boat headlight

Started by shanook, March 24, 2015, 21:52:11 CET

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I know that its an LED world. but these square 27W led are they any good to put in front of boat to see navigating int he dark. Only needed to avoid obstacles directly in front of boat.
Which is better in these circumstances a floodlight or a spotlight


Dont think those are good as they have too wide angle. You need a spotlight possibly motorised (vertically at least) to adjust the angle while in harbour or on plane.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI



Givella..............L-ewwel wahda li ghandek fil-lista,kont gibt wahda bhala w ikkonfiskawieli d-dwana. Riedu anka l-flus biex ikunu jistghu jibghatuha lura imma ma tajthomx. L-amerikan min fejn gibta ma kien tani xejn lura ghax qal li l-kaxxa tal-kartun kienet imqatta! Malta,ma accettawiex ghax ma kelliex C E.


Caldaland ..... Thanks for the information.


Caruana Marine kellu  simili  taghhom. Imma jien kieku nipprova insib xi haga LED
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI