Lampuki Fishing Regulation.

Started by framerc, January 31, 2011, 19:24:04 CET

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hbieb is-sabih tas- sajd mhux li thoss il- gibda biss imma li tmur id-dar b' tuzzana jew tnejn hut, tqassam xi erba lil hbieb u ssajjarhom mal- familja.
Hawn hafna min hu dilettant ta konz biss u wara kollox dan fih teknika wkoll.
Irridu nghidu li bir-rixa tahli ammont kbir ta fuel ghax dejjem ghaddej..fil- waqt li meta titlaq il- konz isserrah il- mutur,tiffranka l- fuel u tgawdi l- kwiet li jkun hemm biss hemm barra.


whoever will try to abolish bait line fishing for lampuki is killing a part of Maltese tradition
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


long lines...... i let out a 25 hook and i love it. As Rob said the thrills are different, i like both trolling and short lines (cant call it long line with 25 max 50 hooks). trolling u see the Puki coming after the bait, slicing in and out of the water jumping after you. and when u bring alongside u see the other Puki circling around. And the shortline seeing the floats popping and the line being pulled down.
Its a shame that these pen pushers dont have an idea of the efforts put into fishing and all they care is to put restrictions to kill the hobby. Sometimes i wonder why I dont sell everything and dedicate myself to criticizing and moaning about everything.


Quote from: snapper on February 01, 2011, 17:58:35 CET
hbieb is-sabih tas- sajd mhux li thoss il- gibda biss imma li tmur id-dar b' tuzzana jew tnejn hut, tqassam xi erba lil hbieb u ssajjarhom mal- familja.
Hawn hafna min hu dilettant ta konz biss u wara kollox dan fih teknika wkoll.
Irridu nghidu li bir-rixa tahli ammont kbir ta fuel ghax dejjem ghaddej..fil- waqt li meta titlaq il- konz isserrah il- mutur,tiffranka l- fuel u tgawdi l- kwiet li jkun hemm biss hemm barra.
Snapper, l-argument tieghek ma jamilx sens.  Semmejt ir-ragunijiet kollha hlief li tohrog u tiehu pjacir.  Ser inkun straight mieghek, ghax hekk biss nemmen.  Biex tohrog tistad bil-lanca, u toqod tinkwieta habba l-hsejjes, il-fuel, isserrah il-mutur, habib, tohrog xejn...ghax jien meta nohrog l-unika hsieb li jkolli hu li niehu pjacir. 

Snapper, your arguments do not hold water.  You have cited all reasons here except having fun.  I shall  be quite frank with you, because honesty is the best policy.  if your going out fishing, and worrying about fuel burn, engine noises, giving the engine a break and so on, then take my advise, don't go fishing.  RECREATIONAL fishing is all about having FUN!!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: placebo on February 01, 2011, 18:26:10 CET
whoever will try to abolish bait line fishing for lampuki is killing a part of Maltese tradition

Nelson, we've heard that argument before, fom other quarters.  Maltese tradition is all about previaling against all odds.  We prevailed when faced with impossible odds agaist the Ottoman Empire, 300,000 against 30,000 Maltese, and we won.  We prevailed against the Nazi blitz in the second world war, when they tried to bring this island to its knees by droping 1000's of bombs a day and a total shipping embargo.  We previaled against the British Empire and managed to aquire Independence and later on Freedom without shedding one drop of Maltese blood.  That is Maltese tradition .....   We prevail against all odds.  Just like catching Lampuki....we all know its easier to just drop in 20 to 30 baited hooks, and the Lampuki go crazy!!!.....they do that when chasing an artifical bait (lure) never mind what they will do when they sense the real thing!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Snapper i like what your say, it's true thats it's nice to catch a couple of fish and share and enjoy a good meal and a longline has a different buzz to it..going early in the morning finding the places setting the lines nicely etc etc...
And about the lampuki it's not the first time that people who troll near fads catch greater amounts caught by a 100hook longline sometimes they dont even touch the bait !! ...everyone with his opinion i guesss.....


Well said Shanook - we who spend so much time and money to enjoy (or try to!) our past time are being  burdened with tons of regulations but when those bureaucrats put a "seasonal" stop for example to miles of "parit/ghazel" in bays, fish size controll plus halting coastal trawling then I shall abide with the laws in full. These days I do not use long surface or bottom lines any more (despite having lots of them in store), however had I been younger I definitely would. When judicial equality is enforced for one and all then the long lines have to be put away by all of us.


Quote from: The_Gaffer on February 01, 2011, 20:16:20 CET
We prevail against all odds.

Joe - one thing we did not prevail against odds is hunting. I am a keen hunter (or used to be) and the fact that with a strong 25,000 or so registered hunters, we still cannot hunt for turtle doves and quails in April / May as they do in other countries. I am not going into the merit of irregularities here as these also take place when fishing. My point is that with the excuse of the EU, the government can do whatever he likes and if he wants to abolish Lampuki fishing or sports fishing for "S" registered boats, no one is going to stop him. So much for a democratic country/government.
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Malvizzu - I am not going to start a "hunting" paper trail cos it would never end and it is not the Forum's topic, but guys do allow me to say something small about hunting and legislation... Yes you are 100% correct. We come from a family that has hunted for gamiem & summien and other species since time immemorial both in Gozo & Malta. I gave up this sport here a few years ago cos it's not as productive as fishing, plus we are being persecuted continuously by the law. Indeed our government has gone well over the limits; it appears that by being "holier than thou" the EU may give us some special decoration or funds for practically eliminating both the hunting & fishing for all delattanti. As of late I have been "forced" to go hunting to the UK for wood pigeon, ducks, ring doves etc., although controlled by season you can practically shoot at anything. Other finch species (Ta Zebbug u Vrieden) are hunted & trapped in France/mainland Europe and can be found on the menus at some restaurants. Its "Only In Malta" that stupid, tough legislation is implemented to us delattanti and its about time we stand up and make our voice heard. Mela tajjeb ta.... if I am found to have a tiny Tunnag in my boat I am taken to court & fined....why?....species "conservation" is the explanation. Result - make way for those greedy businessmen to farm & fatten the BFT who in turn can make tons of money selling the fish to Japan!! Ara veru Gvern tal Mick Mouse. It's about time that we fight this issue real hard, and to those who are keen to fish for Lampuki (keeping a "delettant's" perspective in mind) by any method they desire.....I say... go for it mates!!


This is a very interesting topic, one which I am passionate about.  But we cannot allow our emotions to overflow on this forum.  There are 2 sides of the coin as regards legislation, conservation and recreational fishing.  No one said, (not even the law, EU) that we can't fish for lampuki.  Article 16 states that we, as registered recreational fishermen (MFC) cannot use longlines to catch Lampuki.  I agree, we are recreational fishermen.  Our motto is and always will be respect for the fish we seek.  I don't think the use of long lines by us or any other fishing category would have any impact on Lampuki population.  It is a high migratory species, and numerous studies have as yet not identified which path their migrationn takes them, whether is W to E or E to W, or in from the Atlantic and out via the Suez Cannal or vice versa.  But recreational fishing is not about maximising your catch.  That is my argument here.  It is not about using longlines or stuff like that.  It's about the thrill of hooking up a Lampuka using an artificial lure. 
@Malvizzu + Seafox.  As hunters, you knew exactly what the consequences of joining the EU would be.  Yet the whole hunting lobby believed the opposite.  Again, in 2008, you had another chance at rectifying the situation, but you still stuck to your guns.  I'm not saying that I am against or for hunting.  I have no stand on the matter. I do have a stand though on protected species, species which are rapidly decreasing in population.  Sometimes I wonder whether the pro hunting lobby shot itself in the foot.  However, as I said, I have no opinion on this matter.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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what will define a longline? are you sure 10 baited hooks is a longline?

there are so much questions about this! this is going to end up in a silly thing ..... like what happened with the trailers parked at sea. Silly people writing laws ... destructing all the Maltese traditions and trying to generate some money to ensure their wages on the long run!

Another thing is what will happen with the money generated? this should go to sport fishing people by right who care for environment catch and release. Where is the help from goverment to help in good sport fishing people to compete abroad?

Silly Malta being managed by deficient people (DEFICENTI BIL MALTI) ..... now erase my comments if you like!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


No Nelson, I won't erase that, there is nothing defamatory in what you said.  What you say is true and factual. We have a Fisheries Control Division who have no vessel to carry out inspections, and I fully agree with you that there should be a fund which supports sport fishermen to represent our country abroad.  It seems that the only organisation that gets these funds are the KOM (Kumitat Olimpiku Malti) for Maltese to be represented in the Olympics. But I'm not surprised, in clay pigeon shooting, William Chetcuti has represented our country with pride a number of times,  and won many honours...just ask William who paid for his expenses when going abroad.  thats right, it was out of his own pocket.

Nelson, tiftahliex kotba please~~~
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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One thing is for sure in Malta - certain laws are enforced only on the average worker, hunters and recreational fisherman. Those big heads who have the power do as they please. A percentage of the money hunters pay for the licence to keep and to carry where supposed to go for a project where the government with the help of the hunters lobby were supposed to start breeding quails and the likes in order to release in the wild for hunting. So placebo, if you are hoping for any money from the government to go for sports fishing people, keep on dreaming. It's only a wishful thinking. Other bigger countries are blessed with birds and fish in abundance for the recreational person to enjoy.
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@malvizzu:  re your point on licence fees and agreements with Gov. - So why hasn't the GKNK taken the Gov to task on this.  What are they waiting for?...more promises that the Spring hunting season will happen this time!!??
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Beats me how nothing have ever materialised. But as things always happen in Malta, whenever there's an election there's always some hidden agenda that we never come to know off.
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