Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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oqghod ghamel il-kompetizzjonijiet ghal karita,malajr tehoda l-grazzi!


if they want to save the fish and sea why they don;t down rate the engine power of trawlers that will push fisherman to use smaller nets and smaller (dirigenti), il verita i li li et jiqfu  u jzarmaw ax diesel jiswa  wisq u xejn aktr!

il verita i li il ligi az zajr u id dajjef u mux al kulhad!!

and if i cach 10kg of fish by using a long line once a week forsi jin kriminal and commercial boats that makes euro6000 a day thats not a problem uwx.


Quote from: caldaland on November 21, 2012, 01:27:38 CET
oqghod ghamel il-kompetizzjonijiet ghal karita,malajr tehoda l-grazzi!

Il-hajja ghalmitni Max li nqum, nitfarfar u nkompli ghaddej.  Kieku nistenna l-grazzi, kieku mmut bla grazja!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Is-sajjieda professjonali jafu li ha jeqirduh bahar bit-tkarkir ma l-art u lampara bla kontroll.Allura l-ewwel iridu jeqirdu lilna imbghad inaqqu l-ahhar erba hutiet!


L-anqas jien min dilettant tal-grazzi izda,sincerament,qed nistenna naqra appogg min dawk li ghejnihom meta kellhom bzonn.


U bhal ma jghid il-king ta malta - il-kbir ghadu gej.  Jekk qed tahsbu li din il-kwistjoni tal-knuz u snanar hija assurda, baqa hafna aktar cucati li qed jigu proposti f'dawn il-laqghat.  Din tal-knuz u snanar ma hija xejn hdejn dak li qed jigi propost!
Tal-biza l-ahwa, tal biza.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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kif ghid qabel,id-decissjonijiet qed jittiehdu f-kamra maghluqa bejn tnejn,tlieta min nies.


Forsi hemm min ghandu nteress li flok uliedna jaqbdu d-delizzju tas-sajd,jaqbdu id-delizzju tad-droga.Min jaf hux.


Haqqkom, kollha kemm intom hawn.  Meta ridt norganizza l-forum bhala club, kont tajtkom ir-raguni ghala kien hemm bzonnu l-club.  Hadd ma ried jghin.  Anzi, kien hawn minn hada kontrija.
Hsibtuni qed nessagera.  Fitxu sew, u issibu xkien lis-skop ghala ridt norganiza l-MFF bhala club.  Kelli informazjoni fuq dak li kien gej.  


Bir-rispett lejn Gogo, kien hu li avzana lilna bhala MFF biex inkunu hemm prezenti mieghu.  kien Gogo li avzana li gej il-gwaj, u kellu bzonn l-ghajnuna.  Tana l-appogg shih biex norganizzaw l-MFF bhala club.  Imma bhas-soltu, kien hawn minn fixkel, u issa galarija.  

Kullhadd jafa l-ligi.  Ma tistax tkun rikonoxxut bhala club jekk inti ma tkunx registrat bhala NGO mal kunsill Malti ghal isport.  Jien kelli diga abboz ta statut ghal club tal-MFF lest, u approvat provisorjament.  

Hsibtuni iblah lili?  U meta nghidlikhom li l-kbir ghadu gej, miniex nesagera.  Anzi, l-irgulija zzomni milli nkompli.

Pero, jekk hawn xi hadd interessat, ha nitfa l-abbozz tal-istatut, biex jekk kien hawn xi hadd li lili rani ta tfixkil biex jigi organizzat il-club, ikompli hu.  Dan jien ktiibtu, fil-hin liberu tieghi.  u qed naghmlu biex nurikhom li jien ghandi l-amur propja ghas-sajd, u nixtieq li l-kawza taghna tinstema.  Dan l-abbozz ta statut miktub skond il-ligi, u skond kif jitlob li jigi registrat club tas-sajjieda dilettanti.  
Komplu intom, jien publikament minn hawn qed inwedkhom l=appogg tieghi, u tal programm Fish On
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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As a small comment about this topic, I think we owe a thank you to people like Gogo, Frabel, Gaffer and Skip as were it not for your efforts & posts together with your energy and drive to keep this forum and discussion going, I for one would have had no idea of these changes in regulations / policies which are being discussed. I was involved in a number of NGOs / voluntary orgs in the past and know how frustrating it is when one is engaged with such a time consuming selfless and thankless role (fejn flok grazzi wiehed anzi jispicca jaqlaghha fuq rasu.) So thanks guys.

Re recreational fishing gear, I think Caldaland raised a very valid point - that of having the hgiega (dik tal-qarnit/sicc biex niftehmu) included too.
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l-ahjar id-diskussjonijiet/laqghat jieqfu ghax vera l-kbir ghadu gej minn kif qed jidhru l-affarijiet.


Quote from: The_Gaffer on November 21, 2012, 02:06:14 CET
Haqqkom, kollha kemm intom hawn.  Meta ridt norganizza l-forum bhala club, kont tajtkom ir-raguni ghala kien hemm bzonnu l-club.  Hadd ma ried jghin.  Anzi, kien hawn minn hada kontrija.
Hsibtuni qed nessagera.  Fitxu sew, u issibu xkien lis-skop ghala ridt norganiza l-MFF bhala club.  Kelli informazjoni fuq dak li kien gej. 


Bir-rispett lejn Gogo, kien hu li avzana lilna bhala MFF biex inkunu hemm prezenti mieghu.  kien Gogo li avzana li gej il-gwaj, u kellu bzonn l-ghajnuna.  Tana l-appogg shih biex norganizzaw l-MFF bhala club.  Imma bhas-soltu, kien hawn minn fixkel, u issa galarija. 

Kullhadd jafa l-ligi.  Ma tistax tkun rikonoxxut bhala club jekk inti ma tkunx registrat bhala NGO mal kunsill Malti ghal isport.  Jien kelli diga abboz ta statut ghal club tal-MFF lest, u approvat provisorjament. 

Hsibtuni iblah lili?  U meta nghidlikhom li l-kbir ghadu gej, miniex nesagera.  Anzi, l-irgulija zzomni milli nkompli.

Pero, jekk hawn xi hadd interessat, ha nitfa l-abbozz tal-istatut, biex jekk kien hawn xi hadd li lili rani ta tfixkil biex jigi organizzat il-club, ikompli hu.  Dan jien ktiibtu, fil-hin liberu tieghi.  u qed naghmlu biex nurikhom li jien ghandi l-amur propja ghas-sajd, u nixtieq li l-kawza taghna tinstema.  Dan l-abbozz ta statut miktub skond il-ligi, u skond kif jitlob li jigi registrat club tas-sajjieda dilettanti. 
Komplu intom, jien publikament minn hawn qed inwedkhom l=appogg tieghi, u tal programm Fish On

So people pledge to help and you throw the towel?
Good season so far.....


@gogo... If I was negative you would know. I am realistic. How many people are on the sub committee. As stated by frabel IF there is one member from each, then that would be 6 members. We (amateur fisherman) have ONE representing us (gogo). That is 1 against 6. If there is a vote or objection what happens? I don't call that sub committee as a body that is representing the issues of amateur fishing.
And if you come up with ' but this is only a sub committee to present ideas' then its even worse as a sub committee should be entiterly made up of amateur fisherman. Then these ideas will be discussed further with other authorities to see if there are any conflicts or contradiction.
If in your opinion this is a well set committee and you are happy with the set up then yes please be free to take it as a personal provocation.

So just ten people commenting here and you are going to add the outriggers.....imagine how many other ideas and comments you would get if you had to consult the people concerned that is the amateur fisherman?
You remember the heated arguments we had at birzebbugia amateur fishing club, and how those present commented or contributed with their concerns or ideas, but the rest of the clubs didn't know what was happening. Well I hope this is not a repeat, as although the forum is made up of fishing enthusiasts, the amateur fishing clubs are made up of paying members and are affiliated with the federation. Up to now I have not heard anything from bugibba club.

I am one to agree with rules and regulation, so nothing wrong there. I repeat it is offensive that this sub committee is not entirely made up of amateur fisherman representatives.


Joe it's a good idea to organize the forum as a club BUT u think it makes a difference. We will be another club like all the others you are a member of one, I am a member of another but we both don't have the slightest information of what's going on behind closed doors from our clubs.
We will be part of the federation making it stronger maybe..... But just another club.
Correct me if I am wrong. (But let's not change the issue here if need be open and drag these to another post).


Shanook, you are right.  I won't go into that here.  But, I really do beleive we could make a difference, if I didn't I would not pursue it here.  Maybe after all these years we need a change, new faces, new blood, new ideas, break the old habits, the network, the friendships, everything.
To all the rest of you here, Shanook's last post is a great example of why things will never change here, and why people in authority bulldoze over all of us because frankly speaking, they know our backbone is broken, and we will never change!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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