Well today after it rained I thought I would go and fish near marfa. Well first I tried fishing with bait, and got bored as nothing was biting, just some small tugs. But then I decided to fish with lures, and I was amazed at one point 6 fish about 1 foot long each were following the lure and swimming around it but did not bite >:(.
They were dark grey on top, was a nice sight but would of been better at least one of them were caught.
Does anybody think that if a fish follows a lure there is a good chance of landing them? I mean does it mean the lure is doing its job? because I am trying out some different lures to see what works.
Next time try pausing for a second or two and then reel in a bit quicker. Simulate a fish slowing down/stopping and then running away quickly. You might then have provoked a strike. Also when you retreive maybe time some jigging motions.
So I guess the lure was good for the fish to come for it, and your right I did not pause maybe that is why I lost them.
As well I noticed the colours blue and silver go well in our waters.
Hard luck my friend but when spinning fish often do that maybe they need the tricks skip mentioned or the lure was too big for them or they didn't bite because the line was too thick??? Keep on trying never give up.
Hi guys. I haven't been fishing with a rod for quite some time now but sometimes the urge kind of comes again. The first time I tried spinning I managed to get a bite from an AJ, other times only small stuff came for the spinner.
However, I always had one problem...I don't know how to rig the spinner properly in the sense that I only put the spinner on the line...no lead whatsoever. Like that it is very hard to cast as there is hardly any weight on the line! Any suggestions?
Not sure about spinners rob, but certainly things like poppers are rated with a specific weight which I believe you then match to the rod. Spinning rods might be designed for 150g-300g lures and have a associated action (med, medium-heavy etc). Could be you're not matched up well. Do you know the rating of your rod?
Not sure about rigging, hopefully one of the experienced spinning guys will jump in.
Thanks for the speedy reply Nick!
Lol...actually I don't know whether my rod is meant to be used for spinning in the first place lol :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Will check about it... no wonder it didn't actually work out for me hehehe - wayyyyyyyy too much left to learn :P
I think it would be better if I only stick to spearfishing ;) At least my sinus infection is slightly better now ;D
regarding the weight of the lure, with my small experience you can get a good distance with the lure even though it is light, but when the wind is from behind you, you can get some amazing distance
rob, for light lures and spinners best is to use a spinning rod with casting weight of 5 to 20gr.. putting some sort of weight on the line will make the fish swim in an unnatural way.. too regular for a natural fish swim.. my two pence since i am a beginner at spinning myself.. good luck..
thanks for the tips guys!
guess that I'll be trying spinning soon - my sinuses are better but now I have frostbite on my toes!...In October :o :o :o