Help about the paternoster rig?

Started by VopiMan, December 11, 2016, 14:34:37 CET

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I'm going to go fishing for Awrat tomorrow morning and I'm still a bit confused about the paternoster rig. I'm going to hook it with hniex tal korea. So, should I cast it far and let it sink and reel slowly, fast etc? Thanks, I couldn't really find any help.


I just saw your post now. With a paternoster rig, you should cast and retrieve a little bit of line just to have a stretched line between your rod and hooks. You should leave the weight at the same place until a fish bites and not drag it all the way back.


I tried that method last time and didn't work very well. Went fishing yesterday and had much better luck by using a bobber on the paternoster rig. Casted it as far as I can and relaxed till a fish bites.


By bobber you mean a float? That way you are targeting surface fish.


Not quite. I used a slip float and put a bead 5 meters or so above the first dropper line