Free hands on tutorials by the KSFA

Started by skip, October 02, 2010, 14:04:20 CET

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Folks our friends over at the KSFA would like to announce the following:

  • Members of the Kingfisher sport fishing association will promote sport fishing in Malta.

  • We would be showing various methods in detail how to deal in competition fishing events.

  • We would be giving all our tricks ...... while encouraging more youths to engage in this growing sports.

  • Our aim has always been top angling competition while encouraging to the full the catch and release practice.


ETC is organising as part of its Youth Employment Programme (YEP) from the 19 - 24 October 2010 at the Granaries Floriana. The aim of this 2 year programme is to guide youth in their search for employment and motivate them to take up interests which would provide them with useful skills in their career development. ETC has commissioned Outlook Coop to implement this project.

The SPORT gazebo will be set up by Outlook Coop and manned by the Sport Promotion Unit from 09:00-13:30 during weekdays and by Outlook Coop members during evenings and in the weekend. Sport Associations are being encouraged to participate by sending representatives to interact with the youths, involve them in some sort of activity if possible, talk about their sport and their association and encourage them to take up sports as part of their lifestyle.

KSFA would be delighted if you could join us in making this event a memorable one for Maltese youth while encouraging them to become more active.


We will be giving a brief introduction to all those who want to indulge themselves in the world of shore sport angling.

You are all welcome to join in the party and become an official Kingfisher member and by time making part of the island's elite top sport fisherman!

We do guarantee a top sport fishing environment and by far are the best on the island where it comes to sport angling. Top 10 places in the National Federation League are all held by KSFA members and not quite often we like to show the tricks.

But ......... for this time around we are ready to share our techniques and you are all welcome to our stand to come share the experience.

Hope to see you around coming Friday 22nd October on Granaries Floriana .........
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


at what time will this event be going on as in the evening i cannot come


from 5.30pm till 10.30pm friday

maybe will have another session on Saturday morning ..... but if the weather is fine most of us will be fishing!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing