
Started by Simon G, May 05, 2006, 17:14:49 CET

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Ok. So let's say I want to troll a live Vopa, what do I have to do ? How do I rig it and waht speed ?


Better explained with pictures. With live bait I meant, once alive bait, because if you manage to keep it alive, it doesn't normally survive the rigging process. The hook should go through the mouth, out of the gills, so you don't really touch or pierce the fish at all. Then pierce the hook straight through just behind the tail. Try and give the fish a slight bend, so it looks injured while trolling. Of course use a swivel to lose the swirling action on the line. You might need to use a very thin line around the fish in the middle to keep it hooked well and to keep it bent.  I'm not too sure about speeds to be honest, but I would say around 5 knots. Personally I never got lucky with trolling on live bait for barracuda, I just learnt how to probably rig a fish now, however I know plenty who did. I think this isn't the best time in the year for cudas either. Simon might know of a better way to rig them.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp

Simon G

Hi guys
I prefare trolling with mullet as it lives longer and it is easier to rig for begginers

lets start with the trace if you are trolling for cudas i recomend s/s wire as they have teeth (Sharp ones)
use a size 2/0 hook which you incert just under the skin next to the tail
the other hook a size 6 or 4 can be incerted either infront of the eyes or trough the upper jaw

you only need about a foot of wire  10lb is enough

regarding speeds 1-3 knots not more with live bait any faster and you stand a chance of ripping out the hooks (due to the fishes drag )

with dead bait 3-5 knots
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


can any one tell me the best times to catch barracuda (the time of day and the time of year)
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


best time is early in the morning or late before sunset. i think its an all year fish you just have to be lucky to catch one

Simon G

try trolling early evening about 6 pm and continue till about 10pm the usually hang around reefs and drop offs
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Hawn xi hadd qed jaqbad baracudas jew?  Ili ma nara u niehu messa tul ix-xhur tas-sajf kollha.  Filghodu jkun hemm jikkacja ghax jinstema' imma l-lure ma jatix kasha.  Normali bhal dan iz-zmien tas-sena jew jien il-problema??? ;D


Nahseb normali jew jien ghandi problema ukoll din il-gimgha kuljum ghamilt siegha filodu minghajr ma naqbad jew jigi wara l-lure.Il-lum qbad huta differenti imma! Kien ili xi 45 minuta nispinja,hatt messa u hsadt.Wahhalt xihaga pero ma bediex jati daqqiet!Bejni u bejn ruhi hsibt li xi klamar jew sicca,jekk mhux xi borza.Pero huta kienet.BURQAX!

Perla 165

lol amilt succes mela hehe... ahjar mix xjn imma :)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Burqax :o ???  Ara kemm kellu guh mela.....


Mela lure 8cm u hu kien fih 11-12cm!


Nope,not really you can often catch them spinning! Even skalm,tracna,skorfna will all take lures and spinners


the beach comber (burqax) is a big predator.

He acts exactly like the dentici when some prey enters his territory.

Like martin said there are more fish that take lures .... also there is the sargu sometimes!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Yep the sargi too sometimes! Although personally ive never caught a sargu so far (or a skalm) on spinners,but a friend of mine caught a really nice one this summer!

Perla 165

maritn semejt li jinqabdu ukol skalm,tracna,skorfna.....  dawn huma huwt tal qih. bazikament il huta titla al li spinner jew l ispinner jadi mal qih ?!

Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!