Pruvajna naqa jin u placebo illum imma no luck !!
Btw klamar jamel al jigs ukoll, confirmed it today :P
Chris 8)
ada sejer niprova inaha ta fuq ta malta naraw xgej hehe
Yesterday tryed my luck with jiging close to the outer fish farms but nothing
What set up were you using Fisheye. Particularily curious about rod length and which style of jigging you are using. Long stroke with a constantly reeling in or the crank/jerk method?
I was using a 60 pounder, 6ft shakspear rod with a Tica Cybernetic reel filled with 50 lb braid. I used a 6ft 16kg/0.35mm mono leader tight to a 150gr Grauvell metal jigging lure with 2 assisting hooks. The method I used is giving long strokes upwards than give few seconds for the lure to dive back and reel up 3 to 6 meters. repeating this until I could see the lure beneth the boat. When you let the lure dives freely it goes from side to side with a smooth and nice action.
Ps I have very few experiance in this kind of fishing and I try buy tackle that can be used for more than one type of fishing. Cant afford to have a rod and reel for every type of fishing that I practice, I wish too but just can't :-[ :-\.
Not familar with the rod, is it a jigging rod? I ask because the construction of the blank, the way it can bend and also the tip sensitivity are all paramount, otherwise you are not transmitting the right action to your lure and it will not work as intended.
I understand what you mean about the different tackle, but from what I've read the rod is the most important thing in jigging
actually it is not a jigging rod. It is a rod that I use for deep botom fishing and as you well said it will make a lot of differance in the way the lure performs. So I guess somwhere in my expensive shopping plans there is a proper jigging rod but still don't know what, when or which buying yet. Untill than I will give few tries here and than with what I have. Gone is the time when we used to fish and catch decent fish with whatever we used to have at hand. The first lure I had at the age of 13 was a home made hammered piece of ss spoon with a trebble hook attached to it and I used to catch nice sizes Cerviol and sawrell with it from inside Marsa Xlokk Harbour. ;D ;D
Mister Fish has some well priced Shimano Jigging Rods coming in a few weeks.
First time jigging, landed 27 Amberjack between 1.0 - 1.2kgs, one rod, 3 guys, 70 minutes :)
Tried out some Maria Blue Flame 150g jigs this weekend with SimonG and his friend and can report they were extremely good at attracting 1.2kgs Amberjacks (or are they called large Cerviol at that size?). Had it rigged with two short Maria assist hooks as couldn't find one short and one long and they worked extremely well. We even had a double hookup more than once, though we only landed one.
We went out to test the engine but stopped to try our beginners luck at jigging......the result in onlt 70mins of jigging with one rod was 27 Amberjack of between 1-1.2kgs each....we lost around 6, and relased 2 that were maybe 600g to live to fight another day. Only reason we headed in was because I had to go to a family lunch (sod's law!!)
I was recommended to put some coats of lacquer (clear nail polish) to help protect the jig as you could see where it had been attacked. I didn't have time to do it but I definately will for next time.
I have now bought several more of the 150g and some 210g Blue Flames, new stock just arrived at Misterfish, along with some 150g Eva Jigs from Ta' Bormla.
Was a great start to my jigging experience and I'm totally hooked
These are knife type jigs by the way which have a very nice movement in the water, but just like trolling lures where I have amassed quite a collection would be good to hear everyone recommendations of the jigs they are finding good......and price/build quality.
The 150g Blue Flames are ?18.99 each unrigged, they definately need lacquer as the holographic effect is a sticker not paint which is disappointing to see for a jig at this price, but I guess one can't paint the holographic silver effect, whereas the Eva's were around ?15 if I remember correctly and are all painted.
Well done skip :)
Wow i myself have spent like 40 hours of jigging over a period of months and all i got was 5 fish 1-2 kg range.(also a lot of lizard fish but they don't count).
wow great stuff skip! never heard of anyone with such a good catch before! Well done!
Nice one skip & co :) two thumbs up!! ;D 8)
Always great feeling when you try something new & it all comes together! 8)
those 70 minutes are better than a 1000? holiday !!!
10x 4 sharing skip welldone!!
Wow....that's great Skip! Most probably you were taken to a "Spot on" place.... :-)
Wow well done nice catches.
nice one skip!!!
well done skip! :)
Nicely done skip ;) If i where you try some big jigs maybe yo catch their grandmother ;)
Well done skip . proset
Well done guys! Amazing catch in just 70mins.
We stumbled upon the spot together, me SimonG and his friend Garreth.....this time the fishfinder wasn't said fish below and it was right :)
Well done mate we are envious. So u are now a jigging with a dentex exterminator eh
Very impressive Nick! All of us with boats still undergoing maintenance on the hard are truly envious!
Prosit Skip. Hope you will have a repeat
Well done Skip :)
prosit skip
well done skip the place where to go is the most important. does the name of the fishfinder begins with S. ;) ;)
good one eh! prosit Skip ........... lucky
Quote from: busumark on May 07, 2009, 21:17:52 CET
well done skip the place where to go is the most important. does the name of the fishfinder begins with S. ;) ;)
S had some ideas but this time I would say it was all Lowrance's work :)
sometimes i think the fishfinder really marks the fish. very good catch
Prosit Skip.. :) Well Done..
welldone Skip and Simon and thanks for sharing :o
What did they share ? :)
gps points you missed them ! :P
nahseb... illum qabel ghada jatik il gps points..... kemm hsibtu fidil....
This was all an issue of persevering.
Well done guys
well sharing can have its own problems. after skip shared his jigging experience with me NEFFAQNI ?101 U SA LLUM GHADNI QED NORQOD FIL-PARAPETT!!!!
Went out jigging again today with a friend for what should have been a good day's fishing as the forecast wasn't showing much of a wind! Whilst calm close to shore, there was a big current and the wind was moving around quite a bit.
We did find some sheltered areas but always with a considerable current which is no good for vertical jigging, or wind which would just push the boat out of position.
We ended up with a 4kgs Dentex which was caught by my friend, and then we caught another 4 of the small Acciola's which again I think you guys call Cerviol as opposed to baby amberjack.
One observation was that the bite wasn't hot today at least in the North of the island.....the fish were there according to the finder, but they weren't feeding even with the aggresive motion from a jig.
Quote from: BIKRI on May 08, 2009, 16:29:38 CET
well sharing can have its own problems. after skip shared his jigging experience with me NEFFAQNI ?101 U SA LLUM GHADNI QED NORQOD FIL-PARAPETT!!!!
no prob bikri, if you want I can buy them from you at half price ;) maybe start sleeping in the INTRATA
Tajba ! ;D ;D
just now i saw the catch. Nice job. Andy told me about it but seeing action on youtube is nicer
hey Emic, that was a good one..... ;D
Seems the AJ's are around again :) Unfotunatly i had a big one cut me off yesterday just as i was about to gaff it after a 3/4hr struggle.. >:( >:(
At least i got a look at it though,as i would have been really p***ed off if i didn't..although i guessed it was probably a decent AJ as its like hooking into a bolting horse!!
Never mind!!! ::) Next time......
Were you jigging or spinning and from shore or from boat.....? What would you reckon was the approx size Martin?
Was spinning from the shore with a metal spinner close to the kind of spin-jigging i guess :D
Was about the same size as the one i caught last year so around SUCKS to lose it right at the last minute..but on the other hand it beats the hell out of no bite's at all!
I reckon i must have had a fray in my mono leader (main line is powerpro braid) as it cut just a bit below the uni to uni knot connecting to the braid.
Hard luck Martin but at least you got a good bite and passed some good time fighting a very nice sized fish and what a fish an Aj.Better luck next time mate.
Thanks hindsight i was a bit at fault,as i really should have checked my leader before i started fishing..definetly will do in the future though ::) :) !
today tried some jigging for about an hour or so near a fish farm at St.Paul's Bay. At one point, an acciola surfaced with the jig about 4 -5mtrs from the surface. Am sure was about 7 kilos plus but was only inquisitive and glided slowly back diagonally down. Being new to jigging I think I was not aggresive enough with the jig, or the fish was not in great appetite (being near a fish farm) or it was possibly too late (abt 7 pm) or maybe it was too shallow to jig (25 - 30 mtrs)...... any expert advise?...skip!
Welcome to the at times frustrating world of jigging!!
If they're not in a biting mood it can be very frustrating......especially with acciola. I'm not sure if it's the time, current, wind etc or that there's lots of food around but they just don't bite. I also wonder whether if you can see them, they won't bite either!
Changing your jigging motion or even jig might have helped to entice the bite but sometimes they just don't want to know.
I keep meaning to have some chum out with me to see whether that would entice them.
25-30m is fine in general, we've hooked up in 12m of water though its a pain in the ass to jig so shallow.
I haven't sorted out my reel after losing 170m of expensive depth finder braid due to rod tip failure....the top ceramic guide appears to have cracked on the down drop and then as soon as I started my first jig it cut the line. I was so shocked I just stood there trying to figure out what the hell had happened....had I been quicker I might have been in time to jump in and grab the line before it sank!
.... thanks for yout info... but actually even though I didn't get a strike or anything, I really enjoyed myself as it was hassle free, easy and the fact that you have a chance of a strike guess makes the whole thing a satsifying the end this is an integral part of fishing....i.e. waiting, fishing, fishing, waiting, anticipating - all with the chance of a strike / hook.. what a clever fish that is. Its not the first time when fishing for vopi an acciola comes all the way up to the surface practically touching the vopa. We used to hook the live vopa on a bigger hook and throe it back in with other vopi that we had caught maybe having 6 in all. The acciola used to come up eat all the other 5 and stay looking at the one with the hook.........very intelligent more than kahli i suppose..........
i had a friend that somehow used to catch acciol but he never disclosed his secret ........
oh well as long as u enjoyed urself steve its ok.
Steve, 2 weeks ago I managed to hook 3 AJs on Jigging in the area you are mentioning. Unfortunately, I lost all 3 of them, but as Martin said, beats the hell out of no bites at all. The first one was small, around 2kgs, lost it as I did the mistake of putting a swivel between the leader and the braid. Had 5m of braid, so as soon as the swivel got stuck on the rod, she did some twist and got away. 5 minutes later I hooked a 4-5kgs AJ, had no idea what kind of fight an AJ of that size could do! My experience with 5kg fish (Such as Alongi) was tame next to that! Fought the fish for 2-3 minutes but did the mistake of trying to have it in the boat ASAP! When I got it close to the boat she was like a cat locked in a hot oven, needless to say I lost it. That day I drove back home with tears in my eyes, but happy with experience! A couple of days later I lost another, like Martin, I probably had scratch on the leader. Didn't manage to see one. My experience is that the jigging action needs to be very particular for the AJ. I think time will teach you! However on certain days they want, on others they don't. The best times were early morning and late afternoon. On one occasion I had an AJ following up the jig , I could literally harpoon it from the boat If I could, that one was around 7kgs!
Ciappinu, pity for the catch ???
But try to keep a cop on the boat. I have a big triangular folding up cop.
It helps to bring in some nice AJ's
.... I had cop plus ganc kieku.......
this week came back from a week stay at gozo. tried bottom fishing and trolling which proved to be quite poor. >:(
one morning did a session of jigging and i managed to land a 12-15kg aj with the help of my brother and uncle. It gave a powerful fight always aiming towards the bottom taking at least 100m of braid with it.
well, after 15min it came to the surface completely exhausted and then it was up to my brother to gaff it and land it in the boat. ;D
it gave us an amazing experience which we will remember until the next one arrives!! ;D :-* :D :o ;D
Big well done mate !!! Seems jigging is getting better hehe
Chris 8)
Well done Kris and the co-ordinates were??:)PPPPPPP
prosit man :)
Well done - thats my next dream :)
Nice one Kris
thanks boys :D
it was ages since i caught something decent and finally it arrived ;D
well what can i tell you... was in gozo :P north east area, long strokes, 150gr lure (really shiny), and most important of all find structures underwater...was in 50 metres.
0.35mm braid attached directly to a shock leader of 50lbs which in turn was attached to the jig.
i cannot be more clear than this eh :P
I think u said MORE than enough mate.........nobody expects u to give places, although we always ask........:)p......
ye ye i know shanook, but well it is not my area so it does not matter that much if i say where i was and what tackle i used. glad to help where i can. but if you are in a place take attracts aj's, u must be at the right place in the right time to be successful. ;D
well done chris very nice fish
Prosit Kris very nice fish!! And as shanook mentioned a very clever and hard fighting fish to land! I was suprised such a fish only did 15mins fighting! However ive never caught one jigging so im guessing a 150g lure would slow it down more than a smaller 40g lure!
But as you said, that first initial pull when they dive straight for the bottom is still awesome (esp. from a shore fishing point of view) whichever method you use to catch 'em
Tight lines mate & hope you catch many more! 8)
thanks again guys :D
@ moonwalker keep persisting and it will come ;)
@ martin : first of all thanks for your comment :)
i was using an okuma salina sa 65 reel which when spooled with braid and mounted on a good quality rod they can deliver an exceptionally powerfull drag which with any ordinary reel would be impossible to achieve.
the amount of drag i set was such powerful that it was dragging the boat after it to some extent, and still it was taking line as it was nothing!! do this i must add that the aj gave its complete full from the very 1st minute to the very last until it was comletely exhausted to come up to the boat like a tame kitten.
it was so furious when it saw the boat that it sprinted back to bottom taking again with it at least another 50 metres of braid. a small trick i learnt from a full time fishermen is to turn off the motor to less alarm the fish...altough at some point we had to turn the boat a couple of times as the aj was diving under and around the boat.
well what can i gave an amazing experience that i will surely remember for a very long time ;D
U still feel the rush of the catch eh will take time to wear off i assure u and treasure it as u never know when u make another catch like that. hopefully if the Pariti are finally banned from Malta we will start catching some nice fish in time. BUT that is still a long way off......
great achievement my friend.
how was the Salina 65?
Great catch Kris!
I've only been jigging twice and only caught a tracna and a skalma. Nonetheless, it's a nice feeling when you suddenly get a pull on the line. I was using a light boat rod which i guess would buckle with anything bigger than 5kg. Any recommendations on a decent, reasonably priced rod which is less than 400gms? In one fishing shop I noticed that most start prices around the ?100.
Try fishing frenzy at m,scala bypass. Mark has good rods at ?40.
Thanks Joe, i'll take a look there. That sounds more in the price range for a novice jigger like me!