Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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Dr. Joe - One question.  I have just followed the presentation prepared by Posiedon and EMCS, which presents a SWOT analysis I'm assuming was prepared by the consulting companies.  I'm also assuming that these companies prepared their presentation following an indepth analysis, including interviews with various stakeholders, probably brain storming sessions, and so on.  May I ask who rpresented the recreational fishermen?
let me make it easy for you, if your answer is the Federation, then my assumptions which I have been highlighting here in all my posts on this topic, have been proved correct, and you are only paying lip service to something/someone which you have always subscribed to. 
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Dear gogo or joe,
In that post i was referring to the fisheries rapresentatives.I am very surprised that you are defending the fisheries and not me,an amateur fishermen.Im a person who always called a spade a spade,and when someone lies ,i say that someone is lying.Thats me! Cannot change now. No "calling names and rude words" were uttered.Please doc,please,do not give me lectures on politeness,If i was not a very polite person i would have revealed what happened when you phoned me in another occasion.


gogo this was stated by yourself "I think there are many hidden agendas going on. Well this is Malta. ".Then,why are you vehemently insisting with these fake meetings?


gogo,I daubt i will attend the annual general meeting of gzira.For what? If the authorities continue imposing stupid rules and regulations upon us,our hobby is finished. One of the reason i joined the gzira club is to protect my buoy,which i have lost,because someone very high in authority decided that he has the right to give the sea to anybody he chooses.Against a payment of course,and illegally!


I have a question.
Are MFC registered Vessels?
Or they only pay the fishing license to the fisheries ??


They are registered.  MFC is a boat licence under the fisheries department not a fishing licence
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today



We wait for another week maybe there weren't any discussions. The meeting for all recreational fisherman should take place even if there are no discussions with authorities


That is the whole point.We should stop the meetings  with the fisheries Board Sub Committee  before there is any more discussions! But............there is no interest whatsoever,so what the heck!


Quote from: ganni on November 25, 2012, 10:28:00 CET
They are registered.  MFC is a boat licence under the fisheries department not a fishing licence
Nahseb li andek zbal Ganni. MFC mumiex irregistrati ma TM u suppost lanqas jistaw inizlu il bahar. Meta pruvajt naqleb tighi min S al MFC qaluli li irrid inzhom l'S ukoll ax inkella man kunx nist nuza il boat. MFC ihallas bis €23 fis sena bhala licenzja biex jistad flibhra Maltin. Milli qied nfhem dan il Board ekk irrid jamel igib L'S u MFC fi group wiehed, ax L'S ma ghandhom lebda ligijiet rigward sajd.


Fil-bidu hekk kienet li minn aleb minn S al MFC qalulu li rid jibqa ihallas ukoll l- S. imma imbad ghamluha li ma tistax taqleb izjed minn S al MFC u minn kien qaleb MFC seta jinqata mir-registru tal S. Jekk trid taghmel daghjsa MFC tiregistra biss MFC u thallas 466 euro lill-fisheries flok transport Malta imma xorta todd bhala licenzja biex tnizzel l bahar.


Jista xi hadd jispjegali ftit ghal liema raguni qoxra li taqleb min inboard ghal outboard li ghax aktar minn 100 HP ma jistax jibqa registrat MFC u jibqa biss VALLETTA ghara x' differenza se taghmel inboard u outboard ghal fini ta registrazzjoni. 


Quote from: Qoccu on November 27, 2012, 18:52:34 CET
Quote from: ganni on November 25, 2012, 10:28:00 CET
They are registered.  MFC is a boat licence under the fisheries department not a fishing licence
Nahseb li andek zbal Ganni. MFC mumiex irregistrati ma TM u suppost lanqas jistaw inizlu il bahar. Meta pruvajt naqleb tighi min S al MFC qaluli li irrid inzhom l'S ukoll ax inkella man kunx nist nuza il boat. MFC ihallas bis €23 fis sena bhala licenzja biex jistad flibhra Maltin. Milli qied nfhem dan il Board ekk irrid jamel igib L'S u MFC fi group wiehed, ax L'S ma ghandhom lebda ligijiet rigward sajd.

@ Qaqoccu... Jien ma semmejtx li bastimenti bl-MFC huma registrati ma TM, infatti mumhiex.  Li ridt thallas zewg licenzi kienet haga tal bidu meta bdiet l MFC kif qallek sewwa busumark.

Il licenzja MFC hija valida u tista taghmel uzu mid dghajsa.  Infatti meta kont ser inbiegh id dghajsa li kelli (li kienet registrata kemm S u kemm MFC), iccekjajt ma TM u infurmawni li kelli inwaqqa wahda minnhom qabel stajt inbiehha.  
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today

Destination Sea

il lum ircevejt ittra mill fisheries regward it tigdid tal licenzja MFC. (bhala ma ga ntaq) Ha tibda tiggedded meta tkun irregistrata d dghajsa l ewwel darba (mill 2014) , f kelma wahda bhal ma huma l s. w  jidher li  kollox lest hemm!!!!!...bicca  bicca w f ahhar il bizzilla. ilhom jinsetmu dawn l affarijiet , infatti meta xtraj d daghjsa 4 snin ilu  ghamilta MFC ghax kien hemm ghajdud regward is sajd.w l s  ma jistawx jibqu w haga w ohra etc. xi haga jkun hemm....

mela perezz li daqt gejja  elezjoni l affarijiet li qed jigu diskussi  ghandhon jistennew w mhemmx ghagla.
ghandna nibqu maqudin ghax jekk noqghodu niggildu ma xulxin  jawdu  l ohrajn.
w kull min jaf b affarijiet konkreti jghadhom halli jkun jafu li ahna nafu w ma joqghodux jigu bil kummidji.

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