Malta Fishing Forum

Boat Fishing in Malta => Offshore & Coastal Boat Fishing => Trolling => Topic started by: Gazzetta on October 15, 2008, 09:49:53 CET

Title: Plamti lures
Post by: Gazzetta on October 15, 2008, 09:49:53 CET
Was wondering what are the best lures for Plamti ??  How much weight do you use and trolling speed.

Already checked John's book but would like also some personal feedback ;)


Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: shanook on October 15, 2008, 12:26:33 CET
Plamti i caught on Octapus skirts used for Lampuki, I also caught plamti (bonito) (2kg) on Rixa tat Tumbrell (lures for Frigate mackerel). Once I also caught on Albacore lures the 100mm ones.
So from my part I cannot tell u what the best lures are but regarding weight it doesnt have to be a big one if they are feeding on surface bait, the speed should be slow (we troll on slow speed for mackerel).
My Idea for the best trolling lure for Bonito is to use the feeding tentacles of the squid. they are white and they leave off a trail of scent for the bonito. weight 100gr and slow trolling.
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: camkev on October 16, 2008, 09:50:05 CET
Gazzetta,yesterday we caught 1 of over 3 kilos while trolling with a rapala lure(dont know the name sorry,will let you know later)we were trolling at a speed of 4.5 knots.And we had no weights on the line cause a few minutes before the weight got caught with a floating chicken >:( and we had the ones that clip on to the line and we lost the weight.....but at least we caught the bonito(plamtu).Hope this will help you catch a lot of plamti...Meta gej wahda maghna?
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: Gazzetta on October 16, 2008, 11:59:06 CET
10x Shanook u kevin, I just need to try out then cause I have different rapala lures to test  ;)

I'll to try come once kevin, 10x  :D

Chris  8)
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: placebo on October 16, 2008, 18:56:03 CET
i catch them on lures like camkev said in our area.

but i think that feather lures are better. No need to add any weights my friend.

i prefer to troll with lures other than feathers since it's not only plamti you can catch but cudas and other predators as well.

As regarding lures there is no special lure i think. I caught them on many different types and models. The most important thing is that the lure is somewhere in the 10mm range and even a little smaller.

And most of all test the lure prior to start fishing so you can calculate exactly the perfect swim of the lure according to speed of your boat! I always watch the lure swim by the boat whenever i test a new lure.

Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: msell on October 17, 2008, 14:00:09 CET
jien lbierah mort gurnata shiha nrejjex ghat tumbrell xtrajt wahda b hames rixiet ghalxejn u pruvajt anki b l grauvell cutbait imma ma ghamilt xejn jew m'hemmx bhalissa jew andi xi haga hazina qatt ma qbadt wiehed minn fuq d dghajsa.  Imbad immur minn fuq l art bil konz bil vopi hajja u dejjem ndabbar xi wiehed ma nistax nifhem.  Plamti qatt ma qbadt x'lures tuzaw ezatt. By the way jien ghadni user gdid minn ghawdex .

Translation :

Yesterday I went for a day of trolling and I bought a line for Tumbrell with 5 lures but it was useless. I tried also the Grauvell cutbait but it was useless aswell. Maybe it's still early or I have something wrong as I never managed to catch one from the boat while I catch some when  using a longline and live vopi as bait.
I never caught plamti, what type of lures do you use ?
Btw I'm a new user from Gozo.

Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: Kaptan Jr on October 17, 2008, 14:24:18 CET
aw siehbi jien il plamti laktar li jmissuni bil lure yo zuri fiha qisu 5 pulzieri. Andha darha bhal tal kavall skura

Translation :

Hi mate, I get most of my strikes from Plamti on a yo zuri lure about 5cm long which has its back same colour as a kavall.

Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: msell on October 17, 2008, 15:13:11 CET
what is it called yozuri what please as there are hundreds of yozuri?
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: msell on October 17, 2008, 15:14:33 CET
and also do you use weight at what speed and how far is it from boat and what thickness your line is?
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: camkev on October 17, 2008, 16:23:18 CET
If you look at the beginning of this topic there is more information my friend.When you post something try and check if there is the answer already.
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: msell on October 20, 2008, 10:24:28 CET
hi kaptan jr dik il lure tal yozuri x jisimha u zzid comb maghha?

Hi Kaptan Jr whats the jozuri called and do u add weight to it?
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: Kaptan Jr on October 20, 2008, 10:41:26 CET
Hi xjisimha eztt ma nafx habib ta imma qisa kavall. U jien namillha comba min dawk li tista taqlahom ax nuzaha mal qasba il lure.

I dont know the name my friend but it is similar to a Mackerel. I attach a spiral weight as i use the lure with a rod.
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: msell on October 20, 2008, 10:47:12 CET
ok siehbi thanks xorta

Thanks just the same my friend
Title: Re: Plamti lures
Post by: Aab131 on November 30, 2008, 20:09:37 CET
Today went fishing with my friend Martin for Plamti. For first 2hrs we didn't have even a bite. From 9.30 till 10.30 managed to catch 2. Biggest one  weighed 4.5kgs and the other one weighed 2.4kgs. Unfortunately lost another 4(hooks were a little big - at least that's what we are thinking). Will try to post pics tomorrow.