Malta Fishing Forum

Shore Fishing => General Questions => Topic started by: Jonathan on November 29, 2008, 18:41:11 CET

Title: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: Jonathan on November 29, 2008, 18:41:11 CET
I have just seen Ganni's photo in the gallery and was impressed at what he managed to catch with the mrejkba. I have an mrejkba which I put down twice but never caught anything. I used ckall once but not sure whether I attached it the rigth way to the hook and the second time I used gambli but still no results. Any experiences or suggestions someone?
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ganni on November 29, 2008, 19:31:47 CET
d man to ask about imrejkba is spiru haha.

i dont think that was a really good catch, maybe next time we'll have better photos. we have used bibi. i think ckal is relly good, but you must put 2 on each hook, on the other hand i dont think gambli are really good. if you want to go for the best go for hniex tal imperjal. on that day no hniex was available due to d bad weather
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: spiru on November 30, 2008, 19:22:58 CET
it seems that nobody is interested gann,but nevermind the less people fishing for sargi the better,hehe.and by the way i'm no expert i  have only been fishing with imrejkba for 18 years............
but nowadays fishing with this method is becoming more difficult due to the large number of buoys that are increasing every year
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on November 30, 2008, 23:47:21 CET
Hello spiru, Im very interested in this method of fishin would you mind giving me some tricks and tips so that i can get best results. Ex(bait,time,place,how etc.) thanks mate :)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: spiru on December 01, 2008, 16:07:48 CET
sorry to say that nobody was interested cos i did not see jonathan's post and now lapsi boy.first to begin is to construct a simple imrejkba which can be made of bamboo sticks(preferibly),wood,or even plsatic pipes.this is a simple job and i am sure everybody knows what is an short words it is like a small sailing boat to which you attach the bottom lines (konz) and it sails out in the sea pulling the line and hooks.
Now there are varios types of knuz one can use but in my opinion the best one is the floating one having a floats attached to the main line which must be that brown 2mm line which is bought in big maltese we call it latz.svivels are attached to the brown latz and then the monofilament with hooks and a small weight.the only drawback is that if a boat passes through the line is cut because it is a floating one but i usually go when it is windy so boats rarley go out.i go fishing with imrejkba only at nghit and i use hniex ta l imperjal,bibi or pieces of klamari.after all the konz is out i wait about 75 minutes and i start to bring it in.i put my konz in a basket (the old method) but some people use a roll with all the hooks in it.
this is a very brief explanation but it is very difficult to explain by just writing in a forum
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: spiru on December 01, 2008, 16:19:40 CET
 I think the imrejkba method requires a good wind knowledge ,knowing fishing places and their depths,and yes i requires great skill and practice to fish in the right depth according to your method that is (il konz fil bixkilla bil lazz u x xolfa kollox f daqqa) is not simple to bring it out without any tangles,and it is even not simple to fish succesfully for sargi with imrejkba but as they say practice makes perfect
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 01, 2008, 17:56:14 CET
10x spiru, Usualy how long do you make the (Brazzoli) for the konz tas 3/3.5 fatoms enough ? I too have my konz in the bixkila the good old method :)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: rammx on December 01, 2008, 18:12:45 CET
any clues regarding wind ???
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 01, 2008, 18:23:27 CET
U bilhaq spiru fixhin lahjar hin li inkala as sargi?

by the way spiru what is the best time to fish for sargi?
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ganni on December 01, 2008, 19:43:56 CET
after sunset mate or else the bait will be eaten by bogue and other small fish.

the direction of the wind is important to know from where you are going to fish with the imrejkba rammx. if eg its NW (majestral) you cannot fish at armier
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: rammx on December 01, 2008, 22:17:28 CET
10x alot ganni, i think its a matter of trial and error!
i'm willing to start trying ;)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: bigboy on December 02, 2008, 11:15:00 CET
nmorru rammx ?  ???

Shall we go rammx
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: rammx on December 02, 2008, 11:31:02 CET
immorru ta big boy!!! imhajjar sew ijed.. imma jekk ma naqbdu xejn issemmix sehta ax jkolna t trouble lol

Yep we go bigboy!!! i am really interested..but if we dont catch anything dont mention any jinks as we will have trouble LOL
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: rammx on December 02, 2008, 15:40:05 CET
filkaz issa nitkelmu u mmorru kolla ilna ma niltaqaw naqa :)

We can go together as its been sometime since we met :)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: bigboy on December 02, 2008, 17:40:23 CET
hemm hu niftemu xi haga u jiddeffes :P isma inmorru lapsiboy imma bil patt li namlulek it tape ma halqek eee :P

there he goes we plan something and he butts in:P yes we will go lapsiboy but the promise that we tape ur mouth eee :P
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: spiru on December 02, 2008, 18:59:14 CET
aw hbieb qed nibza min ganni ghax ghallimtu is sigrieti kollha ta l imrejkba u malajr jixrobhom dak u jsir ahjar minni ghax bejnietna gurdien xih dak.haqqni ghax ommi kienet tghidli "titkellem xejn ibni ghax jaqilbuielek"
apparti ic cajt qed niehu gost li ganni interessa ruhui hafna u qed jibda jaqbad ghax ghax xitwa sajda sabiha ferm,u nixtieq jekk hawn xi hadd jispeccjalizza fija l imrejkba jikteb is sistemi li juza, mhemmx ghalfejn isemmi postijiet.ghax ghar rixa jew harpoon hawn hafna tajbin f dan il forum imma l imrejkba qisu ma tantx hawn min jistadha

i am afraid of ganni as i thought him all the secrets and he will get better than me, as he is  shrewd. well i deserve it as mum used to tell me to keep my mout shut.
joles apart its nice that ganni is interested as its a good way to fish in winter, and if there is anyone specialising in imrejkba please let us know about it, u dont have to mention places.there are lots of members who are good in trolling and or spearguns but it seems that no one fishes with the imrejkba
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ramio on December 02, 2008, 20:26:42 CET
Jien darba ghamilt wahda bil kons tal qieh. Kont xoghol sal 10 ta flaxija. Hadt lil missieri hdejn it torri ta qalet marku, u hattejna kollox. Hallejtu jarma kollox biex meta nasal 10.30 nibdew inkalaw.
Meta wasalt insibu fit trieq jistennini bil kons fidu. Kien iddejjaq jistenna, u peres li kien rih tajjeb u sod, iddecieda li jkala il kons tal qieh wahdu minajr dak tas sufri. Beda jilliska ic-ckal u jkala sunnara sunnara. Meta wasal nofsu kien diga beda jhoss xi kahli maqbud. Fdaqqa wahda jhoss gibda kbira li gibditu min kokka ghal mintulu. Biex ma jitlifx il kons baqa jzomm sod u tilef nofs il kons bl-imrejkba u il-hut.

wara din ma ergajtx ghamilt imrejkba ohra, izda bdejt newden fuq daghajsa biex immur ghal dik il huta.

Ir risq l-ahwa, hudu pjacir, mohkom hemm li ma tweggux, u ixbdu r-ritratti ha turuna.

i did one once. I was working till 10 pm. I took dad to Galet Marku tower and unloaded everything. Left him there to get things ready so that when i get back at 10.30 we could start fishing
When i got there i found him on the street waiting for me with the fishing line in his hands. He got fed up waiting and since it was quite windy he started fishing on his own.
he baited and hooks and started to fish, when midway he already felt fish on the line. At one instance he felt a heavy tug on the line that got him face down on the ground. in order no to lose the line he held on tight but he lost half of it complete with the imrejkba as well as the fish.
After this i never made another one, i was more decided on buying a boat to go get that fish.
Good luck guys, enjoy, keep ur eyes open no to get hurt, and please snap a lot of photos so that u show us
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: shanook on December 03, 2008, 17:27:56 CET
i am also interested in this type of fishing.... seen it being done from the cliffs for lampuki... not interested there as i am scared of those heights. but its a fun way of fishing i suppose especially as Dwardu says with good company a pkt of twistees and a can of beer
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 03, 2008, 19:15:36 CET
Shanook they dont use the imrejkba from the high cliffs it's quite impossible..they use it from lower points...
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: Aab131 on December 03, 2008, 19:28:29 CET
I saw them using the mrejkba from the cliffs of mtahleb. And approx I think there are 6/7 storeys height underneath. I was impressed seeing an old man ( ithink he was 75 years old) that stayed exactly at the edge for around 2 hrs. Just seeing him I was feeling dizzy. Imagine doing it.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: shanook on December 03, 2008, 19:34:29 CET
u got it right aab131.
Lapsiboy they use it from the cliffs and they catch fish as well. U should go one of these days its a bit late now but u might find someone still there. Ask Busu he will probably know if they are still fishing from there.

I was scared too aab131 seeing the fisherman right at the edge sitting down on the rockedge with their feet dangling down and lowering the mrejkba with lines. I had to move backwards and watch them from far off. Amazing what people do to fish.....
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: busumark on December 03, 2008, 20:03:34 CET
till last week they were still catching some nice lampuki from imtahleb
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 03, 2008, 20:35:00 CET
It could be..But what i mostly see is people fish from little cave/holes in the cliffs which they go down to by means of ropes ladder and passages and also the people that go from blata etc...From lapsi there are about 5 of the caves/holes i mentioned earlier..the only fishing i know that takes place from such heights is mtahleb where they cross an opening from side to side..Thats veru high ! im sure you'd reach terminal velocity if you where to fall off hehe ;)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: SPITEC on December 03, 2008, 23:14:22 CET
Yes they do fish with imrejkba from imtahleb[migna ferha] for sure,even I went once with mine.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: rammx on December 04, 2008, 08:08:02 CET
at mtahleb you can see these guys at 11.30pm  already in place so they reach the best fishing post of the cliffs in the morning!!!
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: sirena on December 04, 2008, 08:11:20 CET
YES i used to do there but it is practicaly impossible to reach a good spot it seems that they live there.......:(
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ganni on December 04, 2008, 15:31:23 CET
yes in fact some of them camp there. crazy stuff haha
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 04, 2008, 19:42:10 CET
True this summer ive been down there quite a bit...i slept there about 3 times...(in a room which is made by the fisherman) its public but i go there because i know 80% of the people there because people who they dont know i wouldnt recommend they sleep there because there are a couple of people who dont realy give a ''warm welcome'' hehe
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 04, 2008, 22:26:12 CET
Hey guys this wknd im hoping to go with the imrejkba for sargi...I need some help..where do you  think would be an idle place..about 4-5 fatoms deep
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ganni on December 04, 2008, 22:41:20 CET
If the wind will be NW as windfinder is saying i think cirkewwa wld be good. there is from 13-8m deep
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 06, 2008, 21:50:08 CET
Tommorow going to go to ghadira @ around 1 and spend a day fishing and launch the imrejkba at night 6-6.30..Guys that have an idea about this fishing method do you have any tips?? PLS a begginer at imrejkba ...i have bibi and tumbrell and will be fishing for sargi ...40 hooks...Wish me luck hehe will keep u posted...:) 10q..Spiru if you see this can you tell me from where i go it to go to that place you told me ? from the parking of the hotel or?
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 07, 2008, 23:06:44 CET
Ilum morna blimrejkba jien u Tutu ..alavolja ir rih sfidana ax ma bedix jonfoh (meta ma tridux jonfoh ..JONFOH !!..U meta tkun tridu...JORQOD!!) imma insoma harget min u min em izda sargu ma rajniex hehe...Fej kona nahseb ma kienx tyb daqsekk aliex em 4 gebliet il barra u nahseb naqa kbar u gili tehel xi sunnara..imma insoma addit ..Qbadna Grotlu lol 3 imrejjen u 3 skorfon..memx xtamel al darba ohra hehe...Izda ma qtajniex qalbna ax ada stess (ftit sijat ohra) al bahar ergajna hehe !!GENN TAL MOHH !
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ramio on December 08, 2008, 07:39:02 CET
Le mhux gen tal-mohh Lapsi boy, Dak hu id-delizzju. Trijd tibga tipprova avolja ma jkollokx rizultati tajbin, l'importanti li tiehu pjacir, u tirrispetta in-natura ta madwarek.
Kurzita, kif qieghdin tistadu, bil kons fil wicc, jew bdak tal qieh? Is-sargu mhux huta tal qieh?
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ganni on December 08, 2008, 11:21:18 CET
limrejkba haga oa ramio, il medda tal kont fil wicc tibqa tamel xtamel xorta jtellaghha ir rih!! ux vera spiru?? haha
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: spiru on December 08, 2008, 17:30:08 CET
hekk hu gann.jien nixtieq niltaqa ma xi hadd li jghid li jerqu il konz ta l imrejkba.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: spiru on December 08, 2008, 17:42:34 CET
tajjeb lapsi boy taqtax fatt li irnexxijlek tohroga ukoll tajjeb ghal l ewwel darba.Li qbadt l imrejjen sinjal li kont qed tistad fil fond it tajjeb.allura ma sibtx sargi imma darbohra twahhal wiehed ta.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: camkev on December 08, 2008, 22:27:56 CET
Jien kont immur ma wiehed l armier,konna immorru naqbdu id dud ta l alka,dejjem amilna sajdiet sbieh minn hemm.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 10, 2008, 21:53:15 CET
Alissa zgur minix ha naqta qalbi..Alavolja meta tmur u ma taqbatx tejd daqsekk hehe...imma malajr jerga jigi laptit..infatti ada stess andna imorru sac cirkewwa bil bibi ha niliska..Nisperaw li naqbdu imqar 4 sargi hehe! alinqas inkun nista nejd li huwa konz tas sargi ax sissa kollox hlief sargi qbat bih hehe...Hoping for the best al ada ux..
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 12, 2008, 17:58:59 CET
As sargi ilejla ha niprovaw imorru ic cirkewa alavolja addej duluvju barra issa niprovaw insibu ximkien al kenn ;) Nisperaw li mam morrux al xej :)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: fisheye on December 12, 2008, 18:08:18 CET
Ic-cirkewwa? :o b'dal Punent qawwi?? l-ghadira, Ix-Xemxijja jew San Pawl jew Il-Qawra taht ta fra ben forsi toqod, imma ic-cirkewwa ser tissogra triq ghal-xejn nahseb jien?  forsi sejjer zball ukoll.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ganni on December 12, 2008, 18:31:35 CET
adek ma tafux sewwa ir rih lapsi boy haha.

habib tmurx cirkewwa, bil punent qatt mhu tajjeb hemm!! punent ghal gol art jigi. hemm majestral tajjeb. u xorta illum kieku qed majestral ma toqodx ax ikun tiela fuq lart. attent habib, mohhok hemm
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 12, 2008, 18:45:44 CET
....=/ haq ar rih...gann fejn hu tajjeb bhal lum li jigi ir rih min wara ?? ax igenina biex imorru imma ma nafux fejnu tajjeb bdar rih ...taf xi post ganni?
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: Gazzetta on December 12, 2008, 18:51:30 CET

Chris  8)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: rammx on December 12, 2008, 19:49:04 CET
loool nice one :D
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: camkev on December 14, 2008, 22:53:13 CET
Jaqaw ma qbadt xejn lapsi boy?Ma semmejt xejn kif mort ??? ;D
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ganni on December 15, 2008, 08:24:05 CET
LOL kemm int nibxa kevin.  Imma nahseb ghandek ragun ta haha  ;D
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 15, 2008, 15:38:29 CET
Xej ma qbat ta ! u regajt mort u xorta ma qbat xej ! u ha nerga imur ;) ...
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: ramio on December 15, 2008, 20:52:12 CET
That's the spirit LapsiBoy, U hallijhom ha jinkeddu!!
Xi darba tigi tajba.

Good luck. Phalissa naqra busy, ghax kieku nigi naqra sa hdejk inzomlok kumpanija.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 15, 2008, 21:59:10 CET
Grazzi ramio!..meta trid ibatli pm nejdlek fej inkunu u ejja ..Your more then welcome :)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: matrix on December 17, 2008, 15:38:52 CET
LapsiBoy jiena u siehbi nidilettaw naqa blimrejkba, jekk jkollok bzonn xi haga tiddejjaq xejn u ibghatli.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 22, 2008, 16:22:22 CET
Ghal dawk li andom hjil...Il konz tas sargi blimrejkba fdan iz zmien tax xitwa fliema hin lahjar li tkalah, jien smajt li @9 tyb..ghax jghidu li jek tkalah kmieni inaqrulek il liska hut iehor u fosi is sargi dak il hin ikun lizjed attiv (ma nafx jin)...u haga ohra kem lahjar li thalih? isu 45mins-1 hour?..10q...
@spiru, Ghax majlux kont ed naqra il posts ta limrejkba u rajt ''nixtieq nara lil xi hadd li jerqu il konz''...Majlux mort ic cirkewwa blimrejkba u intqajt ma wiehed qali jin bla sufri namlu il konz u il frijaj jamilom twal qama wahda, qali li ihalih jizaqaq umbad il latz. Ifimni nahseb dan kien jara naqa kbir ghax qali li ikala 230 sunnara u ihali 4 tiqjim bejn kull sunnara..tahseb li possibli minajr sufri spir? jin nahseb li difficili ghax 1) Bdik il kwantita ta snanar etc jinzel kollu mal qih u jehel
2) Jekk ikollu zaq kbira hafna qas timxi limrejkba bit toqol...
Jien bhal ma diga etlek ma nifimx fdin is sajda (qieghed nitghalem).

(lapsi boy anki inti tara kbir hahaj bil gideb li tigdeb )
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: SPITEC on December 22, 2008, 16:35:18 CET
Jien dejjem tard kalajtu pero biex ikunu telqu ftit minn nies li jkun hemm.Jien qisu 45 mins inhallih wara li nkalah.Jekk issib xi snanar maqtuwajn ghid li l-lizz ghax kemm il-darba amilili c-cirkewwa.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 22, 2008, 16:40:19 CET
Tard kemm spitec?
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: SPITEC on December 22, 2008, 16:42:17 CET
10:30-11:00 mux ghax tamel differenza ta.
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: LapsiBoy on December 22, 2008, 16:45:22 CET
Ok, Just biex ikolli idea jien ta. ghax forsi ma jibqax imess wara certu hin ghalekk qieghed nistaqsi..imma la qieghed tejdli hekk ok ;)
Title: Re: Sajd Bl-imrejkba
Post by: camkev on December 24, 2008, 14:31:56 CET
Kif mort lapsi boy?Any luck ;D