Running float...

Started by SpaguJr, September 30, 2011, 10:24:32 CET

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X'tuzghaw bhala stopper ghas sufrun? ghax xtrajt qasba rqiqa u hafifa 4m u anelli vera rqaq u l-oqda qed tehilli kif nigi biex ntella jew nitfa naqa l-barra...


Good season so far.....


amilt oqda issa ahjar... imma ghandi problema ohra issa :S... kif tiskandaljaw ghal ez 15 il metru l-barra???


ccaqlaq l ghoqda ghal fond li tixtieq habib - l ghoqda trid tkun running. usa comba li tgharraq s sufrun u skandilja fil post li ha tistad bil mod bejn wiehed u iehor. meta ssib li tkun fondejt hafna ssib tarf zgur ghax kemm tnaqqas l fond.

hu hsieb il bdil tal fond habib ghax il bahar ibiddel il fond skond il hin u l mulett trid tistadu fond kwazi ezatt
Good season so far.....


10x grantiu king int men... mulett hafif uwx tarmalu? 


jekk ha tistad dal weekend jekk ma jkunx emm giri stadu b suffrun 2+2grams, harira medda .18 l iktar u l final nistadu bejn 0.12-0.08 kieku jien
Good season so far.....


Mort naqa l-bierah u din kienet lewwel sajda... is sawrella biss zammejt ghax l-ohrajn kienu kolla piz izghar... imma ghal lewwel darba mort running float kollox rqiq kuntent hafna... :D


Guys andi bzonn parir x'float lahjar li nuza ghar-running biex ma joqodx jitaqqad meta twaddab?


Interesting article about shore fishing in Malta ... if you scroll down there are very detailed instructions about float fishing enjoy .....
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Thanks alot for the tips but i wanted to know a particular brand or float type that i should use so that when i cast the running float there won't be nodes :/


What i found that helps a lot with avoiding tangles is leave at least the float's length from the swivel to the first stopper.. around 50cm - 1mtr should do..
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !

There is no such thing as too much equipment.


i get most of my floats from Tubertini as they are the best in float fishing stuff. They have the Cralusso range which is awesome, but also Maver and Venturieri work great .... but it is not a problem of tangling ...... a good idea is as intructed above leave some space from swivel
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


tista tuza stoppers ta rubber, u imbat aqsamom min nofs halli ma jkunx daqsek kbir....jien andi listess problema b'zewwg qasab ax lanella tal ferh vera irqieqa imma bil mod li etlek sibtni komdu u ma joqodx jehel ix-xliff.....hut biss saru jehlu :P