Spearfishing Regulations for Foreigners: Gear, License

Started by Bruce154, January 26, 2013, 20:00:37 CET

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Hi, I really like to spearfish (and to prevent negative comments like I've seen in other threads: I know what I'm doing, hve been doing it irregularly for 15 years, I only catch what I can eat, I do not shoot groupers or undersize fish, I cannot go spearfisihing in my own country because it isn't legal there so have to do it whenever I'm on holidays ;) )   

I'll be in St. Julians in March-April. It would be great if someone can help me out with definitive information about the following topics, because I found contradictory information online so far.

1) Do I need a license? Is that a general recreational fishing license? Where can I get it?

2) I've heard that it is illegal to bring spearguns into the country, because you first need a license and then you can buy a speargun. Is that true?

3) If so: can you recommend shops to buy spearfishing gear in Silema or St Julians? Or is there even an option of renting equipment? (I guess I'll need to find weights, as well, since luggage is 20kg... :( )

4)  Assuming I bought a speargun in Malta - wold I be allowed to take it home, or will customs then create a problem (in my home country owning one is not a problem)

5) Any hints of where to go spearfisihng from the shore would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot for your help!


My parents recently moved to Malta. I am a just learning how to spearfish, and am interested in the exact same questions you are. I will be there for a week this march, and all of may. I have been trying to find a charter service that might specialize in instructing me on spearfishing techniques. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Bah, it's a long and complicated "maltese" story. Last time I checked spearfishing was legal in Malta... ; ) however, unlike in some countries, the "harpoon" is considered a weapon, and as such requires a gun licence (actually 2 licences, one to own and possess the gun, and one to carry it and use it). The gun needs to be registered with the police department (Floriana did it for me), but it takes quite some time (start contacting them waaaay before your planned vacation if you want to be legal). It appears this is an obstacle to avoid having loads tourists going around like hillbilly cowboys shooting everything that moves, including big fat asses ; ). Again, to buy a speargun in Malta you "theoretically" need to have a licence first... I am not sure if this information is outdated, and if anyone on the forum wants to correct me, I would be curious to know any further news.
A personal suggestion: always bring a bouey with you because as the years go by, the island is filling with idiots who drive their boats without any respect for others, very close to shore and at high speed. There is nothing I hate more than hearing engine sounds while I am underwater--> stresss, where the fuck is that boat coming from?? An accident waiting to happen, and as always, only when it does will things start changing. So try not to be the "first to be minced". I guess the coast guard is too busy with immigrants.


you can buy any harpoon without the need of licence from the first of this year ,if you check on this forum there was a topic about it 4 months ago
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