2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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You can fish wherever you like as long as you respect the law.  As for fishfarms, you need to be outside the cardinal bouys that mark the perimeter of the fishfarms.  The SPB ones have a rope tied around these markers, the ones down south do not.  Ensure you have a permit, as things are getting slightly hot under the collar at the moment.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Why do we have to return the Tuna license back? We all know that the quota has been reached and these papers are not going to be reused.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI



U trid tmur personali bih, bil posta jew registrata mhux tajjeb!!


Quote from: Moonwalker on September 02, 2013, 14:15:20 CET
Why do we have to return the Tuna license back? We all know that the quota has been reached and these papers are not going to be reused.

I do hope Fisheries have a good reason for this.  We are meeting on Wednesday, I'll ask why the permit has to be returned by hand.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I just can't understand this stupidity! Pass il-quddiem u ghaxra lura!
And.... they want it back by Friday!!! whether it's on your boat or not!
Joe..... I know you will but please try to drive some sense into them. My permit is on the boat and they expect me to go to bugibba, take the tender, uncover the boat etc.... just to get this bloody permit returned. Moreover I do not recall reading any condition stating that the document must be returned.
I'd rather be fishing.....


I sent MSG to ask regarding the return of the tuna permit.
I understand its a useless piece of paper since the license is now closed. 
I asked hon Galdes regarding this and I got a reply in about 5 minutes (well done for replying in such as short time).
The answer was that the paper is "needed for audit purpose. Can be sent by registered post".
I was not going to bother sending it at all as it does not make sense, but a friend of mine took mine along with his.
Why would a scrap piece of paper be needed for audit. When we picked it up we had to sign for it, that's what should be used for audit not this. If there are other reasons which I am missing then I cannot comment but to make a person go all the way to the fisheries just to return a piece of useless paper is uncomprehendable.


Benri - ever heard pf the expression 'flocking dead sheep' that is my take on this!
I too received a call on friday to return the permit by this Friday, knowing me, i said and what if i don't! It was as if i was talking to a recording...as the person at the other end just demanded that i need/have/must return the permit by Friday, to which I replied 'Or else?' Imma ghal xejn.  So indeed, flocking dead sheep
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: The_Gaffer on September 02, 2013, 16:29:01 CET
Quote from: Moonwalker on September 02, 2013, 14:15:20 CET
Why do we have to return the Tuna license back? We all know that the quota has been reached and these papers are not going to be reused.

I do hope Fisheries have a good reason for this.  We are meeting on Wednesday, I'll ask why the permit has to be returned by hand.

Gaffer How it went at the meeting ?


Meeting is tomorrow.  However, it is acceptable to send in your expired Permits via post. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Jien hadd ma cempili, jigifieri naghmlu f inkwatru l permess. :D :D :D :'( :'(


lili hadd ma cempilli anqas... fil verita qas biex immur nigbor il permess ma cempluli meta kienu hargu... ma jsir xejn sewwa
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Dawk li hadd ma cempillhom,jihduhom xorta l-permessi. Naf x'qed nighd!


Ma fimtekx?

Lili ma cemplulix u xorta gbartu u il permess hadtu lura fi tmiem l-istagun... imma dan kollu ghax kont naf nies li rcevew it telefonata, kieku ma kont naf lil hadd li cemplulu kont nibqa bir rieha
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Ghamilt sew...................u zball min taghom li ma cemplulekx. Li rrid nighd jien hu li min ma cemplulux biex jirritorna l-permess,ghandu jtihulom xorta,jew imur bih jew jimpustah. Lilu jaqbel!