Guys do you know where one can spin for sea bass ??
Am quite green in spining and never caught one.
thanks very much boys ;)
why not try ghajn tuffieha ??? ;)
yeah sure rammx hahaha
mabye cadwick lakes ?
No bigboy rammx is right mate!!! ghajn tuffieha is good ;)
i thought he was jokin mate ;) as for when we went beach casting there we did not get any strikes lol.
A long time ago when i was 11 years old i had span with a spinner there (ma kontx naf xinu spinning just ekk nitnejku) and a large sea bass had chased my spinner
Never been beach casting there but definitly its good for sea bass mate!
That being said i haven't been spinning there for a while now but i was talking to Simong when we all met up earlier this month @ zeta & he said it's still productive there ;D
Im going to go give it try some time soon too after the festi :)
what would be a suitable lure for seabass martin ?
Ive done well with red head crystal minnows in the past & also those soft plastic/rubber lures that look like fish which have a small weight in them are pretty good too!
To work them you kind of bounce them on & off the sea bed on retrieval (they have a single hook in them which is tuned upwards so as not to hook the bottom)
Also i had a lure similar in shape to an x-rap which was jointed (2 peices) which was very fact i lost it on a big sea bass last time i went for them.
So i guess those 'new' jointed x-raps Mr Fish has might work well too.
10x very much martin ;)
NP mate good luck with the bass :)
check this out guys ...... it might be interesting for you
Those are Large mouth bass they are fished in fresh water my friend.Today I saw a huge sea bass it was 2.5-3 kg for sure.
I like that frog like lure .... it seems to be very effective.
lots for sale on ebay, just been looking, strange looking things, but i guess they must work.
Mates I don't know if they work but I must say that in fresh water maybe fish are used to see frogs so they can find them to eat them but in our waters you never see any frogs exept at Chadwick Lakes!