Fishing for Barracuda

Started by kris, June 03, 2008, 15:27:35 CET

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Quotemartin b, are you sure that those cudas  weigh 5 kg and 3 kg?.because we caught a 3 kg one last week and it was much bigger
Yes im certain i wouldn't have posted it otherwise! i have a boga grip which i check my wieghts on...
Thats the trouble with pictures! i just saw a picture of a spnotta my friend caught in april which was just shy of 3kg but if you saw how this picture came out it looks massive!  ::)
However im 6ft tall my friend & the one on the left in the pic where im holding them up comes to the tip of my shorts (mid thigh) the other is slightly fact why in the hell am i even justifying this? whatever mate...


I think Spiru is right - Boga grips weigh in pound not kgs 

this is a copy of from the site

Boga-Grip comes in 15-pound and 30-pound models. Each Boga-Grip scale is calibrated to ensure accuracy within one increment. You can send your Boga-Grip to the IGFA (954-927-2628) to have it certified for world-record catches.

Once the fish is secured, you can read its weight while keeping your Boga-Grip as vertical as possible. If you are weighing a dead fish or inanimate object, you will get a slightly more accurate reading by hanging by the wrist strap. This will plumb the scale. A lively fish will plumb itself and may be weighed accurately while holding the grip.


Martin is a big guy mates, if I took a photo with that cuda, it would be as big as me :/

Prosit Martin keep it up and dont forget to buzz me when you want some company.


QuoteI think Spiru is right - Boga grips weigh in pound not kgs 

this is a copy of from the site

Boga-Grip comes in 15-pound and 30-pound models. Each Boga-Grip scale is calibrated to ensure accuracy within one increment. You can send your Boga-Grip to the IGFA (954-927-2628) to have it certified for world-record catches.

Once the fish is secured, you can read its weight while keeping your Boga-Grip as vertical as possible. If you are weighing a dead fish or inanimate object, you will get a slightly more accurate reading by hanging by the wrist strap. This will plumb the scale. A lively fish will plumb itself and may be weighed accurately while holding the grip.
Hi Fastangler,
Welcome to the MFF  :) You are right,spiru isn't..Im not sure if there are dual boga grips (probably seen as though the metric system is more widespread) ive had it for a few years now so mine isn't..but funnily enough i know how to use a calculator & conversion tables  ::)...Ive no reason to bulls**t about weights,its not as if its a world record!! & most important of all (people who know me well will confirm this) i hate people who do that...and i didn't really appreciate Spiru's insinuation that im lying neither >:(


QuoteMartin is a big guy mates, if I took a photo with that cuda, it would be as big as me :/

Prosit Martin keep it up and dont forget to buzz me when you want some company.
Hi Freeman!
How's the fishing mate? i heard about what happened to your friend on sunday as my cousin happened to be bogue fishing (nassi) down there..hope he's alright now.Although i can sympathise with him as its as hot as an oven there!!
And don't worry ill give you a buzz pretty soon hopefully....when things kick off there  ;)

I went down yesterday and caught a small 1.5kg cuda very early on but despite a bunch of follow ups nothing else,& to b honest at around 10am it was like being in a pressure cooker down there so i left before the 12pm sun!!!!!
Talk to you soon cliff in the meantime,
Tight Lines mate  :)


ah guys! stop this thing about fishing pics! everyone must be proud of his proud to put it up in forum! But what's the sake of catching the big one?

In fishing you never know everything. All the time you grow up and there are more and more and more things to learn. Enjoy all the fishing and put up all the pictures and forget all the rest. After all a picture is the only remaining living thing after fishing.
It is the only memory you still have of that day when you caught a special meaning to you.

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Hi placebo,
My point exactly! i put my pictures on the forum as being a fisherman i love to see pictures of fish especially those that have been caught locally and im sure alot of people are the same way.In fact the Gallery is usually the 1st place i browse on the forum and i often leave comments there for the person who posted the picture,although i personally wouldnt leave a comment like i found.. >:(

Anyway a pictures quality is only as good as the camera & the person taking the photo.

What i don't appreciate is someone just coming along and casually dropping "Are you sure about those weights?" which is another way of saying either a) Your stupid & don't know how to weigh a fish or b) Your a liar!
However this is a public forum & everyone has the right to speak their mind..& that works both ways...

But you are right,at the end of the day the main reason i take the pics is for my own keep sake of a good days fishing not to go around showing everyone what i caught...& i agree 100% that there is always new things to learn about fishing & i think thats the beauty of it.
The only reason i post the weights is cos it takes the guess work out about the actuall size when your looking at a picture.
However this is a waste of time & so water under the bridge and already forgotten.. cos at the end of the day I know what i caught and what it f***ing wieghed 
In fact its lucky for tackle manafacturers that there aren't too many people who can calculate weight so accuratly just by just looking at a photo (& not a particlaurly clear one at that) cos they would never sell a boga grip or scales again  :)


hi martin b,
                excuse me but i never said that you are a liar,i just pointed out if you are sure about that weight that is pounds or kilos thats all.mela proset ta vera.i went trolling tuesday and wednesday.i caught 23 cudas the largest 2kg.keep it up mate!!!!
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


Quotehi martin b,
                excuse me but i never said that you are a liar,i just pointed out if you are sure about that weight that is pounds or kilos thats all.mela proset ta vera.i went trolling tuesday and wednesday.i caught 23 cudas the largest 2kg.keep it up mate!!!!
Hi spiru,
In that case it was a misunderstanding,as i thought you were questioning the weight itself & not the scale which it was measured in.
So i naturally over reacted a bit,although im not to sure that many people still weigh fish here in lb & oz.And again sometimes pictures aren't all that obvious at the best of times..
23 cudas is a nice catch mate! Prosit man
Tight lines


Last night I was fishing from shore and cought 6 cudas all 2kg+ and 2 acciol didnt weigh them but they where quite big, I would say in the 10kg rage after those i was having the fight of my life with something which I'm still not sure what it was, than all of a sudden my wife woke me up to prepare my kid a bottle :/


LOL!!! Diga kont bdejt niffrah ghallik sa kemm wassalt fl-ahhar line... :) ;D


hehe, Ilni ma mmur naqra spinning zmien, manafx kif itini xi kultant ghamilt xgharejn immur kwazi kuljum imbad ksaht fdaqqa u ma ergajtx qbadt lure bidi. MA nafx jien is sajd fil qieh ma nhaltu ma xejn, vera li ma tarax il hut li tara blisspinning imma il fatt li ma tafx xjista jmissek jghogobni wisq. Apparti min hekk da lahhar habib tijghi xtara naqra ta qoxra u qed immorru naqra fuq is sikkek u qed niehu naqra pjacir sew. Xejn ta barra min aw ta ! imma is serran min hemm barra fijom daqs flixkun tal coka u 4 pagelliet sbieh dejjem qed narawhom.
Gimatejn ilu martin qedin fuq sikka armat b'paternoster bi 3 snanar wahda gamblu lohra hniex u ta fuq vopa, hin minnom inhoss gbid gbir bla messiet xejn just xi haga qed tigbed, ghamilna ftit aktar min sija nikkumidjaw u ma hadtx iktar min 10 metri xlief lura. Imbad kien sar il hin u kelli nghamel li ma xtaqtx, tlajt bil wieqfa qbadt ix xlief b'idi u edtila jew jien jew int u bdejt nigbed bidi, dak kien lunika hin li hassejt il huta tiggiled lura, gbidt zewg qamiet u qtajt is sunnara, li btw kienet marbuta bi xlief .50 Gbidt bicca video bil mobile ghax ghadt kimmur nghida qas jemnuni. Mhux bin nejk man nuriulek mutur mitfi u qed tmexxina kontra il kurrent ! konna qed nistadu go xi 150 metru fond u messet fuq il vopa, I'm open to sujjestions xkienet ! Sissa semmewli baqra il bahar muruna jew hanzir. Insomma dejjem nitkellmu fuq dawk li harbu haqq eva!


jew wehilt mal qiegh Freeman!

Ara niccajta siehbi ta!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Wow man..bil fors xi haga kbira kienet!! jien kiku kont nghid xi hanzir jew cerna/dott kbir ghax dawk ihobbu jifthu il fins ta' quddiem kontra il gbida ta reel..anke murrana jista ikun ukoll..hasra ma ratx x'kienet  :( u biex tigbed dghajjsa b'tnejn minn nies kontra il kurrent xi haga inkredibli!!
Jien bhall ma ghidtlek ilu naqra issa li kont imur ta' spiss ghall tal qiegh,ghax narah li naqas hafna min li kif kienet.Pero xi kultant gili imur ma siehbi ( baqa imur ta' spiss!)

li qieghed jigri nahseb li il hut qieghed iz zomm hafna il barra specialment fejn il fish farms..pero jekk ikollok bicca qoxra u issib sikka taf tieghu pjacir xorta wahda specialment jekk tinserta il pagell  :)
insomma jekk ikollok aptit wahda spinning kellimni u imorru.
Is-sibt niezel hemm isfel zgur


Good season so far.....