Steering Auxiliary Outboard using the Main Outboard Steering

Started by Gazzetta, June 15, 2012, 10:03:09 CET

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Quote from: shanook on June 16, 2012, 15:23:40 CET
@malvizzu once u hook up the aux with the main engine then the steering is done with the steering wheel otherwsie what is the use of hooking them together

@guido99 we had same probelm with another baot and a simple gromet did the trick no rattling, no nuts, bots or split pins just slide it in and BINGO

BUT the most important thing is that whatever u do u feel happy with whatever u choose to do.........

Shanook exactly what do you mean by using a grommet?  Does it mean that you place a piece of rubber onto the pin and then the whole thing slides into the bracket hole?
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Quote from: ganni on June 15, 2012, 10:41:42 CET
I have linked my 2 outboards by a stainless steel solid rod, however I have to remove it to put the auxiliary up...but its only a 30 second job, just remove 2 split pins.

Initially i wanted to link them using 2 ball joints, however I couldint find any stainless steel ball joints.

I can post pics of my link in a couple of days.

Gann ara titfax xi ritratt pls!
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Ma nafx din taqdikx.
Materjal: giex banjo fittings, fly nuts u xi fittings mal-isteering rod u spare.