Corrosion on outboard gearbox

Started by baghira, February 06, 2012, 21:45:04 CET

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when i paint my drive i strip to the metal and the same thing happen to me wen i used aciton and wire brush. Dont use them on aluminium  now is the third year touch wood no problem go to the site boatdiesil and ask. In there you will have your answer.


If you are going to use a wire brush to clean your outboard leg then please dont use a mild steel, copper, brass,or fibre bristled one, but buy a really good quality brush with stainless steel bristles in it,all the other kinds cause a reaction with the alloy in the outboard leg, hope this helps


Thanks for all the info guys.....
Too busy at the moment....
I will do it after summer....
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh