companies like yours, marine chandlers, and boat owners to help rally and get this issue dealt with.

Whilst i understand that taking up all the parking spaces on the road with trailers isn't ideal, each council must first provide a suitable storage area near to their main slipways first, even if storing your trailer for the day is against a small charge to help cover the costs.

Can you imagine the mayhem in the morning and evening with 30-40 boats all on top of each other near the Bugibba slipway waiting as someone goes to get the trailer from a garage 10-15 minutes way!


you have reached transport malta ..... please wait all lines are busy ........
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Come on alltogether.
We have to do something...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Moving those great big boats off the area on top of the Burzebuggia slip would give enough room for a load of trailers to be parked, how long have they been stuck there? its things like that which should be put to the councils, the top of the Marsascala slipway (by the cafes) is used as an overspill car park when the street is full of cars! This is typical "council overkill" go get em boys!!! :D 


i've managed to reach prime minister's office with my complaint ...... we'll see how this ends!

please phone and put more pressure ... local councils, ADT etc......
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Adrian's on a roll, go get em boy! :D & make sure you rattle everybody else's cage & get them to complain as well, threaten to vote for the opposition at the next election if they dont listen, that usually focuses their attention! :o