Guys i really need your help!!!
I am thinking of trying to use some of the mentioned in the topic as dead beait for trolling. Can anyone please advise how i can catch/get some???
I have been told that they have to remain fresh if possible not getting them freezed.
I was planning to deploy 2 rods. One with a 200/250g lead runner and another with a 50/100g lead runner.
What setup should i use ????
A friend of mine told me i should insert a small hook in its mouth and a trebble in the back.
What thickness of leader shal i use ??? I was thinking maybe 35 - 40 mm.
Will be fishing in the harbour mainly for plamti and cudas.
Thanks in advance guys ;)
Kane 8)
P.S I am new to live bait as when ever i tried i always had no patience but when you hear about people having good results with live bait then i shal have to be patient and try it out.
I normally go and fish for lacci, but I used it a bait sor shore fishing. I go during the night or early morning for lacci. I fish with a 3meter rod using .10mm line, No 22 hook, .5gr float and use "GHALF TA L-AWRAT" as bait.
Do you manadge to get lacci like that mullet75? Never tried to fish for it I usually net it and kurunella.
Always. I will get from 12 to 16 and keep them alive in a big bucket with airator.
Mulett75 - mind telling us where you fish for lacci using the above mentioned technique
Gaffer,from our pontoon we get lacci and kurunell. ;)
hi guys,can someone tell me what GHALF TA L-AWARAT is please? ???
the food comercially used to feed the gild head bream (awrat) in fish farms. you can buy it from fish shops to use it as bait
thanks ganni,appre.ciate the information.
what is the best season to catch lacci and kurunella pls?
Sorry could not answer you before. Presently I am catching the lacci from Birgu infront of Casino (there is a big lot) and from Ta' Xbiex