Registration Agreement

Please contact us on our Facebook page to get the quickest reaponse to activate your account. You can email: mff'at'maltafishingforum'dot'com but the response is much slower. Activation is needed due to 100's of spammers per day.

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which you know to be false, defamatory, deliberately inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material as a dealer or authorised agent. Should any copyright materials exist on this forum that you feel are in breach, you are requested to send us official correspondence to reinforce your claim. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.

Note that it is impossible for the staff or the owners of this forum to confirm the validity of posts. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages, and as such, are not responsible for the content contained within. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented by any members, staff or otherwise and any information or reviews provided are done so Without Prejudice. The posted messages express the views of the author, and not necessarily the views of this forum, its staff, its subsidiaries, or this forum's owner. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator or moderator of this forum immediately. The staff and the owner of this forum reserve the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if they determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, please realize that they may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy applies to member profile information as well.

You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages, and are bound to adhere to the forum rules and this registration agreement. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint received from the courts of justice in your country, a recognised government entity (Local Police etc) or any legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum.

You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate. We do not permit a login name which breaks any of the rules above or includes a company name. If you would like to put a company name please contact mff 'at'

You are not allowed to freely advertise your own services, those provided by others, put text or visual adverts without consent of the forum administrator. In general useful links are accepted, but we reserve the right to remove any posts/signatures or images that in our opinion are free advertising. We do not permit the promotion of any social marketing plans, pyramid schemes or any such affiliate based marketing techniques. Any free advertising incentives that are offered by the forum administration team, may be revoked at any time without due notice. The forum will provide two weeks notice of any changes in its paid advertising policies and conditions, and sponsors will reserve the right to cancel their advertising campaign, being charged on a pro-rata basis.

With this user account you are about to register, you agree to never give your password out to another person except an administrator, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another person's account for any reason.  We also HIGHLY recommend you use a complex and unique password for your account, to prevent account theft.

After you register and login to this forum, you will be able to fill out a detailed profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information the forum owner or staff determines to be inaccurate or vulgar in nature will be removed, with or without prior notice. Appropriate sanctions may be applicable.

Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from this forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.

You agree to renounce any copyright when sending or uploading pictures to the Malta Fishing Forum, and authorise the Malta Fishing Forum to display and utilise those pictures for marketing, promotion and use both on the forum and its website, and on 3rd party sites at the discretion of the Forum Administrators. You agree not to post pictures that promote illegal fishing activities or deliberately post pictures of undersized fish that you know to be in breach of local and/or EU regulations; doing so will result in being banned from the Malta Fishing Forum.

Also note that the software places a cookie, a text file containing bits of information (such as your username and password), in your browser's cache. This is ONLY used to keep you logged in/out.

You agree through the use of this forum that the Forum Administrator's decision is final in all matters.