Malta Fishing Forum

Shore Fishing => General Questions => Ledgering => Topic started by: tancred on October 17, 2008, 16:08:02 CET

Title: float fishing in deep water
Post by: tancred on October 17, 2008, 16:08:02 CET
I usually go float-fishing in harbour areas. In November-December I accompany some friends who go rock fishing to Qammieh/Slugs' Bay/Ahrax (depending on the wind). I would like to try FLOAT-FISHING in these areas. Any ideas?
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: SPITEC on October 17, 2008, 17:21:22 CET
Tancred you can use a running float so you can fish down to the bottom or a bombarda float.They both can be productive.
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: placebo on October 17, 2008, 21:55:06 CET
my opinion is to use a big float (running) which caters from 10-25gms of weight.

But why do you need to do float fishing in such areas?

Which fish are you targeting my friend?

Spitec....a bombarda will take ages to reach the bottom in such places. I suspect it will never reach the bottom due to sea current in such open sea areas!
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: SPITEC on October 18, 2008, 05:21:34 CET
You never know placebo I caught kahli,sawrell,nice vopi etc with the bombarda in open sea.Its my opinion at least! and for me it worked.
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: tancred on October 18, 2008, 10:56:23 CET
yes, kahli, sawrell, vopi etc are the fish i would like to target
the big float seems a good idea; at what depth, and at what distance from shore, should i try for these fish?
what about using a 7-8m pole with 6-8g float and ground-baiting?
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: SPITEC on October 18, 2008, 11:30:31 CET
The running float and bombarda are for rod and reel fishing.While if you are using a pole its a different story.The distance dipends on the place my friend and you should always have ground bait with you and with a pole you should try fishing just 1 foot off the bottom.We use 6g floats only when there is a lot of small vopi or there is a little bit of current.
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: placebo on October 18, 2008, 12:04:26 CET
i agree with Spitec about fishing kahli,sawrell,nice vopi etc (mid sea fish) the bombarda is ideal in open water.
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: LapsiBoy on October 18, 2008, 12:34:24 CET
Guys to Prepare a bombarda rig or running float alli have to do is insert the float or bombarda before the swivel and ties a 1 fatom line to the swivel with a hook? Do i need to maby put one of those small leads the you press on the end?...and also with the bombarda how do you realize that you are hooked up or the fish is biting..i dont think i have to hold the rod in my hand all the time?
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: SPITEC on October 18, 2008, 13:18:41 CET
They are very different to set up Lapsiboy.The bombarda you just put it above the swivel and the best way is to throw as far as possible and leave it sink slowley and then retrieve slowly or you can throw it and fish like your fishing the running ledger method.For it you don't need any lead.The running float you have first to insert a stopper than the float then weight put a small swivel and then end it with some line and a hook.
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: LapsiBoy on October 18, 2008, 13:35:22 CET
Ok il try the bombarda tonight...does it sink very slow or fast?
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: camkev on October 18, 2008, 16:49:25 CET
It depends on the weight of the bombarda.There are different weights.
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: noztheviking on October 18, 2008, 23:20:31 CET
HI I dont know if its of any help with this matter, but in England we have a type of float made by a company called Polaris. these floats have a friction device on the bottom where you just thread your line through, you then attach your weight and hook in the form of a paternoster and then cast in. the whole lot sinks then the float reurns to the surface and locks in place until you strike then it just slides back down the line. They work very well i water up to about 50 feet deep. They are also available in quite a few different sizes. they work on different size lines as well. I Dont know if they are available in Malta. I cant remember seeing them in mister fish when I was there in May. but if its any help I could fetch a couple over next time i come to Malta.  Hope this helps in some way
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: placebo on October 19, 2008, 21:13:21 CET
wow! the polaris floats!

i had a lesson on them some time ago but so far i have never tried them!

Should be ideal. About the bombarda...... it's a slow sinker.

On the bombarda itself you find for example (12g+2g) that means that the bombarda is a 12gms weight while it sinks at the speed of a 2gm lead!

In italy they use it for fishing trout
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: LapsiBoy on October 20, 2008, 16:10:26 CET
I tried the bombarda yesterday and all i can say its just like a lead weight it still sinks very fast....i found it good for fooling fish since its transparent and doesnt show unlike a lead weight
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: rammx on October 20, 2008, 16:20:03 CET
any results lapsi boy last saturday?
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: maltapepper on October 13, 2010, 23:28:02 CET
bombarda rig.. can please somebody explain? thx
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: robby017 on October 13, 2010, 23:52:44 CET
its like a 'running ledger' system....... but........ instead of lead which goes down fast to the bottom...... a bombarda goes down slower ........ Spitec has Floating bombarda, 10% sinking and 30% sinking............
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: placebo on October 14, 2010, 00:07:02 CET
try this link .... diagram to explain.

keep in mind a bombarda rig has nothing to do with deep water fishing.

It can be used in shallow waters or not very deep waters because of currents.actually it's a slow sinker but very effective method for shy fish.

surely not a float fishing method for deep water ..... so this has nothing to do with the title of this thread
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: Carmelo on December 14, 2010, 19:33:46 CET
Yee ..... just went trough the topic ... and i agree with placebo on the fact that from a big depth the bombarda will never reach the bottom and the zabri,sawrelle and vopi were caught  in mid water ...
I use the bombarda  to catch imsell , cerviole and sawrelle  and strillie .... i don t leave the bombarda sink ..but i use it dinamically,  i just put the bombarda ,, a swivel no 18 .. 1.5 mt of .10 and a hook 22/24 ,,,, trhow and keep spinning on the really top surface keep the road high italy with maggots and with this teknik but keeping the rod lower to make work the bombarda 1 meter under the surface i use to catch dozen big occhiate zabri but i try it in malta  and no results ....
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: robby017 on December 15, 2010, 00:46:35 CET
maltese occhiate are more wise!!!
Title: Re: float fishing in deep water
Post by: placebo on December 15, 2010, 21:25:08 CET
you'll catch occhiata in Malta with bombarda .... early hours or even night time my friend!

It will stop biting in daytime when fishing this method