Spinning Rod and Reel

Started by bukkun1992, June 22, 2012, 16:23:22 CET

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Hi......I'm a new member to this forum...
I am willing to buy a spinning rod and reel but I have a budget of about 80 euro,without line.
Do you have any models and makes of rods and reels, I've made a budget because I am more used to go bottom fishing and i might get bore easily of spinning and it would be a pity of an expensive rod in a comer .



i cannot answer as it is not my subject.can anybody help this person?


I can't tell you what you can buy with the budget you have, I am not that informed on prices but I can suggest to go for a medium range rod let's say between 10gr- 35gr action with a 4000 serie reel. I have the shimano exage 4000 it is a great reel. I suggest to go Mr Fish or ta Bormla and see whats on the market
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85



i m going to hit the shops this week....I am willing to buy the shimano exage.....any rod models on your mind ?


Go to Pirotta if you want a Shimano Exage 4000 would be the ideal size and you get a 3 year guarantee , on it put 0.30mm mono because braid may give you some nasty knots for the beginning . As a rod I had a Shimano Alivio 10-30grams , it's cheap and good for beginners .

Good luck for your first session  ;)
I only fish on days that end in "Y" ...


i think that with a budget of 80e you won't get the appropriate gear...as you mentioned the shimano exage, it's a perfect reel but it's gonna cost you about 60-80e alone...regarding the rod you should buy a 10-30g medium to fast action. If i may ask...what's wrong in buying the proper gear if you are going to buy...what i mean is...if you buy a spinning gear...and you get bored(which in the beggining you tend to be till you get the hold of it), you can still use it for bottom fishing or float fishing.


yes yes you have a point here..


Just bought my gear.....
Rod - Shimano Alivio CX 300
Reel - Shimano Catana  2500 FB
line - Braid 0.18




Is a 180mm lure very big for spinning from land ? it is a mommotti


any more help regarding spinning techniques plss


the mammotti 180 are perfect for barracudas...there's even the 190 version...but in my opinion it's not that effective for barras. 150-180 are the sizes you should look for when it comes to barras.