Catch and release

Started by shanook, September 05, 2010, 17:30:37 CET

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sorry for my absence,but i was eating stuffed,baked grey mullet.i now feel sorry for the orphans i left


we are all saints now. i wonder what people do with baby swordfish? maybe bigboy can tell me!


onestament aljotta tigi itjeb bil gambli u b xi ras ta huta sabiha, b hafna hut rqiq timlija xewk... ta****a.

caldaland m emm xejn isbah li titlaq huta ghal gurnata ohra, jien nghid ghalija dis sena rajt differenza kbira minn sena ta qabel perez li ghamel hafna rih tul is sena u sar inqas sajd. il kahli ha r ruh ezempju. qed naghmlu sajdiet sbieh fuq kahli kbira ta 800-900 grs, imma kulma nzommu 4 kollox ghax xiwi. gili qbadt 8,9 imma nitlaq li ma jkollix bzonn halli jkolli skuza nerga mmur nistad ;)

il bahar jekk tibza ghalih jibza ghalik, jien ekk nifimha....

naf robby li mhux ha taghmel f qalbek u taqta l ikel, naf.... :P :P
Good season so far.....


Robby017: Thanks for pointing out the 2009 regulations.

The 2009 regulations seem to apply to fish caught from a boat.

It would therefore seem that fish caught from the shore are still regulated
by the Fishing Regulations (Legal Notice 1 issued under the Fishing Act - Chapter 425 of the Laws of Malta).

Probably, the table in the 2009 regulations is reproduced from EU Regulation 1967/2006.

EU regulations are directly enforceable in Maltese law i.e. they are automatically part of Maltese law, unlike EU Directives, in which case a Maltese law would need to be passed to implement (in practice "copy and paste") the content of the EU Directive in Maltese law.


i correct myself: the 2009 sizes apply to all fish, whether caught from land or sea.


Caldaland jekk qieghed tinsinwa xi haga fuq il pixxispad well then go ahead !!!!

With longlines it is different from fishing from the pier or trolling. With Trolling or fishing from land you can release any fish because the fish comes up in good health. With longlines it is a different story. ON longlines the fish you catch are not always found alive and not all fish can be released, but i can assure you that when ever we found small 2-4 kg fish alive we always released them, and to say all in summer you do not commonly find the small specimens, it is in the winter times that you will find small swordfish............

U ahna fix xitwa noqodu as shana tal quilt u mhux namlu lejl fil kesha habib ;)


However, I would think that the (Maltese) Fishing Regulations apply for those fish not listed in the 2009 regulations.


im looking for my next fish to the oven! hahahahaha!
napoleon bonappetit


While on the subject of releasing half dead fish. Ever wondered just how survivable fish are? Take a look at this leerfish, it was caught on spinning, and probably suffered an attack by a bluefish in the past. It was strong enough to hunt and survive, even though it's stomach cavity was ripped open!

Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


enjoy your meal....... attent min xi xewka
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


What fish to keep or to release is to a certain extent a personal choice that depends on ones appetite for fish, how much one catches and the level of expertise of the fisherman concerned. For people regularly catching nice big kahli of up to 800 g or so it is may not be too difficult to  to release smaller sized fish. But for somebody like me who does not fish much and whose 'kahli' catches are generally rather small zabri (which I do release) the odd 300 g or so kahlija that I do manage to catch represents a good fish and one which makes a good meal. Similarly a couple of half kg cervjol are for me a good catch and a good dinner, but for somebody regularly targeting the large, multi kg accjol it would hardly make much sense to keep cervjol.

On the other hand, while the extent of catch and release is  personal choice, keeping fish below the legal minimum size is NOT be a personal choice. With people tending to generalise, keeping undersize fish will tend to give a bad name to recreational fisherman in general. Also, keeping a few 15cm brieqex for aljotta is one thing but keeping dentex or dottijiet of the same size is something else.


Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


i agree 100% with Lazy ..... we must never try to force people into catch and release.

If one is shown good methods how to catch bigger fish and also slowly introduced to releasing back he will surely move in the right direction.

but it's always a personal choice ..... although minimum sized must be respected as much as possible.

One thing is that i really find funny is how such inspectors do not go to restaurants and regular visits to fish markets!

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


@ caldaland....... I do not know you mate and so I cannot judge you, but the way you speak sounds like you are targetting whatever is edible.......and that's wrong...If you' re fishing and occasionally hit a fish that is not worth returning to the sea for many factors that's one thing....but if you fish and target whatever comes in, like small groupers/dentici/pagri/pagell etc etc and you do soup with these, then the story is another. I know many people that do like I said, and then they blame the Government.....come on.... I also blame the government for many other reasons but what does this have to do with marine life? Hope I am mistaken, and we do not have similair members in our forum.
We are all liabale to make a mistake, and we all do one time or another. For example it happens to us spearos that sometimes a fish comes by so fast that the decision should be made in seconds, and sometimes you shoot and find a fish that is not decent, and I think about what I have done for the whole day, but once the fish is dead, there is nothing to do. The law also allows (if i remember well) for a certain percentage of mistake in this regard.

@ Placebo.. The subject of inspectors visiting markets and resturants has been raised by my end also with MEPA members. I do not know why the fisheries is still waiting to raise such a body of enforcement officers. It is quite an easy task to perform, I myself do a similair job. Heard for example of the latest fish street vendors regualtions!!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


thank you robby. as for the fishbone,i appreciate your concern but my wife watches over my plate when im eating fish so as to spot the occational odd bone. 4 eyes are better than 2 right?