New torch.

Started by fabrizioviper, February 15, 2011, 20:19:41 CET

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Hi guys , whats the best brand of torch i could buy for spearfishing and prices pls thks.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


The best at the moment is intova which is sold directly from M&A bugibba.
Ask for Jason sales and instead of the original price at about 60 euro, he will give it to you around 50euro.
There are 3 versions, the ideal for spearing is the one with the normal switch, the other with the switch at the back is suitable for diving.
Then there are two lenses to choose from. I would choose the one with spot which is superb.
The only drawback is that it does not tAKE NORMAL BATTERIES, but once you put in a set, they last very long. Us spearos, we do not leave it on for long. A friend of mine did not change his batteries for a year so!!!

The body of it is very robust aluminium. and the seal is double... so have a look...
Its the best option now.
It is also very compact....

Please note, replace the wrist strap, the original one which is intended for diving and is very strong. If the torch gets stuck between the rocks, you will be stuck with it in the bottom, without the possibility to cut the line by pulling. It happened to me, and beleive me, you wil panic. I was lucky to stay calm. But since then, I replaced all the straps with elastic ones.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


baghira andu ragun. L ahjar u l irhas li hawn fis suq al dak il prezz. Jien ghandi 3 sporasub il godda, dawk tal 180euro il wahda, vera ghandek dija ta dawl bsahtu imma il batties ma jdumux. Issa wahda minnhom dahalla l ilma min bejn il waser u l lenti ta quddiem u l Omer hargu minna ax qaluli li aktarx l ilma dahal mil o rings li tissikka. Harbu bil pulit u qaluli li jatuni ohra b nofs prezz, imma qed ntella u nizzel nohodiex jew le


hi baghira, i took your advice , i bought the intova you metioned, it was 65eur, but he gave me a good discount and i got for 52eur, its a small compact torch, but yet extremly powerful, i think the fish dies as soon as i switch it on them , no need to shoot them,  joking lollll. thks again.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


parir habib.
Don't forget to replace the wrist strap.
Cya mate
Which one did you buy, normal switch I assume, and which lens?
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Intova is a very good one and not expensive. I got an Omer Moonlight as well (for almost Lm75) 3 years ago, but after 1 year it did'nt function anymore.


@ baghira its a silver one, normal switch, takes two strange batteries.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


By the way, tafu xi hadd isewwihom? Ghandi Moonlight LED Omer, hasra nhalliha hekk


Quote from: fabrizioviper on March 28, 2011, 19:41:26 CET
@ baghira its a silver one, normal switch, takes two strange batteries.

battries ixtri 6 sets min ebay uk ax min hemm bxejn u min malta kienu xi 6 darbiet il prezz


@ emic , hekk kont qed nahseb , u forsi ngibom rech u charger ukoll, u xorta jigu irhas :)
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


Quote from: rixa444 on March 29, 2011, 15:38:21 CET
By the way, tafu xi hadd isewwihom? Ghandi Moonlight LED Omer, hasra nhalliha hekk

jekk dahlilha l ilma insija rixa ghax d diodes u l copper ikun kollu mar, jispicca jehodlok valura ta idejh u x xoghol li jipprova jaghmillek.

Jekk hu kas ta overheating jew short circiut habba battery jew charge, emm wiehed haz zabbar ihawwad fit televisions jaghmilielek 
Good season so far.....


Quote from: fabrizioviper on March 30, 2011, 18:56:07 CET
@ emic , hekk kont qed nahseb , u forsi ngibom rech u charger ukoll, u xorta jigu irhas :)

ma nafx jekk jonqas il vultag la darba jkunu rechargable imma tant ma tahliex li qas haqq toqod tidhol fi problemi zejda. jekk tuzahha sikwiet qas nimmagina li tbiddel il batreries iktar min 4 darbiet fis sena


@ Granitu...........Thanks for your advice. Ilma zgur ma dahallhiex ta. Jekk tghidli min hu dak ta' haz-Zabbar, nittawwal wahda s'ghandu u nkellmu ux. Grazzi


issa ntik n numru meta nkun d dar garaxx dan isewwi televisions u eletronics m ghandekx x titlef ssaqsih tista gieli rrangali xi circut board. din led? jekk marret l led taf tkun problema
Good season so far.....
