Meeting with Federation of Recreational Fishermen

Started by The_Gaffer, February 09, 2011, 15:21:59 CET

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Today we attended a meeting with the Federazzjoni Tas-Sajjieda Dillettanti Malta.  This Federation represents most of the local fishing clubs around Malta and Gozo.  The Federation is also a member of the Malta Sports Council and one representative from the Federation sits on the Fisheries Board. 

The meeting was called by the MFF to discuss the upcoming Oris National Big Game Tournament. 

Following the usual introductory talk by both sides, it was becoming increasing apparent to both sides that we do have a lot in common, and we both work towards one aim; we both champion recreational fishing while maintaining a responsibility towards conservation and sustainability embraced by the respect towards the fish that we seek. 

The MFF provided a detailed account of the 2011 tournament, scope, objectives and organisation. 

I shall now briefly list the salient points of our discussion:

1. Federation to nominate 1 or two members to join the Tournament organising committee - accepted
2. Federation to actively participate in drive to enrol as much participants as possible for this tournament - accepted
3. Federation to actively form part of judging panel together with MFF and FCD - acccepted
4. Federation offered to provide assistance with tournament logistics including securing the B'Bugia Jetty, secure road trailer parking site, and securing overnight mooring in B/Bugia bay for tournament boats
5. Federation also offered all help and assistance required to make this tournament a success.
6. MFF and Federation both agreed that this meeting should serve as a start for a long and fruitful relationship between the two entites who work for the common good of recreational fishing and have pledged to meet more frequently and discuss topics which are of interest and beneficial towrds our recreational activity.
7. Finally , the Federation invited the MFF to formally register this forum or an affiliate wing of this forum as an association, this would pave the way for the Forum or an affiliate wing of the forum to secure representation in the Federation.  MFF replied that it would discuss this matter with the administrator of the forum and together with the moderator team will communicate with the Federation the outcome of this discussion.   

The MFF is very happy with the way the Federation has wholeheartedly committed its resources towards this noble cause.  We are also delighted to have had such a great response in terms of solidarity, and we shall for sure in the coming weeks discuss the offer to affilate the foum or a body representing the forum as a formally registered association.

On this proposal, your comments, views and ideas are most welcome.  Let the discussion begin.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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OK, so that was a post dedicated to the meeting we had this morning with the Federation.  I shall now post my views on the Federation's proposal, and the way I see this proposal moving forward.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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The MFF today represents 1900 members, all hailing from 3 different categories, Boat Fishing, Shore Fishing, and Spear Fishing.  My porposal is to register 3 associations reflecting the Recreational activites of the MFF's members.
For Boat Fishing - Big Game Malta
For Shore Anglers - The MFF shore anglers association (or some other wording to that effect)
For Spear Fishing - The MFF Spear Fishing Association

Each association must be composed of 5 committee members, including one president, secretary, cashier, and 2 committee members. Each association must draw up a statute, and register this statue with the authorative body that regulates associations in Malta, and then with the Malta Sport Council.  That would secure a higly rpresentative figure on the Federation, which would also reflect the number of forum members here as well.  

Or we can have one association representiting the three categories of fishing.  

What do you guy think (Tistaw tiktbu bil-Malti wkoll, ma taghmilx differenza)
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Just a little thought - many boat fisherman (I would hazard to say most) are not involved in anything that can remotely be described as big game.  Many would go for bottom fishing, trolling for sawrell, kahli and tumbrell, fishing for squid etc so I am not too sure that Big Game Malta would be the right name for an MFF association representing boat fishermen. Just my opinion.


Quote from: lazyfisherman on February 09, 2011, 17:26:59 CET
Just a little thought - many boat fisherman (I would hazard to say most) are not involved in anything that can remotely be described as big game.  Many would go for bottom fishing, trolling for sawrell, kahli and tumbrell, fishing for squid etc so I am not too sure that Big Game Malta would be the right name for an MFF association representing boat fishermen. Just my opinion.

Agreed, suggest another name
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Hello All.  The FSDM ( Federazzjoni Sajjieda Dilettanti Maltin) secretary already made contact with Birzebbuga Local Council. The counciler responsible for Sports and allied activities is very pleased with this event and is prepared to give all the necessary help needed. It is suggested that in the near future members from MFF and FSDM meet the counciler responsible to discuss and finalise the issue.

Also the FSDM Executive is pleased that the suggestion to form an Association/s, register with Authorities concerned and affiliate within the Federation so forming one compact group is being considered and discussed within the MFF. The FSDM can and is prepared to help for registration with Malta Sport Council once this or these new Association groups are constituted with committees and statutes conforming with parameters acceptable to local legislation and existing Amateur Associations. One has to add that each Association will have from two to three members from its respective committee/s on the FSDM committee which meets regularly each month and if need arises call extraordinary meetings.

FSDM hopes that this is the begining of a joint venture to support and create a sound initiative to preserve our hobby for generations to come. 


In my opinion forming three separate Associations representing the three different categories of the MFF is the best choice. Each category has its different needs and problems so on the FSDM committee there will be members from each Association who can elucidate precisely the issues in question. Following discussion within the FSDM committee, it is practice that when issues pertain to one Affiliated Association committee, during contact with Authorities an FSDM executve committee member together with two Association committee members involved in the issue  attend these meetings. This makes the meeting highly reppresentative of The FSDM as a whole and Association concerned.


Hi Gogo - Thanks for your update re the B/Bugia Council meeting and also the FSDM Secretary's initiative in considering our request so promptly is highly appreciated. We are all pleased to note that the Councilor for Sports and related activities in B'Bugia is giving us his fill support, prosit hafna. Tony/Shanook has been notified to contact your good self (Dr. Carabott Damato) to set up a meeting with the B'Bugia Council so that the issues of having a free pier and secure parking space for trailers on the day of the Tournament are accepted and authorized. On behalf of all MFF members we thank you for your cooperation & support.


Guys, most of you will be at the Fenkata tonight.  Lets have a discussion then. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Hi, llum kellna laqgha mal-Kunsil ta' B'Buga. Is-Sindku u membri ohra tal-Kunsil lesti jatu l-ghajnuna kolla mehtiega ghall -kompetizzjoni Oris Big Game Tournament. Aparti ghall- breakwater li se ikun riservat ghalt-tournament, se ikollna post vicin tas-slip fejn jistu jigu pparkjati karrijiet ta' minn se ppartecipa u irid igib l-opra tieghu B'Buga u johrog fuq il-bahar min hemm. Importanti li min se igib il-karru jinforma lill-kumitat organizzattiv meta applika ghat-tournament biex inkunu nafu kemm ghanna bzon spazju. Ahsbu kmieni biex inkunu nista nipjanaw bil quddiem u kullhadd ikun moqdi sew.


Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Gogo -Thanks for posting a brief with regards to the "trailer parking" issue following our meeting of this morning at the B'Bugia local council where a several other subjects were discussed. Your huge support and enthusiasm is highly appreciated, additionally the trailer parking area that you have designated close to the slip/breakwater could not be a better place!! Prosit ta.
I sent an email a few minutes ago to all the committee members and cc yourself detailing a full report of what was discussed. I would expect that Joe Gaffer would post the points in a concise form sometime in the near future. Colin


I am reproducing an email I received from SEAFOX a few minutes ago.  This is what combined teamwork is all about.  We simply cannot have 2 or 3 people running the whole show.  It would be unfair on them, and unfair on this event.  This inititaive requires a massive effort from all quarters, and it is with people like these, that I feel comfortable and working towards this aim.  

The email:
Joe Gaffer
As planned this morning both Dr. Joe Carabott Amato (Joe) and I visited the B\Bugia Mayor and another councilor at their offices. Before moving on to report what was discussed I would like to sincerely thank Joe for his support both at the meeting and afterwards. This gentlemen is all out to assist us all in organizing the Tournament and also help in anything that we need to ensure that the venture is successful. Joe is a well respected B'Bugia resident, all those we came across know him well and he is certainly highly connected and a much respected figure.

Joe Gaffer -  being the Chairman of the Tournament organizing committee you need to send an email to the B'Bugia local council giving them a brief introduction of what and why we intend to organize on the 26 June. Basically you have to mention concisely our Puttino Fund objective and Tournament's concept. More or less what you detailed on the "sponsorship" document.

We asked the Mayor to consider supporting us on the following:-
**  Reserving the pier (close to the Council's offices) for the 26th June for boats parking/mooring alongside
**  Allowing us to erect some Marquis/Tinet & serving refreshments to any visitors
**  Allow filming by the TV stations and other enterprises
**  Placing at least 3 flag poles - Rep of Malta - MFF & B'Bugia local council flags
**  Boat trailer parking - which should be supervised & guarded by MFF members

The Mayor requested that we officially send an email to him/Council requesting the above. May I point out that both the Mayor (Mr. Joseph Farrugia) and Mr. Anthony Roberts were all out to support us and appeared very enthusiastic and cooperative about the whole idea. It should be no problem for them in meeting all the above issues. Moreover a few days before the event notices will be put up advising that the pier and trailer area are to be free on the 26th June, additionally the designated areas would be cordoned with the usual tape the day before the event.  
Re Trailer parking : The original location discussed is opposite the Al Fresco however I remarked to Joe that boaters have a long walk to/from the slipway. Following the meeting both Joe and I had a long chat on the pier, which I must say is ideal for the occasion. I pointed out that if we could secure the "boat park area" opposite the slip across the road this would definitely be the ideal place as it is right near the slip. Joe called me some 45 mins after I left him and he told me that he already arranged with the B'Bugia "harbour master" who is responsible for this area, that this particular site would be left free on the 26th for trailer owners taking part in the tournament. I would estimate that the parking lot would accommodate at least 20 medium sized trailers.
Joe suggested the following which we should comply with :
A list is to be given to the local council, the harbour-master (and to Joe himself since he is going to be very active on the B'Bugia side) by the end of May of those intending to park their trailers & cars/trucks in B'Bugia.
He also came up with a few other very important issues which we need to discuss at a meeting sometime next month. Joe kindly offered for us to make use of the premises that the Association has at the Sports Centre where we met the first time. It is imperative that Joe, as a representative of the Federation, is obviously invited to attend. On a final point. Out of courtesy and on Joe's suggestion I invited the Mayor and any other councilor to attend the opening/start off the Pier, the closing stages and at the  presentation reception.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: SEAFOX on February 16, 2011, 13:38:19 CET
Gogo -Thanks for posting a brief with regards to the "trailer parking" issue following our meeting of this morning at the B'Bugia local council where a several other subjects were discussed. Your huge support and enthusiasm is highly appreciated, additionally the trailer parking area that you have designated close to the slip/breakwater could not be a better place!! Prosit ta.
I sent an email a few minutes ago to all the committee members and cc yourself detailing a full report of what was discussed. I would expect that Joe Gaffer would post the points in a concise form sometime in the near future. Colin

Seafox - I felt obliged to represent the full email. It is indeed an honour and great privilege to work with people who believe in a cause, walk the talk, and deliver beyond expectations.  

I pointed out in a recent post that when we met up with the Federation reps that there was something that triggered a feel good factor inside me about the poeple we were talking too.  These people, like ourselves, dedicate their time and resources towards something that they believe in.  We only had to briefly explain our initiative, and they were already on board.  

Guys, things are moving in the right direction.  Indeed, we need more people who are willing to dedicate some time to this event.  I know its big, and requires alot of coordination, planning and execution, but my high level of coinfidence is reinforced with the knowledge that we are all working and firing on all pistons to make this National event a success.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Well done Seafox and Gogo. Thanks also to the B'Bugia local council who from day 1 showed enthusiasm for this event.