Which is the best fish farm to do some fishing for something big ? And what type of bait are you using ? Thanks in advance and Happy new year to all of you.
the one outside birzebbugia the one on the outside. but u can get nice six=ze lampuki near fishfarms of bugibba
Went trolling yesterday around the ones of B Bugia. All i caught was a plamtu of about 2.5 kgs. Any ideas of how to catch anything bigger? Thanks
It's not the biggest fish that exist at our shores but still yet it's not bad neither. Yesterday after fishing for sawrell we trolled for around 2 hrs near the st.thomas fishfarms and not even a bite. Plus we also fished for plamti using cans and not a bite. What are u targeting then. If u want around 5miles out of mscala there are the tuna cages and till a week ago they were still catching nice sized kubrit between 10 / 15kgs. But take care of the weather because 5 miles are always alot if u get caught in rough weather.
A 2.5 kg fish is better than going out fishing for nothing as you did. I don't have any idea what is your boat but I dont mind getting caught in bad weather in mine. Anyway I hope you have better luck next time you go out !
just for curiosity Anglers what type and size of boat do u have??
A 22ft trophy 2102wa with a superb hull. you can see the pic of it in the gallery .
Ahh then ok, a 22ft boat is quite safe. I just have a 12ft one and for sure during this time of the year I am not going to go out far. Goodluck then. I have heard that they are catching them mostly not by trolling but on cans. The last time I went was around a month and half ago and I can advise that near 1 of the cages there was a big yellow buoy submerged around a 1/2m below sea level. Take care of it because if u pass over it then u will have trouble apart from normal ropes at the surface. Goodluck mate. ;)
Anglers your boat is my dream ;) I pass from next to it quite often to go and re fuel my boat in gzira and it is surely a nice boat and a great boat for fishing ;)
Maaaaaaa Bigboy, im dying of laughter!!
I think its the same boat that i told you that i was going to exchange for the kaptan we were using eh?? haha
yepp gann hahaj :P
Btw shaun said we would have made him happy looool
Thanks Bigboy. Personally I know you, but its been a long time since we last spoke to each other. Iam also from msida and I have a mooring next to your kaptan. At the moment I have a surfing board tied to the moorings, I also had an albatros380 with a yamaha 9.9 converted to 15 which I sold to Viper which is also from msida. Currently I done a big job on my wooden frejgatina which is 12 ft long and has an inboard engine which I hope i get down in msida in march. Regarding the trophy I can tell you it was my boat dream for some years and finally it came true. It costed me alot of money but believe me it is worth every single penny. One of it best features is that it has a big livewell where you can always keep your bait alive. I do alot of trolling and most of the time I go out on my own or with my father which is the man that got me into fishing. He used to be a part time fisherman and I was always into boats. My father and I changed a lot of boats and caught plenty of fish but to tell you the truth I find the trophy as the best boat we ever had. We had a 23ft luzzu with 3 engines ,very nice boat but not a fast boat, a 35ft Princess with two volvos, very safe but very expensive to keep. I had a 27ft Chris Craft (wooden) with 2 engines but a lot of maintenance, we had a 20ft ranieri with a 140 2 stroke yamaha but then it got very expensive to go out trolling with it as fuel got up, then I bought the albatross 380 but I found out that it wasnt really sea worthy especially when I used to go down close to filfla.When the sea there gets bad it does get bad so I sold that and got a 15ft rubber dinghy with a mercury 9.9 4 stroke and the same thing happend when I used to get caught in bad weather . Then I decided to get the trophy which I had it for about 4 months now and believe me I cant get enough from it. I am in love wiyh that boat. The rubber dinghy I would like to sell and the frejgatina I keep it as a sentimental because my father had orderd it for himself about 40 years ago.
Nice fishing to all and please if the catch is small put the fish back in the water, maybe we can get it when it gets bigger..
Then you are a neighbor hehe. I have an idea of you then..
Cyu mate. If you are ever in msida and need anything just tell me ;) If i can help i surely will
Thnks bigboy, if you ever see me on the boat you are always welcome to come over and come for a ride with me.
10x very much mate ;)
when you say fishing with cans is better what is the can tecnique all about.
pupu instead of using a rod and reel u hook up the bait and tie ur line to a 5 or 10 ltr can and when the fish bites the can does the work of a float and tires the fish...........
Still, if you've got the gear nothing beats the sound of a reel going off and the fight!
AMEN to that brother .........
Angler why don't you put up for us a picture of that dinghi with some details and price for us who may be interested in buying.