Sea brave 14

Started by Chris1982, October 11, 2013, 12:19:36 CET

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There is also Petecraft.  Malvizzu has a petecraft 14 powered by Evinrude.  He would be in a better position to comment on the seaworthiness of the boat.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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in my opinion i would go for the commander .if you make them side to side . The shipside of the seabrave 14 lower than the commander . This means it's more safer on  seas . even if you compare them for the width , the commander is wider ( 6ft10').

I don't know if you can see this video . But this person has got one ( a commander ) . if you can see the video , there s  3 persons on one side . the boat  didn't go on side way .

Seabrave Boats

siri21 kindly identify yourself when critisizing and posting such comments. With your kind of reasoning, the higher the shipside the safer the boat, which is truly a false idea. The height of the boat has to be equivalent to the dimensions of the boat as in the case of the seabrave 14. The only spec which is effected by the height of the boat is, the tendency of the boat to rolling -(the higher the boat the more tendency to roll )

When it comes to safety, there can be no other comparison to the seabrave 14, being the only 14 foot boat foam filled with structural foam and more than 500 boats of 14feet built by the same manufacturer cannot be proven wrong. Boats of 20 years are still being sold at the price tag that were bought at the time.

For questioning and comparison on our boats, SEABRAVE BOATS would like to invite all customers and people involved in this thread to try the boat out preferably in more than force 5 so we can identify which boat handles such seas with ease and compare safety. Consider it as an open challenge to compare our model to any other model of same size.

Looking forward to see you for the challenge :)


Wow, well the proof is in the pudding as they say. I totally agree that one has to try out the boat in order determine if it meets ones needs and that is an inherent advantage to buying a locally built boat.

@Gaffer, any way you can organise this via Fish On as a well organised and impartial test of locally built 14 footers? It would be a fantastic opportunity for the builders to showcase their boats on the water, the engine dealers to do the same and for the end user customers to try them out.


I never saw a seabrave boat on maltapark yet.

But commander were lots.

History can speak by itself.

My Kaptan 18years old is low on sea, but we never has water in with force 4.

Try them out in bad weather and you'll guess which is your choice ....  don't see the space but seaworthiness my friend.

I owned a Buccaneer 130 , but when i experienced the 18 year old kaptan, i sold the buccaneer only 2years old and bought the new kaptan ( seabrave)

Ive new experienced a petercraft can't tell about them.


It is very incorrect to say that the higher the safer....

I have a kaptan twin and in 2012 I got caught in Force 7 with gusts of 8-9, no joke, hava a look at this link:;sa=view;id=5318

Luckily I had and still have a 40hp, and when i got really close (or rather they got close to me) to some water spouts, I had to push the throttle down to full only to get 6kts... the kaptan proved itself on that day ;)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


The technical term is freeboard which is the distance from teh waterline to the upper deck level. It does tend to be relative to the over design and dimensions of the boat.

The hull design of the TRMC and the Seabrave are very different with the TRMC having a stepped hull and an almost trimaran design on some models.

I too have looked at the Kaptan 14 at the time and the seabrave and thought the feeboard appears to be quite low, but I have always seen owners write of them being a very dry boat and safe in bad weather, which is a testament to their overall tried and proven design.

Seabrave Boats

@ skip - If we about to speak in techincal matters, boat design is far more complex than just jotting down some lines on a board and then test them out as soon as the boat is out of the mold. When a good boat is designed, nowadays with the help of computer aided programs one can also calculate the exact volume displaced by the boat at a certain draft ( which is quite limited on a small craft )etc. All this leads to buoyancy and gravitational centers which are further calculated to derive the actual metacentre of the boat ( which is the most important term of the crafts stability _ due to the complexity of the terms i just related freeboard directly to the dimensions of the boat ). It is actually the metacentre of any craft that determines how stable it is and its tendency to rolling.

In Malta we tend to overcome all these specs and just speak our minds as if someone has not done his homeworks. On our behalf, we back up all our work by calculations and measures to ensure our boat designs do not just please the eye but handle as good as they look. it is this homework that gives us confidence to say that our boats are one of the safest boats in rougher seas.


Computer aided ?????? The sea brave EX kAPTAN is cloned from another brand from the company ELAN 401. The ex Kaptan Sea Brave model has been adapted from the ELAN 401 model with adjoining anjd changing different parts at the aft part during the mold process. The upper part is copied from Commander 13.6 including the railing and fittings. Answering those which stated that there are more commander 13.6 or 450 for sale on Maltapark, they either did not explain themselves well, since if you compare the Kaptan models found on Maltapark and the Commander models; the commander models are uploaded by the manufacturer to promote this model, and not to sell the boat to buy another boat from another local company, for various reasons about which include: example that they are low in water.

The Commander model, and also past models are all manually sketched as the initiary study to form a new model. As nowadays, technology is improving, we use the 3D CAD in order to design the model and present the client with a better image of future models. The named programme is ONLY used to design and NOT to change any proportions shown in the pictures as stated in the previous comments. Also, the model is made to scale in a fibreglass form according to its size and weight, in order to test the performance, stability, fuel efficiency planing development, and on loading and carrying items, which will affect the actual size model. So TESTING is very important prior to the actual development of the boat.

Also, the company has over 60 years of experience as this is inherited from my father Joseph Aquilina who was well known for his wooden work in boats around Malta. Models have evolved from the wooden era from the 1950's to the nowadays more efficient, less time consuming and economical fibreglass boats.

For all those liable members and customers await more surprises for another three models in our collection 2014/ 2015.


All talk which leads nowhere..this is better than that and that is better than is copied (as stated only) the other is manually or cad sketched who cares....We care which boat is the best and there was a challenge launched. Has this been taken up
I know a lot of friends who had both boats and I know what their comments were and their complaints.
As skip said the prove of the cake is in the eating.
It would be interesting to see how these small boats would perform in rough weather


We accept your interesting suggestion whenever anyone willing to put his boat on test (Sea Brave 14) in rough weather. Truth will prove and speak up for its self. Maybe a video can later be uploaded on this saying 'challenge' for further discussion.

Who is in for this challenge?


I was only referring to commander 2nd hand boats not new ones.

When seeing a new model of about 2 yrs, being sold after 2/3 years (2nd hand) is frustrating, and not only commander, there are also marino etc..

Something wrong with the model is the first suspect, when one sells the boat only after 2 years half price.

By the way, marketing a new boat on maltapark (free advert) , shows lack of brandishing skills and marketing,
''Bhall meta jkollok ogett fuq zaqqek''

Maltapark is more for the individuals (mostly 2nd hand market) than for companies and brands.


hafna paroli fil vojt aww ahjar tofrulu jiprova id dajsa forsi jintriga pxi wahda mux mijn jiftahar liktar pha tfal ,
Regards Saviour


Meta jrid siehbi , jista jigi u jipprovaha . Jekk trid tikkuntatjana  , cempel  fuq 99828745 . Mario Aquilina Grazzi .


ekk ix xol isa cempilu u mur pruva Commander 13.6
u mur prva seabrave 14 u idecidi .iktar min ek xi trid eeeee.ihaluilek al sena lew lol
Regards Saviour