Petecraft 16ft motor

Started by pedro63, April 08, 2013, 10:07:13 CET

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Hi, I ordered a petecraft 16ft boat and now I am confused which motor to select. I am confused if fitting a 75 E-tec or Yamaha either F70 or F80. Regards the Evinrude E-tec 75 im sure that the boat does well with it but i'm pretty concerned about using this motor for trolling i.e. 6-8knots in low RPM range. On the other hand about the Yammies I am confused if an F70 will have enough power if having 5 people on board or F80 of which on the other hand is heavier and older model compared to the latest F70 design. Any suggestions are much appreciated.


Rest assured that the Evinrude ETEC can handle low revs for long hours whilst trolling. I have a Petecraft 14 Open with an Evinrude ETEC 50HP and during the summer months, I usually troll for 5 to 6 hours at 1000 revs (around 3 knots if not mistaken). Never had any trouble in the last three seasons and just had my first service last week after nearing the 3 years / 300 hours limit.

If your budget permits go for the 90HP which I think is the maximum your 16 footer can handle. Definitely it would be good enough for 5 people. As regards to choosing your engine, all engines are excellent nowadays. I was in your same position some 3 years ago and after good research and help from this Forum, I opted for the ETEC. The main reasons were that being 2-stroke they are more powerful when it comes to power-to-weight ratio, especially out of the hole. 4-strokes of the same power are heavier. They have less moving parts and thus less prone to faults and obviously less expenses. Plus you have the first 3 years or 300 hours service free. I can also vouch that the ETECs are very very fuel efficient and in 150 hours I had not even used 5L of engine oil.

Some members in this forum who are definitely more expert in marine engines advised me that I should have changed gear oil each year. Made my first service last week and gear oil was still in good condition and no water contamination, anodes and thermostat still good, and plugs not much wear on them. Still changed gear oil, plugs & impellor. But will definitely heed member's advice to change gear oil every year.

Another plus is the agent, Ripard. Although, thank God, I never encountered any problems till now, every time I needed information or help, I was always assisted through Darius.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


I have an E-tec 225 on a 20ft boat and troll at 6knts without problems consuming just 4lts per hour. With the 75 you will consume much less !

My uncle has a 75 e-tec on a rib. He does not troll but never had problems and very economical.

an e-tec will idle at 500rpm. You will need more than 1000 rpm to troll therefore no problem.
Jig Harder --->


Quote from: malvizzu on April 08, 2013, 13:24:00 CET
Rest assured that the Evinrude ETEC can handle low revs for long hours whilst trolling. I have a Petecraft 14 Open with an Evinrude ETEC 50HP and during the summer months, I usually troll for 5 to 6 hours at 1000 revs (around 3 knots if not mistaken). Never had any trouble in the last three seasons and just had my first service last week after nearing the 3 years / 300 hours limit.

If your budget permits go for the 90HP which I think is the maximum your 16 footer can handle. Definitely it would be good enough for 5 people. As regards to choosing your engine, all engines are excellent nowadays. I was in your same position some 3 years ago and after good research and help from this Forum, I opted for the ETEC. The main reasons were that being 2-stroke they are more powerful when it comes to power-to-weight ratio, especially out of the hole. 4-strokes of the same power are heavier. They have less moving parts and thus less prone to faults and obviously less expenses. Plus you have the first 3 years or 300 hours service free. I can also vouch that the ETECs are very very fuel efficient and in 150 hours I had not even used 5L of engine oil.

Some members in this forum who are definitely more expert in marine engines advised me that I should have changed gear oil each year. Made my first service last week and gear oil was still in good condition and no water contamination, anodes and thermostat still good, and plugs not much wear on them. Still changed gear oil, plugs & impellor. But will definitely heed member's advice to change gear oil every year.

Another plus is the agent, Ripard. Although, thank God, I never encountered any problems till now, every time I needed information or help, I was always assisted through Darius.

I have never heard of anyone grumbling because of a failed Etech engine. they are really reliable engines. And the people i know of have put some serious hours on these engines.

As long as you take care of them nowadays outboards last
Good season so far.....


I sadly have to say that I heard one.
But once again RLR were very professional in their attitude.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Talking of guarantees. I was going to get a Yamaha from USA and I was told that the guarantees is not covered in Europe...Why not......Now I have to check if the Etech carry the guarantee to Europe with them.


Tony I don't know about prices in USA for the Yammies but I bought my ETEC from Ripard with a good price compared to the ETECs sold in Australia. I am a member of the ETEC Owners, and Huey, one of the moderators, commented the following when I gave him the prices for a 2009 and 2010 engine: "Both are good prices compared to what we sell 50HP here in Oz for, but we do include SST prop and gauges so make sure that price includes everything needed for the otuboard to work." I had all that is needed with my engine except an aluminium prop instead of SST.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Pedro if you are comparing he 75/90 ETEC and you can stretch your budget a bit, go for the ETEC 90 because the two engines weigh the same. Just confirm with the Petecraft boys if the weight/power is okay for your hull.

I think you might find due to the solid construction of the Petecraft 16 that the Yamaha 70hp might be a little under powered if you are running 5 people, meaning you will be running higher revs and having to run a lower pitch prop to get the WOT range you need.

Remember that in Malta we suffer from a high temp/humidity in summer combined with mediocre grade fuel = less power than stated. You will notice if you run the boat in winter how much more responsive it is.

ForTuna runs a 75hp ETEC and fishes alot, Malvizzu has the 50 and I run a 225hp and can tell you that the power from an ETEC is pretty impressive.

The F70A will be nice smooth and quiet, but is less likely to offer a thrill experience.


Hi, thanks for all the advises much appreciated :)


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I also own a 90hp.etec  for the last 4yrs.  Good engines.  It just hums and goes. See my review in the boats section.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20