Possible shark Attack ??????

Started by bigboy, August 09, 2010, 12:18:10 CET

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Informazzjoni li għandu MaltaRightNow.com tgħid li l-Pulizija qed jinvestigaw rapporti li dehret ħuta kbira fl-inħawi ta' Tigne Point. Il-kaz seħħ is-Sibt li għadda.

Jidher ukoll li matul l-istess ġurnata seħħ inċident meta raġel li kien bil-windsurfer tiegħu fl-inħawi kellu esperjenza mhux tas-soltu meta waqt li kien qed jipprattika dan l-isport safa attakkat minn din il-ħuta.

Kien is-surfer stess li għamel rapport dwar dan l-inċident.

Skont l-informazzjoni li daħlet għand dan is-sit, l-inċident seħħ għall-ħabta tas-1.15 ta' wara nofsinhar meta r-raġel safa attakkat minn din il-ħuta kbira li saħanistra kissret is-surf board ta' dan ir-raġel.

MaltaRightNow.com għamel kuntatt mal-Pulizija li t-tnejn li huma kkonfermaw ir-rapport.

B'xorti tajba r-raġel ma sofra l-ebda ġrieħi madankollu kellhom jintervjenu membri tal-Forzi Armati Maltin biex idaħħlu lil dan r-raġel lura lejn l-art. Minkejja li ma sofra l-ebda ġrieħi, r-raġel kellu xokk kbir fuqu u fir-rapport li għamel qal li l-ħuta kbira li messitu kienet kelb il-baħar.

Dan is-sit għandu informazzjoni li l-inċident għadu qed jiġi investigat, u għaddej ukoll stħarriġ li għandu l-iskop li jikkonferma l-preżenza ta' din il-ħuta kbira fl-ibħra Maltin.



din mhix il pastardella li harbet lili u :D hahahaha!!!

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


ijwa tlaqnaaa robbb :P jien bil qasba u int bis sunnara :P


ara taqbdu fuq xi konz tal kahli jew sargi :-P
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


nahseb mar wind surfing il parlament dal belti :)
Good season so far.....


frightening ....... just read the silly comments underneath the report and you'll notice the level of intelligence we have in this country!

he was just lucky!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Quote from: placebo on August 09, 2010, 21:08:10 CET
frightening ....... just read the silly comments underneath the report and you'll notice the level of intelligence we have in this country!

he was just lucky!
I was just thinking the exact same thing whilst i was skimming through the comments! Alot of people in this country are not familiar with the phrase "If you have nothing to say,shut the f**k up!"


proset placebo MartinB paroli vojt bis


I just seriously hope this is not going to result in a frantic witchhunt for sharks now.  As far as I know they are protected by Law ... right?
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Well Great White Sharks are for sure.As for other species im not sure...
However i dont think there are enough sharks around for a serious witch hunt and most likely this will just be the usual few days of paranoia and people seeing sharks everywhere and everythng back to normal.Lets hope so!

As placebo said the guy was very lucky to have survived and i think also he was very unlucky to have been attacked in the first place! as sharks don't attack humans per-se,and 9 times out of 10 when they attack,especially surfers,its a case of mistaken identity.I was watching a doc.on discovery channel and apparently they mistake the silhouette of a surf board for surface prey (seals and turtles usually) :o


Martin, re sharks confusing surfing app as surface prey, this usually happens because of the white bottom of the board. The under-belly areas of certain sea creatures which sharks feed on are usually white in colour, and when a person lies flat on a surf board and uses hands and feet to move forward these look like the hands and feet (if so they are called) of seals (or legs of a turtle which sharks feed on too). Hence the confusion. Saw it on Quark a few years back when the alarm was raised over the increasing decimation of such amazing fish.

Re the comments on the times, one guy actually wrote something on the lines that he was surprised why the government was not blamed yet!!! I mean come-on!!! hehe

Also, stupid question but im going to shoot, why does one have to log a report to the police when he spots a big fish? Ax filkas i change job maybe i get some tips on where to go spinning from :D Apart from the jokes, better they report the irregularities like the use of nets in ports and people with boats circling diving buoys!!! 


Quote from: jean on August 10, 2010, 01:21:48 CET
Martin, re sharks confusing surfing app as surface prey, this usually happens because of the white bottom of the board. The under-belly areas of certain sea creatures which sharks feed on are usually white in colour, and when a person lies flat on a surf board and uses hands and feet to move forward these look like the hands and feet (if so they are called) of seals (or legs of a turtle which sharks feed on too). Hence the confusion. Saw it on Quark a few years back when the alarm was raised over the increasing decimation of such amazing fish.

Re the comments on the times, one guy actually wrote something on the lines that he was surprised why the government was not blamed yet!!! I mean come-on!!! hehe

Also, stupid question but im going to shoot, why does one have to log a report to the police when he spots a big fish? Ax filkas i change job maybe i get some tips on where to go spinning from :D Apart from the jokes, better they report the irregularities like the use of nets in ports and people with boats circling diving buoys!!! 
Yes jean re the colour of the board's and feet/arms splashing,thats exactly what this show on discovery was saying!
If you change your job let me know :)


Dont worry, you teach me how to spin better and I will take you to the spots people report ;) I will also get the beer :) And if we don't catch, we get emic and throw him in, and we relax with the beer :) X'tahseb boss :D