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Description: Maltese:-Sallura
English:-European Eel
Latin:-Anguilla anguilla
Picture Stats:
Views: 1962
Filesize: 55.55kB
Height: 357 Width: 640
Keywords: Anguilla 
Posted by: Arti2 at June 05, 2008, 11:47:18 CET

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Comments (1)

xmun ix xlukkajr
September 25, 2008, 22:02:40 CET
about 7 years ago i caught was the size of a pencil.threw it into the well .this week went down into the well to clean it up.could not find it.when it came to cleaning the last part of the well.that is the hole under the suction pipe i got the fright of my life when it jumped out of the water into my hands.approx 14 inches.does anyone know how long it lives and how big it gets

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